2017-07-24 本文已影响0人
Serving the real economy is the bounden duty and purpose of the financial sector and the fundamental way to guard against financial risks.
China will set up a committee under the State Council to oversee financial stability and development and the central bank will play a stronger role in macro prudential management and guarding against systemic risks.
“共享床铺”(shared sleep cabin)是一个长约2米、宽约1米的外形类似太空舱的睡眠舱(sleep capsule),正确的叫法是“共享自助休息舱”,舱内可调节灯光,还配备USB接口、充电口、免费Wi-Fi、插座等,有小型换气扇,但没有空调。
H1 economic data
- Data shows China's economy has shown strong momentum for the first half of the year, with GDP expanding at higher-than-expected 6.9% year-on-year, paving ways for the country to strengthen reforms.
统计局17日公布了我国今年上半年经济数据。数据显示,上半年中国经济展现出强劲动力,国内生产总值同比增长6.9%,超出预期,为我国深入改革铺平了道路。 - 宏观调控 macroeconomic maneuver
- 控制债务规模 control the debt level
dark web
- The US Justice Department said Thursday that the world's largest dark web marketeplace, AlphaBay, has been shut down. The crackdown coincided with efforts by Dutch law enforcement to take down Hansa, the world's third largest criminal marketplace on the dark web.
美国司法部20日称,世界最大暗网市场AlphaBay已被关闭。与此同时,荷兰执法者关闭了全球第三大暗网犯罪市场Hansa。 - 执法机构 law enforcement agency
- 跨国犯罪组织 transnational criminal organization