借朋友一本Spirit Guide 快两年了,终于下定决心在明天阅读完毕和归还。
Life on this plane is harder than was intended.We originally came armed with much more awareness that is now the case .We could play games here with much more alacrity,excitmenet,cheerfulness and a lot more knowingness than we alllow our selves today.We could conscioulsy travel into one dimension or another at will while still relating to the symbols of this universe-much as one is able to think in more than one language,once a seconed is learned.We communicated freely with other species-animals and plants.Our viewpoints were much more varied.
now in order to play the agme here one must put blinders on and veil the sense so as to be able to agree to it at all.Generations by generations,people began to forget and forget.Viewpoints became more and more fixed on this universe and its symbols.
in like manner,we need to ;earn the same kinds of lessons all through life,seeing things as they really are rather than coming to very negative conclusions.We often forget to look and see where the magic really lies; in our won emotions,actions,awareness's, view points and in our own causing.
We are here for the plaing game of the game of life in physical form.
We are here to learn how to create with thought and emotions.
We are here to learn how to create responsibly-our lives,our relationships, our fulfillment of peronal and spiritua growth.We are here to learn afin that we are a part of ALL There Is.
We are aprt of all creation on every dimension, world or universe.We are invovled with all of life and all of creation on every plance of existence.
When the student is ready,the teacher will bethere.
The aim is to help all beings grow and expand in awareness.This is the way to win the game.Everyone will become enlightened.
In Fact,everything we do is part of growing.There is no other game.Everything we do is piritual,no matter how it seems.
In order for tthis world to flfill itself,we must interact tgether forming a full circle of reality- a great balletof spirit and experience,choreographed perfectedly to afford each of us a starring role in the game of life.
Laughter---One truth about being is that when we decide to take something seriously(such as universe),we go all the way and do we ever take it seriously.
The more seriously we take our game,the harder it si to realize our goals.
life and realtionships are not always easy.
While our purposes may seem to be the helping of others,we can first understand the part our own growth plays in this purpsoe.
We are here to experience ,Not to Judge
Our games reflect the extent of our curiosiities and no games us "better " than another.Each individual is doing the best the best he or she can do in any given sitaution or scenario, and the attaining goals through our games is the basis of all our games.
Our being here has importance to the whole net work of life there .Each is auured and is part of the whole third dimensional experience.
The awareness of the conenction to ALL is begins with the awareness of the connection to any part of it.
Oneness is experienced from within.(feelings)Oneness live within.In order to experience and understnad oneness one can look within and find the common reality with we all share.
we can not but know ourslves.
The true appreciation of the spirit within each personality over and above any social idea or action takes us into a new dimension of understanding.
The spirit world isn't place but a multiplicty of view points.
The inner beingness contains the totality of all experience and growth.
In our sleep and reverie time we are communicating with our friends freely.The more we communciate with our guides ,the more often we experience periods of growth and enlightment.We can not lose our guides.Yourself as guide and facets of the self.
Once we know,we can never again not know.
All we have thought of as adventure in this world pales beside the most exciting adventure of all: our return to Real reality。