

2019-08-07  本文已影响2人  周柯楠


Two Benefits if Cooperating, and Two Losses if Fighting

1. 中国愿意把自身的发展同周边国家的发展更紧密地结合起来,欢迎周边国家搭乘中国发展的“便车”,让中国发展成果更多惠及周边,让大家一起过上好日子。

China is willing to integrate our own development more closely with that of the neighboring countries.We welcome the neighboring countries to take the "free ride" of China's development, so that the achievements of China's development can benefit the neighboring countries and make everyone enjoy a good life together.

(integrate ['ɪntɪɡreɪt] (使)结合。)

2. 美方升级贸易摩擦不符合中美两国人民的利益。

It is not in the interests of the  people of China and the US for the latter to escalate trade frictions.

(escalate ['eskəleɪt] 升级;

friction [ˋfrɪkʃən] 摩擦,冲突。)


The Chinese side has always believed that there are no winners in the trade war. We don’t want to fight a trade war,and nor do we fear to fight, but we have to fight if necessary.


It is hoped that the US side will correct its mistakes in a timely manner, resolve the problem on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and return to the right track.

(equality ['iːkwəli] 平等;

mutual ['mjuːtʃuəl] 相互的。)

3. 中国一开始希望同美方达成贸易协议,并非出于怯懦,而是秉持“合则两利,斗则双输”理念。

At the beginning,China hoped to reach a trade agreement with the United States, not out of cowardice, but adhering to the concept of "two benefits if cooperating,and two losses if fighting”.

(cowardice ['kaʊədɪs] 怯懦;

adhere [ədˈhɪə] 坚持,信守。)


But again and again the United States has gone back on its promises ,in return for China's increasingly effective countermeasures.

(countermeasure ['kaʊntəmeʒə] 反制措施,对策。)


