TED21天团-预习-21-What makes a good

2017-05-21  本文已影响118人  DE8UG

Day21-What makes a good life?


单词  词性  解释
millennial  n.  千禧一代
downright   adj.    完全的,彻底的
exceedingly adv.    非常地,极其的
dries up    v.  干涸,枯竭
persistence n.  坚持,毅力
sophomore   n.  大二学生
serve   v.  服役
tenement    n.  出租的住宅
all walks of   life n.  各行各业
bricklayer  n.  砖匠
schizophrenia   n.  精神分裂症
draw their   blood  v.  抽血
period  n.  句号,结束
kill    v.  扼杀,伤害
midst   n.  中间,当中
so to speak         可以说
cholesterol n.  胆固醇
buffer  v.  缓冲
slings and   arrows n.  吊索和箭头,表示明枪暗箭,坎坷挫折
count on    v.  指望,依靠
sharp   adj.    敏锐的
bicker  v.  斗嘴
take a toll         造成负面影响
as old as the   hills           非常老,旧,古老
fare    v.  进展,遭遇
lean in v.  倚靠,主动倾斜
liven up    v.  提升活力
stale   v.  不新鲜
all-too-common  adj.    太常见,普遍
feuds   n.  长期的不和,世仇
hold the   grudges          怀恨在心,记仇
so to speak         



今天主要练习结束(位置:7:37),注意停顿。 不认识的单词一定要查带发音的字典。

I'd like to close with a quote from Mark Twain. More than a century ago, he was looking back on his life, and he wrote this: "There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that."

The good life is built with good relationships.

Thank you.

  1. 学习复盘作业(必做)


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