

Our friendship really begins with your begging me in a most pathetic and charming letter to assist you in a position appalling to anyone, doubly so to a young man at Oxford: I do so.
You send me a very nice poem, of the undergraduate school of verse. I reply by a letter of fantastic literary conceits like a passage from one of Shakespeare's sonnets, transposed to a minor key. It can only be understood by those who have read the Symposium of Plato. It was, let me say frankly, the sort of letter I would write to any graceful young man of either University who had sent me a poem of his own making, certain that he would have sufficient wit or culture to interpret rightly its fantastic phrases.

Look at the history of that letter!
It passes from you into the hands of a loath some companion: from him to a gang of blackmailers: copies of it are sent about London to my friends, and to the manager of the theater where my work is being performed: every construction but the right one is put on it.
This forms the basis of your father's worst attack. I produce the original myself in Court to show what it really is: it is denounced by your father's Counsel as a revolting and insidious attempt to corrupt innocence: it forms part of a criminal charge. The Judge sums up on it with little learning and much morality. I go to prison for it. That is the result of writing you a charming letter.

But, I need not go on with instances of the stange Doom you seem to brought on me in all things big or little. Of course you had your illusions, lived in them indeed. You thought, that your devoting yourself to me, to the entire exclusion of your family, was a proof of your wonderful appreciation of me.
You thought that in sending a lawyer's letter to your father to say that, rather than sever your eternal friendship with me, you would give up the allowance of that making you, you were realising the very chivalry of friendship. But your surrender of your little allowance did not mean that you were ready to give up even one of your most super fluousluxuries, or was merely a pretence of bravado gave you a plausible reason to live at my expense.
You thought again that in attacking your own father with dreadful letters, abusive telegrams, and insulting postcards you were fighting your mother's battles, avenging the no doubt terrible wrongs and sufferings of her married life.

It was an illusion, one of your worst.
The way for you to avenged your mother's wrongs was by being a better son to your mother: by not making her afraid to speak to you, by not signing bills the payment of which devolved on her; by being gentler to her, and not bringing sorrow into her days.
I also had my illusions. I thought life was going to be a brilliant comedy, and that you were to be one of many graceful figures in it.
The Pall Mall Gazette, describing the dress-rehearsal of one of my plays, spoke of you as following me about like a shadow.
The memory of our friendship is the shadow that walks with me here, it follows me into the prison-yard and makes me talk to myself as I tramp around; each detail each dreadful moment I am forced to recall: every strained note of your voice, every twitch of your nervous hands, every bitter word, every poisonous phrase.
There is, I know, one answer to all that I have said. You loved me. Yes I know you did. No matter what your conduct to me was I always felt that at heart you really did love me.

———\ 一丝怪念组合🤩🤗