
A Brief Guidance of Human Relati

2018-05-30  本文已影响4人  16谢亚辰
A Brief Guidance of Human Relation(part 2)

it's an unfortunate accident,i lost my How to Win Friends and Influence People.I brought it with me to class for break time reading then forgot to put it back in my bag when leaving. So now it seems impossible to keep the same literal structure as my last brief introduction because i need to constantly review each chapter while writing a passable lecturer. So the Part 2 will be some thoughts and gains of mine obtained from this touchful book.

While growing up,scolds and screams were what i received the most frequently from my parents. Everytime the breaking of a china bowl,the unwillingness of going to bed at 9pm and trivial matters like these would bring me the most cruel comments a child could ever heard——or any of you could ever heard during your entire life span.This had caused me a life-time effect.I can still remember even when i was in 10 grade,a commonplace calling of my name by my mother would bring me a freezing quiver in the mid of summer though i had been behaving myself perfectly well. I'm just subconsciously “afraid” of and not willing to get close to my patents.It lasts till now.Though i uterly understand that my parents have given me every bit of love they can offer,i can't treat them like they had never done anything wrong on my education,let along a childhood full of dread conducted by the maybe the closest people of mine.I can love them,can give back what they had given me,but i can never be close to them,and will never.

On the contrary,my grandma was the only sunshine shined on my dreadful childhood.She never scolded,was always supportive and always gave me the warmest smile even I'd committed some “unforgivable” problems. From her i learned confidence,learned that i was actually loved.I confess that i love her more than my parents.She was the softest part of my heart and she will continue to be.

What's the matter of my parents or grandmother with this book?Well,to me,to my understanding of this book,it matters a lot.

To those who is struggling with human relation,my parents are exactly a epitome of how they treat their friends,colleagues,acquaintances and even family——but in a mild way(I'm not saying they scold or scream at others,it just reflects the setting minds of their basic relation logic——lavishing more scolds than critics,more requires than understanding,more cold faces than sincere smiles——and at the same time hoping people will like them naturally as they breathe.).And my grandma is exactly who this book teaches you to be.

I had already had a perfect teacher in life but I'd never noticed even when there was an apparent object one.

My grandma never received any education,but she naturally knew the golden rules of human relation.We may not be a natural relation master like what she was,but we can start to be since we  arrange some time for How to Win Friends and Influence People.

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