Quick Tip #8: Perl 6 sets
2016-11-26 本文已影响7人
Quick Tip #8: Perl 6 sets
Set – a collection of unique thingys
Bag - a collection of unique thingys,but weighted for the count of the number of times something is put the bag
Mix - a bag that allows fractional weights
这些是不可变类型。一旦生成就不可变了。每一个都有一个 Hash 版本以允许你更改成员, 但是我会忽略这些。
$ perl6
> my $set = set( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
set(4, 3, 1, 2)
> 4 ∈ $set # member of
> 5 ∈ $set # member of
> 5 ∉ $set # not member of
> set( 2, 3 ) ⊆ $set # subset of
> set( 2, 6 ) ⊆ $set # subset of
集合是一种更自然的查看一个值是否存在于一个值的列表中的方式。你可能每一个哈希和使用 :exists
来检查键,但集合会这样做(尽管那就是 Perl 6 集合现在在幕后为你所做的):
my $set = set( <a b c d> );
my $item = 'h';
say "$item is in set" if $item ∈ $set;
Perl 6拥有将两个列表转换为集合的操作符:
$ perl6
> ( 1, 2, 3 ) ∪ ( 4, 5 ) # 并集
set(5, 4, 3, 1, 2)
> ( 1, 2, 4 ) ∩ ( 1, 2, 3 ) # 交集
set(1, 2)
> ( 1, 2, 4 ) ∖ ( 1, 2, 3 ) # 差集
> ( 1, 2, 4 ) ⊖ ( 1, 2, 3 ) # 对称差分
set(4, 3)
到目前为止,我使用了你在集合数学中看到的奇怪的 Unicode 字符,但每个都有德克萨斯(ASCII)版本:
Texas Fancy Codepoint (hex) Operation
(elem) ∈ U+2208 member of, $a ∈ $set or $a (elem) $set
!(elem) ∉ U+2209 not a member of, $a ∉ $set or $a !(elem) $set
(cont) ∋ U+220B contains,
!(cont) ∌ U+220C does not contain
(<=) ⊆ U+2286 subset of or equal to,
!(<=) ⊈ U+2288 not subset of nor equal to,
(<) ⊂ U+2282 subset of
!(<) ⊄ U+2284 not subset of
(>=) ⊇ U+2287 superset of or equal to,
!(>=) ⊉ U+2289 not superset of nor equal to,
(>) ⊃ U+2283 superset of
!(>) ⊅ U+2285 not superset of
(<+) ≼ U+227C baggy subset
!(>+) ≽ U+227D not baggy subset
Texas Fancy Codepoint (hex) Operation
(|) ∪ U+222A union
(&) ∩ U+2229 intersection
(-) ∖ U+2216 difference
(^) ⊖ U+2296 symmetric difference
(.) ⊍ U+228D baggy multiplication
(+) ⊎ U+228E baggy addition