

2020-03-21  本文已影响0人  daisy境界的彼方


L34-1:A happy discovery

Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors. No one discovers a rarity by chance. A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it. To do this, he must be at least as knowledgeable as the dealer. Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.

/ænˈtik/ /ʃɑps/ /ɪgˈzɜrt/ /ə/ /pəˈkjuljər/ /ˌfæsəˈneɪʃən/ /ɑn/ /ə/ /greɪt/ /ˈmɛni/ /ˈpipəl/. /ðə/ /mɔr/ /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ /kaɪnd/ /ʌv/ /ænˈtik/ /ʃɑp/ /wɛr/ /rɛr/ /ˈɑbʤɛkts/ /ɑr/ /ˈbjutəfli/ /dɪˈspleɪd/ /ɪn/ /glæs/ /ˈkeɪsəz/ /tu/ /kip/ /ðɛm/ /fri/ /frʌm/ /dʌst/ /ɪz/ /ˈjuʒəwəli/ /ə/ /fərˈbɪdɪŋ/ /pleɪs/. /bʌt/ /noʊ/ /wʌn/ /hæz/ /tu/ /ˈmʌstər/ /ʌp/ /ˈkɜrəʤ/ /tu/ /ˈɛntər/ /ə/ /lɛs/ /priˈtɛnʃəs/ /ænˈtik/ /ʃɑp/. /ðɛr/ /ɪz/ /ˈɔlˌweɪz/ /hoʊp/ /ðæt/ /ɪn/ /ɪts/ /ˈlæbəˌrɪnθ/ /ʌv/ /ˈmʌsti/, /dɑrk/, /dɪˈsɔrdərd/ /rumz/ /ə/ /riəl/ /ˈrɛrəti/ /wɪl/ /bi/ /faʊnd/ /əˈmʌŋst/ /ðə/ /paɪlz/ /ʌv/ /əˈsɔrtɪd/ /ʤʌŋk/ /ðæt/ /ˈlɪtər/ /ðə/ /flɔrz/. /noʊ/ /wʌn/ /dɪˈskʌvərz/ /ə/ /ˈrɛrəti/ /baɪ/ /ʧæns/. /ə/ /ˈtruli/ /ˈdɛdəkeɪtəd/ /ˈbɑrgən/ /ˈhʌntər/ /mʌst/ /hæv/ /ˈpeɪʃəns/, /ænd/ /əˈbʌv/ /ɔl/, /ði/ /əˈbɪləti/ /tu/ /ˈrɛkəgˌnaɪz/ /ðə/ /wɜrθ/ /ʌv/ /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ /wɛn/ /hi/ /siz/ /ɪt/. /tu/ /du/ /ðɪs/, /hi/ /mʌst/ /bi/ /æt/ /list/ /æz/ /ˈnɑləʤəbəl/ /æz/ /ðə/ /ˈdilər/. /laɪk/ /ə/ /ˈsaɪəntɪst/ /bɛnt/ /ɑn/ /ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ /ə/ /dɪˈskʌvəri/, /hi/ /mʌst/ /ˈʧɛrɪʃ/ /ðə/ /hoʊp/ /ðæt/ /wʌn/ /deɪ/ /hi/ /wɪl/ /bi/ /ˈæmpli/ /rɪˈwɔrdɪd/.



antique shop 古玩店

exert v.施加(影响)

fascination n.魅力,迷惑力

peculiar adj.特殊的

a great many people 许多人

forbiding adj.令人望而却步的

display v.陈列


glass case 玻璃柜

keep them free from dust 防尘

muster v.鼓起

muster up courage 鼓起勇气

pretentious adj.装腔作势的

no one has to 无论是谁

labyrinth /ˈlæbəˌrɪnθ/n.迷宫

musty adj.陈腐的

disordered adj.杂乱无章的

rarity n.稀世珍品

amongst prep.在......之中

the piles of 一堆堆

assorted adj.各式各样的

junk n.破烂货

litter v.杂乱地摆放

by chance 偶然

dedicated adj.专心致志的

bargain hunter 到处找便宜货买的人

above all 最重要的是

recognize v.鉴别

the worth of something 重要的东西

to do this 做到这点

dealer n.商人

knowledgeable adj.博学的

be bent on 决心要

make a discovery 探索

cherish v.渴望

amply adv.足够地


Never leave the things until tomorrow you can do today.

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