Swift 5 字符串转义字符处理更新
2019-04-29 本文已影响0人
增加了 # 符号,使得写字符串更加简单。
在字符串中包含 " 时不必再加 \
//before let rain = "The is\"new\"string" //after let rain = #"The is"new"string"#
包含 \ 反斜杠也不需要再加转义符
//before let rain = "The is\\new string" //after let rain = #"The is \new string"#
由于反斜杠作为字符串中的字符,所以在插入值的时候需要在后面再加个 #
//before let age = 26 let dontpanic = "myAge is \(age)" // after let answer = 26 let dontpanic = #"myAge is \#(age)"#
*当字符串包含 # 时, 前后应用 ## 包裹字符串
let str = ##"this is "a"#good ideal"##
*用 #""" 开头 """#结尾 来表示多行字符串
let multiline = #"""
The answer to life,
the universe,
and everything is \#(answer).
由于不用反斜杠转义 使得正则表达式更加简洁明了
//before let regex1 = "\\\\[A-Z]+[A-Za-z]+\\.[a-z]+" //after let regex2 = #"\\[A-Z]+[A-Za-z]+\.[a-z]+"#