

2019-07-29  本文已影响5人  我就是杨妞儿



I may you have a wonderful experience.🍨




                        Now let's enjoy.



欢迎来到阿拉伯联合酋长国,来到迪拜,来到哈利法塔!Let’s hit the road!

💫the Burj Khalifa

🍅Soaring 828 meters above the metropolis of Dubai, the Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building. The design for the 162-story tower combines local cultural influences with cutting-edge technology to achieve high performance in an extreme desert climate. 哈利法是世界上最高的建筑,它高出迪拜大都会828米。162层塔楼的设计结合了当地文化影响和尖端技术,在极端的沙漠气候中实现了高性能。

🍅The centerpiece of a large mixed-use development, the Burj Khalifa contains offices, retail space, residential units, and a Giorgio Armani hotel. A Y-shaped floor plan maximizes views of the Arabian Gulf. At ground level, the skyscraper is surrounded by green space, water features, and pedestrian-friendly boulevards. 作为大型混合用途开发项目的核心,阿利法包含办公室、零售空间、住宅单元和Giorgio Armani酒店。一个Y形的平面图最大限度地提高了阿拉伯湾的视野。在地面上,这座摩天大楼被绿色空间、水景和行人友好的林荫道所包围。

🍅The tower’s overall design was inspired by the geometries of a regional desert flower and the patterning systems embodied in Islamic architecture. Built of reinforced concrete and clad in glass, the tower is composed of sculpted volumes arranged around a central buttressed core. As the tower rises from a flat base, setbacks occur in an upward spiraling pattern, reducing the building’s mass as it reaches skyward. At the pinnacle, the central core emerges and forms a spire. 这座塔的总体设计灵感来自于当地沙漠花卉的几何结构和伊斯兰建筑中体现的图案系统。该塔由钢筋混凝土建造,玻璃覆盖,由围绕中心加固核心的雕刻体积组成。当塔楼从一个平坦的地基上升起时,在螺旋向上的模式中会出现建筑退台(专业术语),当它到达天空时,建筑物的质量会减少。在建筑顶部,中心核心出现并形成一个尖顶。

🍅Beyond its record-breaking height, the Burj Khalifa incorporates new structural and construction efficiencies to reduce material usage and waste. These include a “sky-sourced” ventilation system, in which cool, less humid air is drawn in through the top of the building. The tower also has one of the largest condensate recovery systems in the world. 除了创纪录的高度外,阿利法还采用了新的结构和施工效率,以减少材料使用和浪费。这其中包括一个“天源”通风系统,在这个系统中,较冷,较不潮湿的空气通过建筑物的顶部吸入。该塔还拥有世界上最大的凝析油回收系统之一。


🌺①The design for the 162-story tower combines local cultural influences with cutting-edge technology to achieve high performance in an extreme desert climate.

🍄combine with … 与 … 结合

e.g. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. 氢与氧化合成水。

🍄combine …and…

Trump夸赞他女朋友时经常口吐莲花(silver tongue), 说她是美丽与智慧的化身 You combine the beauty and wisdom.

🌺②the Burj Khalifa contains offices, retail space, residential units, and a Giorgio Armani hotel.

🍄offices 办公区

🍄retail space 零售区

🍄residential units 住宅单元


携带足够的防晒霜(sunscreen cream),当地常年保持在35摄氏度(35 degrees Celsius)以上,即使冬天也有30度,可不要晒伤了哦。

🍄fahrenheit [ˈfærənˌhaɪt] 华氏度


🌺③The tower’s overall design was inspired by the geometries of a regional desert flower and the patterning systems embodied in Islamic architecture.

🍄inspire  vt.激励;鼓舞;启迪;赋予灵感

e.g. Her first novel was inspired by her early childhood. 他的第一部小说源自于他早期的童年生活。

🍄embody  vt.象征; 体现,包含


e.g. Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s.杰克·肯尼迪代表了20世纪60年代的全部希望.


e.g. A national team embodies competitive spirit and skill. 国家队体现了竞技精神。

🍄be embodied in…包含

e.g. All the rules are embodied in this book. 这本书里包含了所有的规则。

🌺④Beyond its record-breaking height, the Burj Khalifa incorporates new structural and construction efficiencies to reduce material usage and waste.

🍄record-breaking  adj.破纪录的

e.g. The outdoor concert drew a record-breaking crowd to the park. 户外音乐会吸引了创纪录的人群来到公园。

🍄incorporate  v.包含; 使混合; 组成公司

e.g. This design incorporates the best features of our earlier models. 这种设计融合了我们早期型号的最佳特点。

e.g. A diet that incorporates many different fruits and vegetables. 包含许多不同水果和蔬菜的饮食。

e.g. The company was incorporated in 1981. 这家公司成立于1981年。

🍄词汇拓展:corporation n.公司;法人

💫生存英语操练 乘坐地铁

伦敦          tube

纽约          subway

巴黎          métro

西班牙        metro

国际上        metro

🍄subway 地铁

🍄ticket machine 售票机

🍄ticket window 售票窗口

🍄fare 费用

🍄catch a train 赶上一趟火车

🍄slot 插槽

🍄retrieve 取回

🍄transfer 换乘

A: Come on, we need to buy our subway tickets at that ticket machine. 赶快,我们要到售票机那买地铁票。

B: Why can’t we just get them at the ticket window? I’m not sure what the fare is. 为什么我们不去售票窗口买票呢?我不知道需要多少费用。

A: There’s a long line and we need to catch a train right now. 去那要排个长队,我们现在要赶火车。

B: I’ve never taken the subway before. I don’t know how it works. 我从来没有乘过地铁,我不知道怎么乘。

A: Just follow me. Here, take this card and walk through the turnstile. Put your card in this slot and then retrieve it as you pass through. 只需跟着我。这,拿着这个卡通过旋转式栅门,把卡放进插槽,通过时再把它取走。

B: Okay, now where do we go? 好的,现在我们往哪走?

A: Let’s look at this subway map showing all of the lines. That’s the station we want. 让我们看一下地铁线路图。这是我们要去的那一站。

B: Don’t we need to get transfers? 我们不需要换乘吗?

A: No, we don’t. 是的,不需要。



欢迎来到秘鲁,来到马丘比丘!Let’s hit the road!

💫Machu Picchu

🍅The Historic Sanctuary – National Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu is a cultural and natural area inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. With an extension of 37302 hectares, it is one of the most biodiverse areas in Peru and harbors more than 60 archaeological monuments linked by a complex Inka road network. 马丘比丘国家考古公园是一个被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录的文化和自然区。占地37302公顷,是秘鲁最具生物多样性的地区之一,拥有60多处通过复杂的印卡公路网相连的考古遗迹。

🍅The Inka City of Machu Picchu was planned and built around 1450 CE during the reign of Inka Pachakuti. Its construction demanded the participation of specialists in architecture, engineering, astronomy, and massive amounts of labor. More than 50% of the work required for its erection was focused on site preparation, the foundation and the drainage system. Its construction responds to the need of the Inka State to have a religious, political and administrative center within a sacred space that is the link between the Andes and the Amazon.  印卡城在公元1450年印卡帕查库提统治期间规划和建造。它的建设需要建筑、工程、天文学的专家和大量的劳力。50%以上的施工集中在场地的准备,基础设施和排水系统。它的建设反映了印加州在安第斯山脉和亚马逊之间的神圣空间内建立宗教、政治和行政中心的需要。

🍅Since the 1930’s, the Peruvian government has been promoting the research, conservation, and enhancement of the Historic Sanctuary and the llaqta of Machu Picchu, which represents a masterpiece of art, architecture, and engineering in perfect harmony with nature and is the most important legacy the Inka civilization left to mankind. 20世纪30年代以来,秘鲁政府一直在推动对马丘比丘的历史圣地和拉克塔的研究、保护和加固,这是与自然完美和谐的艺术、建筑和工程杰作,是印加文明留给人类的最重要的遗产。


🌺①The Historic Sanctuary – National Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu is a cultural and natural area inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

🍄archaeological  adj.考古学的,考古学上的

n. archaeology 考古学; n. archaeologist 考古学家;

🍄inscribe  v.在…上写;题;刻

e.g. His name was inscribed on the trophy. 他的名字刻在奖杯上。


His mother inscribed the words “for the people” on his back.母亲在他背上刺上“精忠报国”四个字。

词根记忆法:inscribe 和 describe

词根:scribe (印刷术发明之前的) 抄写员,抄书吏

词缀:in 向里      de 向下

in-scribe 刻字    de-scribe 描述

🌺②Its construction responds to the need of the Inka State to have a religious, political and administrative center within a sacred space that is the link between the Andes and the Amazon.

🍄respond to … 响应了…; 满足了…

Trump 买彩票中了500万后,又买豪车又买豪宅,这极大地满足了他的虚荣心:

Those luxury cars and houses respond to his vanity.

e.g. My salary cannot respond to my needs. 我的薪水无法满足我的需求。


五月到九月是旺季(busy season),也是参观人数最多的时间。十月或十一月到三月或四月是淡季(slow season),因为这个季节多数都在雨季(rainy season),伴随着低温天气,所以旅游人数不算很多。

🌺​③…, which represents a masterpiece of art, architecture, and engineering in perfect harmony with nature and is the most important legacy the Inka civilization left to mankind.

in perfect harmony with… 与…完美融合


David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture in perfect harmony with beauty and strength.


I am in perfect harmony with my wife.


如果您不是参加旅行团散拼,而是自由行(independent travel)的话,建议您提前在旅行社预定(make a reservation)一位当地导游(tour guide) ,虽然马丘比丘景区会提供一本指导手册(guidebook)。但是一个好的导游可以详细的给您介绍本地景点,以及详尽的历史故事,建筑风格(Architectural style)和动植物知识。这才是非常有意义的旅行,千万不要省这一点费用。

💫生存英语操练 看医生

🍄What seems to be the problem?  哪里不舒服?

🍄sharp pain 剧痛

🍄a history of stomach pain 肚子痛病史

🍄out of the ordinary 非常规

🍄emergency room 急诊室

A: What seems to be the problem? 哪里不舒服?

B: Oh, my God! It's my stomach. It's killing me! 哦,天哪!我的肚子,疼死了!

A: Where does it hurt the most? 哪里痛的最厉害?

B: Right here! It hurts right here! 这里!就是这里痛!

A: How long has it felt like this? 这种状况持续多久了?

B: I felt OK when I woke up, and then, suddenly, I had this really sharp pain. 早上起床时还好好的,然后,突然,我就感到了剧痛。

A: Do you have a history of stomach pain? 你有肚子痛的病史吗?

B: No, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. 没有,我从来没有出现过这种情况。

A: I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away. 我想我们要马上把你送往急诊室。

B: Thank you for helping me. 感谢您的帮助。



欢迎来到中国,来到万里长城!Let’s hit the road!

💫The Great Wall

🍅The Great Wall was continuously built from the 3rd century BC to the 17th century AD on the northern border of the country as the great military defence project of successive Chinese Empires, with a total length of more than 20,000 kilometers. The Great Wall begins in the east at Shanhaiguan in Hebei province and ends at Jiayuguan in Gansu province to the west. Its main body consists of walls, horse tracks, watch towers, and shelters on the wall, and includes fortresses and passes along the Wall. 长城自公元前3世纪至公元17世纪在中国北部边境连续修建,是历代中国帝国的伟大军事防御工程,全长2万多公里。长城东起河北山海关,西至甘肃嘉峪关。它的主体由墙壁、马道、望塔和墙壁上的遮蔽物组成,包括堡垒和沿着墙壁的通道。

🍅The Great Wall reflects collision and exchanges between agricultural civilizations and nomadic civilizations in ancient China. It provides significant physical evidence of the far-sighted political strategic thinking and mighty military and national defence forces of central empires in ancient China, and is an outstanding example of the superb military architecture, technology and art of ancient China. It embodies unparalleled significance as the national symbol for safeguarding the security of the country and its people. 长城反映了中国古代农业文明与游牧文明的碰撞与交流。它为中国古代中央帝国高瞻远瞩的政治战略思想和强大的军事、国防力量提供了重要的物证,是中国古代优秀军事建筑、技术和艺术的杰出典范。它作为维护国家和人民安全的国家标志,具有无与伦比的意义。

🍅The Great Wall integrally preserves all the material and spiritual elements and historical and cultural information that carry its outstanding universal value. The complete route of the Great Wall over 20,000 kilometers, as well as elements constructed in different historical periods which constitute the complicated defence system of the property, including walls, fortresses, passes and beacon towers, have been preserved to the present day. The building methods of the Great Wall in different times and places have been integrally maintained, while the unparalleled national and cultural significance of the Great Wall to China is still recognised today. The visual integrity of the Wall at Badaling has been impacted negatively by construction of tourist facilities and a cable car. 长城完整地保存了一切物质、精神和历史文化信息,具有突出的普遍价值。长城2万多公里的完整路线,以及在不同历史时期修建的复杂防御体系的要素,包括城墙、要塞、关隘和烽火台,至今仍保留着。不同时代、不同地点的长城建筑方法得到了完整的维护,而长城对中国无与伦比的民族文化意义至今依然能够被认可。八达岭长城的视觉完整性受到旅游设施和缆车建设的负面影响。

🍅The existing elements of the Great Wall retain their original location, material, form, technology and structure. The original layout and composition of various constituents of the Great Wall defence system are maintained, while the perfect integration of the Great Wall with the topography, to form a meandering landscape feature, and the military concepts it embodies have all been authentically preserved. 长城现存的元素保留了原有的位置、材料、形式、技术和结构。保持了长城防御体系各组成部分的原有布局和构成,使长城与地形完美融合而形成蜿蜒的景观特色,以及体现出的军事理念都真实地保存了下来。


🌺①​The Great Wall was continuously built from the 3rd century BC to the 17th century AD on the northern border of the country as the great military defence project of successive Chinese Empires, with a total length of more than 20,000 kilometers.

🍄successive  adj.逐次;连续的;继承的

e.g. Jackson was the winner for a second successive year. 杰克逊已经是连续第二年获胜了。

喜欢篮球的小伙伴可能都关注NBA, 篮球巨星勒布朗詹姆斯去年转投洛杉矶湖人队(Lakers), 可能要无缘季后赛(季后赛:playoffs,常规赛:regular season), 但要知道他在此之前已经连续8年夺取了NBA东部冠军,我们就可以说:

LeBron James had won the Eastern Conference for eight successive years before he joined the Lakers. 勒布朗詹姆斯已经连续8年夺取了东部冠军。

🌺②​The Great Wall reflects collision and exchanges between agricultural civilizations and nomadic civilizations in ancient China.

🍄agricultural civilizations 农业文明

🍄nomadic civilizations 游牧文明

🍄reflect  vt.反映,映出;反射;显示,表明;vi.认真思考,沉思

归纳记忆法:反映/反应  用法:无所谓

e.g. His face was reflected in the mirror. 他的脸映照在镜子里。

e.g. The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. 窗户反射着午后明媚的阳光。

e.g. Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. 我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。

e.g. Before I decide, I need time to reflect. 在作出决定以前,我需要时间认真考虑考虑。

🍄reflect well, badly, etc. on sb/sth 使给人以好的(坏的或其他)印象

e.g. This incident reflects badly on everyone involved. 这一事件给所有相关人士都造成了恶劣影响。


尽量轻装上阵,爬长城是一件辛苦的事。所以带好饮用水,帽子,相机,小包就好。选择适合户外的鞋子,运动鞋为主,特别是女生,千万不要穿高跟鞋(high heels or high-heeled shoes)爬长城。

🌺③​It embodies unparalleled significance as the national symbol for safeguarding the security of the country and its people.

🍄parallel 平行的

🍄unparallel 不平行的

🍄unparalleled  adj.空前的;无双的

e.g. Her knowledge of the subject is unparalleled. 她对此科目的知识是无人能及的。

e.g. The new telescope offers an unparalleled opportunity to conduct research. 这台新望远镜为进行研究创造了无与伦比的条件。

🌺④​The Great Wall integrally preserves all the material and spiritual elements and historical and cultural information that carry its outstanding universal value.

🍄material  adj.物质的;肉体的;n.素材;材料

🍄spiritual  adj.精神的;心灵的

🍄carry 这真是一个超级词汇,意思太多了,让我们来学一些有趣的表达吧

🍄be/get carried away


e.g. I got carried away and started shouting at the television.


🍄carry the ball

(US, informal) 承担责任

e.g. My co-worker was sick, so I had to carry the ball.


🍄carry the day

(formal) 得胜;占上风;取得成功

e.g. her suggestion was able to carry the day.



长城上有很多路段会很陡峭(steep),一定要注意安全,拍照的时候也一定要小心,而且长城上非常容易掉手机,很多人为了拍照自己的手机就葬身长城脚下了(My cell phone was buried at the foot of the Great Wall)。

💫生存英语操练 求助警察

🍄calm down/take it easy/easy 保持镇定

🍄brown curly hair 棕色卷发  straight hair 直发

🍄Thin瘦 skinny很瘦  fat胖 chubby微胖

🍄a bag of bones皮包骨

🍄the vegetable section/area 蔬菜区

🍄the snack section/area 零食区

🍄toy district 玩具区

🍄household goods area 厨具区

Woman: Help! Sir! 求助! 警官!

Police: What's wrong? 发生了什么事?

Woman: My daughter is missing. I can't find her anywhere! 我的女儿丢了。我到处都找不到她。

Police: Okay. Calm down. I'm going to help you find her. What's her name? 好的,请保持镇定,我马上帮你找到她,她叫什么名字?

Woman: Erica. She's only five. She doesn't know how to speak English! 埃丽卡,她5岁,不会说英文。

Police: Okay. What does Erica look like? 好,她长什么样子?

Woman: She has brown curly hair. She's skinny and small for her age. 棕色卷发,在她的年纪显得很瘦小。

Police: Okay. What is she wearing today? 好的,她穿什么衣服?

Woman: Blue shorts and a pink T-shirt. She has a hat on too, I think. 蓝色短裤和粉红色T恤衫,好像还戴了一顶帽子。

Police: How long ago did she go missing? 不见多久了?

Woman: I've been looking for her for almost an hour now. 我找了她一个小时了。

Police: And where did you last see her? 你最后一次见她,在哪?

Woman: We were just shopping in the vegetable section. I turned around and she was gone. 我正在蔬菜区买东西,我一转身她就不见了。

Police: Don't worry. Calm down. Everything is going to be okay. 不要担心,冷静,一切都会好的。

Woman: What should I do? 我应该做些什么?

Police: Stay right at the front of the store in case she comes looking for you. We'll start looking for her now. 呆在商店门口,以防她回来找你。我们现在就去找她。



欢迎来到印度尼西亚,来到巴厘岛!Let’s hit the road!

💫Bali Island

🍅Bali is Indonesia's main tourist destination, which has seen a significant rise in tourists since the 1980s. Tourism-related business makes up 80% of its economy. It is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music. The Indonesian International Film Festival is held every year in Bali. In March 2017, TripAdvisor named Bali as the world's top destination in its Traveller's Choice award. 巴厘岛是印度尼西亚的主要旅游目的地,自20世纪80年代以来,游客数量显著增加,旅游相关业务占印尼经济的80%。它以其高度发达的艺术闻名,包括传统和现代舞蹈、雕塑、绘画、皮革、金属加工和音乐。印尼国际电影节每年在巴厘岛举行。2017年3月,TripAdvisor在其旅行者选择奖中将巴厘岛评为世界顶级旅游目的地。

🍅Bali is part of the Coral Triangle, the area with the highest biodiversity of marine species. In this area alone, over 500 reef-building coral species can be found. For comparison, this is about seven times as many as in the entire Caribbean. Most recently, Bali was the host of the Miss World 2013 and 2018 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. Bali is the home to a unified confederation of kingdoms composed of 10 traditional royal Balinese houses, each house ruling a specific geographic area. The confederation is the successor of the Bali Kingdom. The royal houses are not recognised by the government of Indonesia; however, they originated before Dutch colonisation. 巴厘岛是珊瑚三角洲的一部分,是海洋生物多样性最高的地区。仅在这个地区,就可以发现500多种造礁珊瑚。相比之下,这是整个加勒比地区的7倍。最近,巴厘岛是2013年世界小姐大赛的主办方,同时也是2018年国际货币基金组织和世界银行集团年度会议的主办方。巴厘岛是一个统一的王国联盟的所在地,由10个传统的巴厘王室组成,每个王室统治着一个特定的地理区域。联邦是巴厘王国的继承者。印度尼西亚政府不承认王室;然而,它们起源于荷兰殖民化之前。

🍅Being just 8 degrees south of the equator, Bali has a fairly even climate all year round. Average year-round temperature stands at around 30 °C (86 °F) with a humidity level of about 85%. Daytime temperatures at low elevations vary between 20 to 33 °C (68 to 91 °F), but the temperatures decrease significantly with increasing elevation. 巴厘岛位于赤道以南8度,全年气候相当均匀。全年平均气温约为30°C(86°F),湿度约为85%。低海拔地区的白天温度在20至33°C(68至91°F)之间变化,但随着海拔的升高,温度明显降低。


🌺①​Tourism-related business makes up 80% of its economy.

🍄make up


North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country. 北非人构成了该国最大的、也是最贫困的移民群。


I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him. 我认为你编造他的谣言很不厚道。


She spent too much time making herself up. 她在化妆上花去了太多时间。


They'll have to make up time lost during the strike. 他们不得不加班弥补罢工耽误的时间。


Serena, let’s make up and start over. 瑟琳娜,让我们和好重新开始吧。

🌺②Bali is part of the Coral Triangle, the area with the highest biodiversity of marine species.

🍄biodiversity  n.生物多样性

🍄marine species  海洋物种

🍄terrestrial species  陆地物种




巴厘岛紫外线(Ultraviolet rays)甚强,请备妥太阳眼镜、伞、帽子、防晒乳液(Sunscreen lotion),且最好多饮水。另外还需备些胃肠药、防蚊虫叮咬药(anti mosquito bite cream)等。

💫生存英语操练 退房

🍄check out 退房

🍄receipt 收据

🍄cockroach 蟑螂

A: I want to check out. Here is my room key. 我要退房,这是我房间的钥匙。

B: One second, sir, while I print out your receipt. Here you are. 稍等,先生,我帮您打印一些发票。给您。

A: Thanks. 谢谢。

B: May I ask, sir, if you enjoyed your stay? 先生,能否问一下您是否对您的入住感到满意?

A: Except for one night, I enjoyed the hotel. And I loved Bali, of course. 除了那一晚,我还比较满意。当然我爱巴厘岛。

B: Thank you for your honesty. I assure you there will be no cockroaches next time. 谢谢您的诚恳。我保证下次不会再出现蟑螂了。



