[读画]Day1 在门罗的逃离中遇到夏加尔
最近在读诺贝尔文学奖获得者, 门罗的《逃离》。
看完第一句话, 这幅画就立即映在眼前。 好像在跟门罗女士聊天的时候刚好提到了共同认识的人。我觉得这一段话很有意思,通过一个作家的眼睛来看这幅画,但是更有趣的是,读书的时候就在想,为什么这幅画会让女主想起她的父母呢?不知不觉都到最后,偶然见回头看到这幅画,发现真的是这样,豁然开朗的感觉,好有趣的经历。而且似乎带着罗门的故事,把这幅画看的更仔细了。
" Two profiles face each other. One the profile of a pure white heifer, with a particularly mild and tender expression, the other that of a green-faced man who is neither young nor old, He seems to be a minor official , maybe a postman-he wears that sort of cap. His lips are pale, the whites of his eyes shining. A hand that is probably his offers up, from the lower margin of the painting, a little tree or an exuberant branch, fruited with jewels. "
" At the upper margin of the painting are dark clouds, and underneath them some small tottery houses and a toy church with his toy cross, perched on the curve a small man (drawn to a larger scale, however, than the buildings) walks along purposefully with a scythe on his shoulder, and a woman, drawn to the same scale, seems to wait for him But she is hanging upside down"
" There are other things as well. for instance, a girl milking a cow , within the heifer's cheek"
Juliet decided at once to buy this print for her parents' Christians present.
"Because it reminds me of them " she said to Christa,
两个侧面彼此相对。 其中之一是一头纯白色小母牛脸的一侧,有着特别温柔安详的表情,, 另外的那个则是一个绿面人的侧面, 这人既不年轻也不老,看来像是个小公务员, 也许是个邮差- 他戴的是那样的制帽。 他的嘴唇颜色很淡, 眼白不富恩却闪闪发亮。 一只手, 也许就是他的手, 从画的下端献上一棵小树,或者一根茂密的枝子, 上面结的果子则是一颗颗的宝石。
画的上端是一片乌云, 底下是坐落在一片凹凸不平的土坡上的几所歪歪斜斜的小房子和一座玩具教堂, 教堂上还插着个玩具十字架。 土坡上有个小小的人儿(所用的比例要比房子的大上一些)目标很明确的往前走着, 肩膀上扛着一把长镰刀, 一个大小很他差不多的富人似乎等候他, 不过她却是头足颠倒的。
画里还有别的东西, 比方说, 一个姑娘在给一头奶牛挤奶, 但那是画在小母牛脸颊上的,
朱丽叶立即决定要买这张印刷的图片, 作为圣诞节送给她父母的礼物。
摘自 《逃离》 李文俊 译 北京十月文艺出版社。