架构Spring FrameWork

5. spring-boot REST 全局异常处理

2016-09-20  本文已影响6418人  kaenry



  1. 全局异常捕捉及处理
  2. REST FULL基本常见规范


public class RestResult<T> {

    private boolean result;
    private String message;
    private T data;

    private RestResult() {}

    public static <T> RestResult<T> newInstance() {
        return new RestResult<>();

    // ...setter and getter

    public String toString() {
        return "RestResult{" +
                "result=" + result +
                ", message='" + message + '\'' +
                ", data=" + data +


 * Created by kaenry on 2016/9/20.
 * RestResultGenerator
public class RestResultGenerator {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestResultGenerator.class);

     * normal
     * @param success
     * @param data
     * @param message
     * @param <T>
     * @return
    public static <T> RestResult<T> genResult(boolean success, T data, String message) {
        RestResult<T> result = RestResult.newInstance();
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("generate rest result:{}", result);
        return result;

     * success
     * @param data
     * @param <T>
     * @return
    public static <T> RestResult<T> genSuccessResult(T data) {

        return genResult(true, data, null);

     * error message
     * @param message error message
     * @param <T>
     * @return
    public static <T> RestResult<T> genErrorResult(String message) {

        return genResult(false, null, message);

     * error
     * @param error error enum
     * @param <T>
     * @return
    public static <T> RestResult<T> genErrorResult(ErrorCode error) {

        return genErrorResult(error.getMessage());

     * success no message
     * @return
    public static RestResult genSuccessResult() {
        return genSuccessResult(null);


 * Created by kaenry on 2016/9/20.
 * RestExceptionHandler
@ControllerAdvice(annotations = RestController.class)
public class RestExceptionHandler {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestExceptionHandler.class);

    private <T> RestResult<T> runtimeExceptionHandler(Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("---------> huge error!", e);
        return RestResultGenerator.genErrorResult(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR);

    private <T> RestResult<T> illegalParamsExceptionHandler(MethodArgumentNotValidException e) {
        LOGGER.error("---------> invalid request!", e);
        return RestResultGenerator.genErrorResult(ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_PARAMS);



  "result": false,
  "message": "request params invalid"


public class UserRestController {

    IUserService userService;

     * get all user, GET
     * @return
    @RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public RestResult<List<User>> all() {
        List<User> all = userService.findAll();
        return RestResultGenerator.genSuccessResult(all);

     * add single user
     * @param user username, password
     * @return RestResult
     * @throws Exception valid check
    @RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public RestResult<User> save(@Valid @RequestBody User user) throws Exception {
        User save = userService.save(user);
        return RestResultGenerator.genSuccessResult(save);

     * get single user by id, GET /id
     * @param id user id
     * @return RestResult<User>
     * @throws Exception
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public RestResult<User> get(@PathVariable Long id) throws Exception {
        User user = userService.findById(id);
        return RestResultGenerator.genSuccessResult(user);

     * delete user by id
     * @param id user id
     * @return success
     * @throws Exception
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
    public RestResult delete(@PathVariable Long id) throws Exception {
        return RestResultGenerator.genSuccessResult();

     * update user for all props
     * @param id update user id
     * @param newUser new props
     * @return updated User
     * @throws Exception
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public RestResult<User> updateAll(@PathVariable Long id, @Valid @RequestBody User newUser) throws Exception {
        User user = userService.findById(id);
        // copy all new user props to user except id
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(newUser, user, "id");
        user = userService.save(user);
        return RestResultGenerator.genSuccessResult(user);

     * update user for some props
     * @param id update user id
     * @param newUser some props
     * @return updated user
     * @throws Exception
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
    public RestResult<User> update(@PathVariable Long id, @Valid @RequestBody User newUser) throws Exception {
        User user = userService.findById(id);
        // copy all new user props to user except null props
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(newUser, user, Utils.getNullPropertyNames(newUser));
        user = userService.save(user);
        return RestResultGenerator.genSuccessResult(user);


  1. GET /api/users,获取全部
  2. POST /api/users,新增一个
  3. GET /api/users/:id,获取单个
  4. DELETE /api/users/:id,删除单个
  5. PUT /api/users/:id,全量更新
  6. PATCH /api/users/:id,部分更新


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