
2019/03/22 星期五 雨
Flowing and Changing Causal Conditions Are the Mother of Change.
Everything in the past, all time, is like flowing water: Days and nights flow along without stopping, and disappear.
All things, all apparent forms, are like bubbles in water. those being born are being born, and those being extinguished are being extinguished.
A batch of humans die off, and a batch of humans are born, birth and death, death and birth, like ripples of light on the surface of the water, endlessly shimmering。(page 8)
Thus we say that you should not care too much about anything in the world, because whether you care about it or not, everything will change sometime.
What stands out may become mundane. what is ordinary may become great, what succeeds may fail and what fails may succeed.
How can there be anything certain in this world? Our emotions are always like waves in the wind: this one rises and that one falls.
Our view of other people also constantly changes according to what we see and hear. Is there anything that will not pass?
We must not twist and turn because we see adversity before us, and we must not be overjoyed because of some temporary favorable circumstances.
Flowing changing causal conditions imply that there are too many possibilities in life. So we must keep lucidity and a sense of reverence。(page 16)
~An excerpt from The World is a Reflection of the Mind.
Author: Xuemo, translated by J.C.Cleary
【1】Golden Sentence:
Flowing and Changing Causal Conditions Are the Mother of Change.
whether you care about it or not, everything will change sometime.
extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ V-T If you extinguish a fire or a light, you stop it from burning or shining. 使熄灭 例:It took about 50 minutes to extinguish the fire.扑灭那场大火花了约五十分钟。
ripple /ˈrɪpəl/N-COUNT Ripples are little waves on the surface of water caused by the wind or by something moving in or on the water. 涟漪 例:Gleaming ripples cut the lake's surface.闪着微光的涟漪打破了湖面的平静。
shimmer /ˈʃɪmə/
V-I If something shimmers, it shines with a faint, unsteady light or has an unclear, unsteady appearance. 发出微光
The lights shimmered on the water.
mundane /ˈmʌndeɪn/ ADJ Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual. 平凡的; 单调的 例:Be willing to do mundane tasks with good grace.有风度地主动做平凡的工作。
adversity /ədˈvɜːsɪtɪ/ N-VAR Adversity is a very difficult or unfavourable situation. 困境; 逆境 例:He showed courage in adversity.他在逆境中显示出了勇气。
momentary /ˈməʊməntərɪ/ ADJ Something that is momentary lasts for a very short period of time, for example for a few seconds or less. 短暂的 例:...a momentary lapse of concentration.…稍一走神。
circumstance /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/ N-COUNT The circumstances of a particular situation are the conditions which affect what happens. 情形例The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive circumstances of the times.在当时爆炸性的形势下,这一战略太危险了。lucidity [lju:'sidəti]a lucid state of mind; not confused
The pain had lessened in the night, but so had his lucidity.
reverence /ˈrɛvərəns/ N-UNCOUNT Reverencefor someone or something is a feeling of great respect for them. 尊崇 例:We stand together now in mutual support and in reverence for the dead.出于相互支持和对逝者的敬意,我们现在站到了一起。
cause [kɔ:z]events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something.
effect [i'fekt]a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
causation /kɔːˈzeɪʃən/N-UNCOUNT Causation is a study of the factors involved in causing something. 因果关系