

2021-08-24  本文已影响0人  Winterlily


Then he was sorry for the great fish that had nothing to eat and his determination to kill himnever relaxed in his sorrow for him. How many people will he feed, he thought. But are they worthy to eat him? No, of course not. There is no one worthy of eating him from the manner of his behavior and his great dignity.




‘He is making the far part of his circle now,' he said. I must hold all I can, he thought. The strain will shorten his circle each time. Perhaps in an hour I will see him. Now I must convince him and then I must kill him.

But the fish kept on circling slowly and the old man was wet with sweat and tired deep into his bones two hours later. But the circles were much shorter now and from the way the line slanted he could tell the fish had risen steadily while he swam.

For an hour the old man had been seeing black spots before his eyes and the sweat salted his eyes and salted the cut under his eyes and on his forehead. He was not afraid of the black spots. They were normal at the tension that he was pulloing on the line. Twice, though, he had felt faint and dizzy and that had worried him.

(他说: “他现在开始兜大圈了。” 我必须尽力握住,他想。他兜一圈,拉力就会把他兜的圈缩小一些。也许一小时后我就能见到他了。现在我必须说服他,然后杀了他。






The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish's side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man's chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it.

Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all of the skiff.






