2021-07-23 本文已影响0人
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main()
int num = 100 ;
double decimal = 0.0123456789 ;
string text = "C++ Fun" ;
cout << "Integer variable starts at: " << &num << endl ;
cout << "Double variable starts at: " << &decimal << endl ;
cout << "String variable starts at: " << &text << endl ;
// Uncomment the lines below to place R-values incorrectly.
// 200 = num ;
// 5.5 = decimal ;
// "Bad assignments" = text ;
return 0 ;
指针存储其他变量的内存地址的变量。指针变量的声明方式与其他变量的声明方式相同,但数据类型以 "*"字符为后缀,指针的数据类型必须与它所指向的变量的数据类型相匹配。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main()
// Declare and initialize regular variables.
int a = 8, b = 16 ;
// Declare and initialize pointer variables
// with reference addresses.
int* aPtr = &a ;
int* bPtr ;
bPtr = &b ;
// Output address of pointers...
cout << "Addresses of pointers..." << endl ;
cout << "aPtr: " << &aPtr << endl ;
cout << "bPtr: " << &bPtr << endl << endl ;
// Output addresses stored in pointers.
cout << "Values in pointers..." << endl ;
cout << "aPtr: " << aPtr << endl ;
cout << "bPtr: " << bPtr << endl << endl ;
// Output deferenced values pointed to.
cout << "Values in addresses pointed to..." << endl ;
cout << "a: " << *aPtr << endl ;
cout << "b: " << *bPtr << endl << endl ;
return 0 ;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main()
int nums[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 } ;
// Pointer assigns address of element zero.
int* ptr = nums ;
cout << endl << "ptr at: " << ptr << " gets: " << *ptr ;
// Increment to element one.
ptr++ ;
cout << endl << "ptr at:\t" << ptr << " gets: " << *ptr ;
// Increment again to element two.
ptr++ ;
cout << endl << "ptr at: " << ptr << " gets: " << *ptr ;
// Decrement again to element zero.
ptr -= 2 ;
cout << endl << "ptr at: " << ptr << " gets: " << *ptr ;
// (Added for formatting.)
cout << endl ;
for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
cout << endl << "Element: " << i ;
cout << " Value: " << *ptr ;
ptr++ ;
// (Added for formatting).
cout << endl << endl ;
return 0 ;
指针被传递给函数时,它们的数据被 "通过引用 "传递--这样函数就在原始值上操作。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
void writeOutput( int* ) ; // Prototypes.
void computeTriple( int* ) ;
int main()
int num = 5 ; // Regular declaration.
int* ptr = &num ; // Data pointer declaration.
writeOutput( ptr ) ;
*ptr += 15 ; // Change the pointed value.
writeOutput( ptr ) ;
computeTriple( ptr ) ; // Change the pointed value.
writeOutput( ptr ) ;
return 0 ;
void writeOutput( int* value )
cout << "Current value: " << *value << endl ;
void computeTriple( int* value)
*value *= 3 ;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main()
// Variables to store "strings".
char letters[8] = { 'C','+','+',' ', 'F','u','n', '\0' } ;
const char* text = "C++ Fun" ;
// Pointers to arrays of characters - ie. strings.
const char* term = "Element:" ;
const char* lang = "C++" ;
// Pointers to arrays of strings.
const char* ap1[3] = { "Great ", "Program", "Code " } ;
// Assigning char pointer to first element.
const char* ap2[3] = { lang, "is ", "Fun" } ;
// Pointers to arrays of pointers.
const char* ap3[3] = { ap2[0], ap2[1], ap1[0] } ;
const char* ap4[3] = { ap1[2], ap2[1], ap2[2] } ;
// Output the variables.
cout << letters << endl ;
cout << text << endl ;
// Output the elements of each array.
for ( int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
cout << term << i << " " ;
cout << ap1[i] << " " ;
cout << ap2[i] << " " ;
cout << ap3[i] << " " ;
cout << ap4[i] << endl ;
return 0 ;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
int main()
int num ;
int &rNum = num ;
rNum = 400 ;
cout << "Value direct: " << num << endl ;
cout << "Value via reference: " << rNum << endl ;
cout << "Address direct: " << &num << endl ;
cout << "Address via reference: " << &rNum << endl ;
rNum *= 2 ;
cout << "Value direct: " << num << endl ;
cout << "Value via reference: " << rNum << endl ;
return 0 ;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
void writeOutput( int& ) ; // Prototypes.
void computeTriple( int& ) ;
int main()
int num = 5 ; // Regular declaration.
int& ref = num ; // Reference declaration.
writeOutput( ref ) ;
ref += 15 ; // Change the referenced value.
writeOutput( ref ) ;
computeTriple( ref ) ; // Change the referenced value.
writeOutput( ref ) ;
return 0 ;
void writeOutput( int& value )
cout << "Current value: " << value << endl ;
void computeTriple( int& value)
value *= 3 ;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
inline void add( int& a, int* b )
cout << "Total: " << ( a + *b ) << endl ;
int main()
int num = 100 , sum = 500 ;
int& rNum = num ; // Reference declaration.
int* ptr = &num ; // Pointer declaration.
void (* fn) ( int& a, int* b ) = add ; // Function pointer declaration.
cout << "Reference: " << rNum << endl ; // Output via reference.
cout << "Pointer: " << *ptr << endl ; // Output via pointer.
ptr = &sum ; // Reassign pointer.
cout << "Pointer now: " << *ptr << endl ; // Output different value via pointer.
fn( rNum, ptr ) ; // Output via function pointer. (Note: NOT directly with add(rNum,ptr); as listed in the book.)
return 0 ;