
诗词西韵 (17) Niagara Fall in the Wi

2018-05-13  本文已影响446人  振公子

诗词西韵 (17) Niagara Fall in the Winter (冰瀑奇观)

        振公子 (2018 年 5 月 12 日)

Freezing air invades from the North Pole,

Bringing in icicles to the Niagara Fall,

Turning running currents into still flowers,

Shining against the rocks as crystal towers.

Defying the cold, a small stream makes its way

Through the piles of snow and starts its cascade

To a thousand feet below, creating mist and rainbow

When the sun of the dusk emits its last glow

The eyes of a pretty lady open wide at the scene

Excited by the natural beauty and increased adrenaline

How much more marvelous it may be

When the spring melts ice on the tree

When all waters gather, and roar like thunder

Carrying to the far-distance all their wonder

注: Adrenaline, 肾上腺素,其水平升高时会导致心跳加速,瞳孔放大,血糖升高和兴奋。

浪淘沙 冰瀑奇观

        振公子 (2018 年 1 月 4 日)




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