5.5 KIF安装
0 打开项目 File->New Target->Select iOS -> Test -> iOS Unit Testing Bundle,命名Acceptance Tests
1 修改podfile(ios目录下) 输入命令 open -e Podfile
2 增加内容
target'Acceptance Tests'do
pod'KIF',:configurations=> ['Debug']
3 ios目录下 输入命令pod install
4 选中target进行修改
First add your application by selecting "Build Phases", expanding the
"Target Dependencies" section, clicking on the "+" button, and in the
new sheet that appears selecting your application target and clicking
Next, configure your bundle loader. In "Build Settings", expand
"Linking" and edit "Bundle Loader" to be "$(TEST_HOST)". Expand the
"Testing" section and edit "Test Host" to be
"$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/MyApplication.app/MyApplication" where
"MyApplication" is the name of your app. Also make sure that "Wrapper
Extension" is set to "xctest".
5 new schema 'Acceptance Tests', test运行于机器