2018-05-23 本文已影响0人
10/6-11/2018 中文Sanoviv 营养顾问证书2级培训
Lecture Content 5+ hours of Nutrition & Lifestyle Training
Course 2:
Meal Planning 配餐
Cholesterol 胆固醇
Iodine & Salt 碘 & 盐
Dental Health 牙齿健康
Sugar & Health 糖 & 健康
Emotional Eating 情绪化进食

Lecture Content 5+ hours of Nutrition & Lifestyle Training
Course 1:
Digestion 消化
Detoxification 排毒
Nutrition 营养Weight Loss 减重
Personality 性格分析Meal Preparation 食品制作
Course 2:
Meal Planning 配餐
Cholesterol 胆固醇
Iodine & Salt 碘 & 盐
Dental Health 牙齿健康
Sugar & Health 糖 & 健康
Emotional Eating 情绪化进食
Course 3:
Phytonutrients & Superfoods 植物营养素 & 超级食物
Sports Nutrition 运动营养
Lifestyle & Health 生活方式 & 健康
The Microbiome 微生态环境
How to Have Fun 如何娱乐