Advanced ADS-B topics

2018-08-07  本文已影响0人  你说的独品

一、ADS-B versions

主要由0,1,2 三个版本

1.1 version changes
从0 - > 1 的改进是

  • Added Type Code 28, 19, and 31 messages
    – TC=28 : Aircraft status - Emergency/priority status and ACAS RA Broadcast (紧急优先状态广播)
    – TC=29 : Target state and status(目标状况和情况)
    – TC=31 : Operational status(可选情况)
  • Introduced the “Navigation integrity category ( NIC )” and “Surveillance integrity
    level ( SIL )” in addition to the “Navigation accuracy category ( NAC )” from the Version 0
    – Type Code and an NIC Supplement bit ( NICs ) is used to define the NIC
    – NIC Supplement bit included in TC=31 messages

从1 - > 2 的改进是

  • Re-defined the structure and content of TC=28 , TC=29 , and TC=31 messages.
  • Introduced two additional NIC Supplement Bit
  • NICa is defined in operational status messages ( TC=31 )
  • NICb is defined in airborne position messages ( TC=9-18 )
  • NICc is defined in operational status messages ( TC=31 )
  • Introduced an additional “Horizontal Containment Radius ( Rc )” within NIC=6 /TC=13

1.2 Identify the ADS-B Version

1.Step 1: Check whether an aircraft is broadcasting ADS-B messages with TC=31 at all. If no message is ever reported, it is safe to assume that the version is Version 0

  1. Step 2: If messages with TC=31 are received, check the version numbers located in
    the 41-43 bit of the payload (or 73-75 bit of the message)

二、Ehanced Mode-S

EHS(Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance)比ELS(Mode-S Elementary
Surveillance)在ATC(o Air Traffic Control)中能提供更多的信息。

  • 这个信息到底来着哪个飞机?
  • 这个信息到底是哪一种(BDS类型)?
  • 解密的信息到底有多少可信度?

2.1 Enhanced Mode-S Basics

2.1.1 Downlink Format and message structure


image.png 每部分分解以及解释.png
2.1.2 Parity and ICAO address recovery


S模式下有两种奇偶校验和地址AP(Address Parity)和DP(Data Parity),不过大多数都是使用前者。

Address Parity


2.1.3 BDS (Comm-B Data Selector)


When SSR interrogates an aircraft, a BDS code is included in the request message (Uplink
Format - UF 4, 5, 20, or 21). This BDS code is then used by the aircraft transponder to
register the type of message to be sent. But when the downlink message is transmitted, its
BDS code is not included in the message (because the SSR knows what kind of message
it requested). Good news for them, but challenges for us.

BDS codes.png

2.2 Aircraft identification (BDS 2,0)

此时与ADS-B的aircraft identification信息差不多处理。

前面8位2进制的0001 0000表示是BDS 2,0,之后6比特一分组。 举例.png

2.3 Selected intention (BDS 4,0)


2.4 Track and turn (BDS 5,0)

分解.png image.png

2.5 Heading and speed (BDS 6,0)

image.png image.png
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