英汉双语古体诗词 作者:齐凤艳 翻译:齐凤艳
绝句 鹤影清波渡
Quatrains • Crane Shadow over Ripples Crossing
Crane shadow is over ripples crossing,
I do not yet see you though comes the spring.
Before the new willow I am asking,
My tears flow down as if it starts raining.
绝句 夜泊
Quatrains • Berthing at Night
Evening wind with shadows playing, beads on leaves condensing,
The boat is berthed near an islet where there is his cabana.
The moon in the middle of the sky with a few stars shining,
Two or three worries are placated by tranquil water.
律诗 途中作
Octet • A Poem Written on the Way
The sun is sinking to the west lonely,
I can see almost no other wayfarer.
Looking for geese in the sky earnestly,
Leaning on a tree I miss my brother.
Falling leaves dance in the air so windy,
Apes’ cries cause tears in my eyes much sadder.
Who can tell where I shall settle my body?
Sighing I ask the clouds in a murmur.
律诗 夜色小满
Octet • The Night on the Day of Grain Buds
Behind the West Village by the purple flower road the sun setting,
I enjoy the sight of the dusk remotely from the mountains rising.
Behind the red pavilion flowers send out fragrance from below,
Insects play beautiful music tranquilly before a green willow.
The stars hide as if among branches to peep the bird in the nest,
A fit of breeze blows the leaves and accompanies the silkworms’ rest.
Time has come to the day of Grain Buds when great scenery can be found,
With flower buds not fully open and the moon not fully round.
鹊桥仙 立春日
To the Tune of Queqiaoxian • On the Day of Beginning of Spring
Snow on a wild ridge thawing,
Plum beside an ancient road blooming,
February breeze chilly blowing.
Moved by the sentiment of spring,
The eastern Emperor Qingdi sends his decreeing:
Let flowers in the secular world charming.
I hope to meet again the green water for a long time,
Listen in distance to insect chirp of a playful chime,
And see on branches new leaves climb.
Wondering in spring and chanting it in rhyme,
How wonderful the thinking!
I can not help smiling.