

2023-01-10  本文已影响0人  晓楠得一录

Once more, dim wavering figures from the past,You come, who once rose to my troubled eyes.Shall I attempt this time to hold you fast? Does my heart tend where that illusion lies? You crowd up. Good, then. Rule my will at last, As from the mists around me you arise. I feel youth’s impulse grip my heart again At the enchantment wafting from your train.



Exams over? School out for the summer? You may be feeling a sense of enchantment, that is, a sense of delight and escape from everyday reality.

The psychological state of enchantment is so strong it can feel like you are under a spell or a trance, and these words are often interchangeable with enchantment. A work of art that is particularly captivating and enjoyable can also be termed an enchantment. The Winnie the Pooh books are often called "enchantments," and their sense of child-like innocence and simplicity is typical of the sensation of enchantment.

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