【看美剧学英语】生活大爆炸422 Bernadette卧底四人约
She always this crabby when she urinates? 她小便的时候总是这么凶吗

We're really not that close. 其实我俩没那么铁

What makes me the weakest member? 为啥我是最弱小的

It doesn't matter. I'm going to tell her we can't make it. 无所谓了 我准备跟她说我们去不了

And we're going to use that to our advantage. 我们要充分利用这一点

Wait. What are you talking about? 打住 你到底在说什么

That's brilliant. 这个很赞

Elegant. 妙极了

I'm just breaking in some new shoes. 我只是在适应我的新鞋而已

Hadn't really thought about it. 还真没这么想过

I don't understand. Is this a way to break in new shoes? 我不明白 新鞋就这样穿的吗

What's the word I'm looking for?

That's very impressive. 这么厉害啊

Will the two of you excuse me? 两位失陪一下

No, I don't see that catching on at all. 不行 说起来还是不顺嘴

I guess you're probably wondering what's got me down. 我猜你大概在琢磨 我为什么会这么郁闷

Actually, I was wondering if I could add a third new chess piece. 实际上我在琢磨 我能不能再加一个新的棋子

Okay, I'm still trying to work this out. 好吧 我还在琢磨这事呢

I'd thank you to extend me the same courtesy. 谢谢你以怨报德

I still can't get over the fact that she got a big movie part. 我还在琢磨她居然要出演大片这件事呢

Not that I care what my ex-girlfriend's up to, 'cause I don't. 倒不是因为我在乎我前女友的事 我真不在乎

What do you got for me? 进展如何了

I think they're on to me. 我觉得他们在逼问我

The story's starting to fall apart. 这故事开始漏洞百出了

All right, look, just forget about the astronaut. 好吧 反正别提宇航员的事了

Look, just find out what's up with this trip to India. 一定要问去印度怎么回事就好了

Don't you quit on us! 你敢

Thank you for coming with me. 谢谢你陪我来

Can I help you? 有事吗

May I join you? 能坐这里吗

There's no need to interact with me. 不用理我

Are you concerned your parents might not approve of Leonard? 你担心自己父母不接受Leonard吗

It's not like you are getting engaged, right? 你们又不是去订婚 是吧

We're not there yet. 我们还没到那阶段

What's up with you? 你怎么了