
2018-09-10  本文已影响12人  夏山闻汐
Doug Marcaida

今天,我突然想起一位武术家,并不是大名鼎鼎的李小龙先生(我同样尊敬并喜爱他)。他名叫 Doug Marcaida,国内一些朋友称他为“狗哥”,也是锻刀大赛的评委之一。最先接触是因为他的一些武术教程视频,后来偶然看到一个关于他的采访视频,受到很大触动。今天,我花了点时间将这个采访视频搬运了过来,并进行了空耳听译(可能有误),希望也能给你带来些启示:


Doug Marcaida 荣誉|正直|尊重


DM: Doug Marcaida |  I:  Interviewer

DM: We’re not gonna be here forever, you’re here is for a short time, and in that time you get a chance to really learn a lot of things, and that is you make the legacy that you leave behind.


I think you earn more when you leave things behind because you’re given gifts and gifts can sometimes be knowledge and when you have this knowledge that was passed on to you, hopefully in return you pass if knowledge to others as well.

我认为如果你死后能留下些东西,你可以得到更多收获。因为你在给予这个世界“礼物”,这种“礼物”可以是知识,当你被传授了某些知识时, 希望你也可以将这些知识传授给他人。

I: Do your students ever challenge other students from other classes?


DM: Challenge in what sense?


I: I’m better than you


DM: I don’t condone that only because one thing, ours is an art form that we push for honor, integrity, and respect. I challenge them to question everything I teach, I challenge them to question everything that is being taught to them in a sense that to make it a learning experience make it their own truth but always with respect, because remember you may be good at what you do but they may be very good at what they did.

DM:我并不认可这种挑衅,因为我们所做的艺术形式是鼓励 “荣誉、正直、尊重”。我会鼓励我的学生质疑我所教导的一切,我鼓励他们去质疑他们学到的一切并把学会的经验变成他们个人的真理。但是,尊重之心是不可或缺的。需要记住,你可能在你擅长那些你所在的领域,但是其他人可能在他们的领域也独当一面。

You know a lot of times when I see people challenge are things as a usual result of insecurities and that insecurity is because they feel that they have to be the ones who are the best. If you let go and understand that everybody’s truth is different that it’s a personal thing then maybe you can let go of that insecurity, be secure and happy with the things that you do know and the things you don’t know, look for answers to it and enjoy it. There’s no reason to be disrespectful, put other people down for that reason just shows insecurity.


ps:如果您有好的建议,欢迎交流 :-D,

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