Dec. 2018 苹果&草莓专题之 Jianzhi

2018-12-07  本文已影响0人  宝玩学术专题乐园

小朋友们,你们知道剪纸是什么吗?剪纸,是中国很老很老的一种民间艺术。We call it the art of Chinese papercutting, or simply Jianzhi. Since Chinese New Year is around the corner, let’s do some Jianzhi for New Year decoration! 小朋友们想玩吗?Let me show you a really easy one.

What you need:

• a red piece of paper 一张红纸

• a pencil 一支铅笔, and

• a pair of scissors 一把剪刀

What you do:

1. Fold the red paper in half. 把红纸对半折一次

2. Using your pencil, draw a design like the one in the picture. Can you guess what it is? You can choose which one you want to draw. It’s up to you! 用铅笔在红纸上画出图案。

3. Now, using your scissors, cut out the shaded areas. And remember, it’s okay to ask for help with the cutting. 然后用剪刀把阴影部分剪掉。小朋友们可以请爸爸妈妈帮忙哦。

4. After you cut out the shaded areas, open up the folded red paper. Now can you guess what it is again? 最后,把剪好的红纸打开。现在你们知道它是个什么了吗?

It’s a Chinese lantern! And it's symmetrical! 你做了一个两边对称的灯笼!好棒!

Now kids, go make more Jianzhi decorations for this Chinese New Year, and have a blast!

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