c++ 黑魔法 之 模板
template <class _Ty>
struct is_union : bool_constant<__is_union(_Ty)> {}; // determine whether _Ty is a union
template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_union_v = __is_union(_Ty);
评论说boost loki也能做type_trait,让我们看看他们是怎么做的,就看最新版的boost文档里怎么写的:
Compiler Compatibility: Without (some as yet unspecified) help from the compiler, we cannot distinguish between union and class types using only standard C++, as a result this type will never inherit from true_type, unless the user explicitly specializes the template for their user-defined union types, or unless the compiler supplies some unspecified intrinsic that implements this functionality. Currently (June 2015) compilers more recent than Visual C++ 8, clang, GCC-4.3, Greenhills 6.0, Intel-11.0, and Codegear have the necessary compiler intrinsics to ensure that this trait "just works". You may also test to see if the necessary intrinsics are available by checking to see if the macro
is defined.
Without (some as yet unspecified) help from the compiler, we cannot distinguish between union and class types using only standard C++, as a result this type will never inherit from true_type