
2021-01-08  本文已影响0人  CayChan


  1. 尽量降低数据的占用空间:将每个key的最大命中次数上限设为15,用4个bit表示。每个long为64位,可分为16个4bit,这样每个long型整数可以保存16个。
  2. 尽量保持数据相对"新鲜":达到一定条件时,就将所有key的命中频次减半(降频)。


  1. 用一个Long型一维数组保存所有数据,每个数组元素包括16个分段(下面将每个数组元素称为一个slot,每个4bit分段称为一个counter)

  2. 使用hash算法将每个key的频次映射到某个Counter中。并借鉴BloomFilter思想,用多种hash算法降低hash重复带来的误差。

  3. 每个key计算一个hash值,再用hash值计算出4种index,表示在哪些slot中;用hash值计算出在16个counter中的位置,每个slot中的counter下标相差1位,counter下标从右到左为0-16。

  4. 每次命中后将4个counter值加1,最多15。

  5. 由于每个元素的hash值都可能跟其他key相同,所以每次频次加1时,可能将其他key的频次加1。所以取这4个key的最小值最为该key的频次

 * A probabilistic multiset for estimating the popularity of an element within a time window. The
 * maximum frequency of an element is limited to 15 (4-bits) and an aging process periodically
 * halves the popularity of all elements.
 * @author ben.manes@gmail.com (Ben Manes)
final class FrequencySketch<E> {

   * This class maintains a 4-bit CountMinSketch [1] with periodic aging to provide the popularity
   * history for the TinyLfu admission policy [2]. The time and space efficiency of the sketch
   * allows it to cheaply estimate the frequency of an entry in a stream of cache access events.
   * The counter matrix is represented as a single dimensional array holding 16 counters per slot. A
   * fixed depth of four balances the accuracy and cost, resulting in a width of four times the
   * length of the array. To retain an accurate estimation the array's length equals the maximum
   * number of entries in the cache, increased to the closest power-of-two to exploit more efficient
   * bit masking. This configuration results in a confidence of 93.75% and error bound of e / width.
   * The frequency of all entries is aged periodically using a sampling window based on the maximum
   * number of entries in the cache. This is referred to as the reset operation by TinyLfu and keeps
   * the sketch fresh by dividing all counters by two and subtracting based on the number of odd
   * counters found. The O(n) cost of aging is amortized, ideal for hardware prefetching, and uses
   * inexpensive bit manipulations per array location.
   * [1] An Improved Data Stream Summary: The Count-Min Sketch and its Applications
   * http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/~graham/pubs/papers/cm-full.pdf
   * [2] TinyLFU: A Highly Efficient Cache Admission Policy
   * https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3149371

  static final long[] SEED = { // A mixture of seeds from FNV-1a, CityHash, and Murmur3
      0xc3a5c85c97cb3127L, 0xb492b66fbe98f273L, 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fL, 0xcbf29ce484222325L};
  static final long RESET_MASK = 0x7777777777777777L; //二进制 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111
    static final long ONE_MASK = 0x1111111111111111L; //二进制 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001

  int sampleSize;
  int tableMask;
  long[] table;
  int size;

   * Creates a lazily initialized frequency sketch, requiring {@link #ensureCapacity} be called
   * when the maximum size of the cache has been determined.
  public FrequencySketch() {}

   * Initializes and increases the capacity of this <tt>FrequencySketch</tt> instance, if necessary,
   * to ensure that it can accurately estimate the popularity of elements given the maximum size of
   * the cache. This operation forgets all previous counts when resizing.
   * 初始化table,若maximumSize=0,table长度为1(无界缓存,所有数据都被记录下来,也就无需记录每个数据的频次了)
   * 否则table长度为大于等于maximumSize的最小的2的整数倍。maximumSize大于0时,sampleSize=10倍数组长度。
   * 数组长度最大为Integer.MAX_VALUE的二分之一,也就是2147483647/2=1073741823,大概10.7亿
   * tableMask=数组长度减1
   * 比如:
   * maximumSize=0,table长度为1,sampleSize=Integer.MAX_VALUE
   * maximumSize=10,table长度为16,sampleSize=160
   * maximumSize=100,table长度为128,sampleSize=1280
   * @param maximumSize the maximum size of the cache
  public void ensureCapacity(@NonNegative long maximumSize) {
    requireArgument(maximumSize >= 0);
    int maximum = (int) Math.min(maximumSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE >>> 1);
    if ((table != null) && (table.length >= maximum)) {

    table = new long[(maximum == 0) ? 1 : Caffeine.ceilingPowerOfTwo(maximum)];
    tableMask = Math.max(0, table.length - 1);
    sampleSize = (maximumSize == 0) ? 10 : (10 * maximum);
    if (sampleSize <= 0) {
      sampleSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    size = 0;

   * Returns if the sketch has not yet been initialized, requiring that {@link #ensureCapacity} is
   * called before it begins to track frequencies.
  public boolean isNotInitialized() {
    return (table == null);

   * Returns the estimated number of occurrences of an element, up to the maximum (15).
   * 获取元素的频次,由于每个元素都有4个hash算法,在4个位置记录了4个频次,取其中最小的频次作为该元素的频次
   * 获取元素的counter下标和slot下标,再取对应的4bit的数据
   * @param e the element to count occurrences of
   * @return the estimated number of occurrences of the element; possibly zero but never negative
  public int frequency(@NonNull E e) {
    if (isNotInitialized()) {
      return 0;

    int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
    int start = (hash & 3) << 2; //start为counter下标,这个算法start只可能为0 4 8 12的其中一种
    int frequency = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      int index = indexOf(hash, i); //index为每个slot下标
      //假设start为4,二进制为0100,table[index]的二进制为0100 1010... 1101 0011 1000 0011 1001
      //(start + i) << 2 左移两位0001 0000,也就是十进制16,其实就是从右数,下标为4的counter的二进制的右边第一位,这个counter就是1101
      //(table[index] >>> 16也就是0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 1010... 1101
      //oxfL也就是15,二进制为0000 0000...0000 1111,跟"0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 1010... 1101"相与,就是只保留后4位,1101,也就是这个counter的值=该元素在该位置的频次
      int count = (int) ((table[index] >>> ((start + i) << 2)) & 0xfL);
      frequency = Math.min(frequency, count);
    return frequency;

   * Increments the popularity of the element if it does not exceed the maximum (15). The popularity
   * of all elements will be periodically down sampled when the observed events exceeds a threshold.
   * This process provides a frequency aging to allow expired long term entries to fade away.
   * 增加元素的频次
   * 获取4个slot位置,获取counter位置,并为每个counter加1
   * 假设slot1的counter下标=c。slot1的counter下标等于c+1,slot2的counter下标等于c+2,slot3的counter下标等于c+3
   * 这么做是因为计算counter的算法得到的只能为0,4,8,12这4种情况,为了使用所有16个counter,所以这么处理(也可能是理论原因所以这么计算counter)
   * @param e the element to add
  public void increment(@NonNull E e) {
    if (isNotInitialized()) {

    int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
    int start = (hash & 3) << 2;

    // Loop unrolling improves throughput by 5m ops/s
    int index0 = indexOf(hash, 0);
    int index1 = indexOf(hash, 1);
    int index2 = indexOf(hash, 2);
    int index3 = indexOf(hash, 3);

    boolean added = incrementAt(index0, start);
    added |= incrementAt(index1, start + 1);
    added |= incrementAt(index2, start + 2);
    added |= incrementAt(index3, start + 3);

    if (added && (++size == sampleSize)) {

   * Increments the specified counter by 1 if it is not already at the maximum value (15).
   * 这里跟frequency方法类似,目的是找到counter所在的4位bit,然后加1,最多=15
   * offset为counter的4位bit的最低位在64位bit中的下标。
   * 64bit分为16个counter。从右往左数,j为counter下标,offset为64bit的下标
   * @param i the table index (16 counters)
   * @param j the counter to increment
   * @return if incremented
  boolean incrementAt(int i, int j) {
    int offset = j << 2;
    long mask = (0xfL << offset);
    if ((table[i] & mask) != mask) {//(table[i] & mask) != mask,表示那4bit不全为1,也就是不等于15
      //比如table[index]的二进制为0100 1010...1101 0011 1000 0011 1001,offset=12,counter的4bit为1101,十进制=13
      //1L << offset的结果为     0000 0000...0001 0000 0000 0000 0000。相加后1101变成1110,十进制=14
      //虽然counter只加了1,但table[i]加了"1 0000 0000 0000 0000",十进制507376
      table[i] += (1L << offset);
      return true;
    return false;

  /** Reduces every counter by half of its original value. */
  void reset() {
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
      count += Long.bitCount(table[i] & ONE_MASK);//16个counter中频次为奇数的个数
      //table[i] >>> 1,整体右移1位,其中每4个bit也右移1位,相当于除2。但每个counter的高位是上一个bit的低位,可能为1
      //& RESET_MASK,抹去新counter的最高位,保留低三位。最终实现每个counter除2
      //        1100 1001 0001 0010
      // 右移1位 0110 0100 1000 1001
      //  相与后 0110 0100 0000 0001
      table[i] = (table[i] >>> 1) & RESET_MASK;
    size = (size >>> 1) - (count >>> 2);

   * Returns the table index for the counter at the specified depth.
   * @param item the element's hash
   * @param i the counter depth
   * @return the table index
  int indexOf(int item, int i) {
    long hash = (item + SEED[i]) * SEED[i];
    hash += (hash >>> 32);
    return ((int) hash) & tableMask;

   * Applies a supplemental hash function to a given hashCode, which defends against poor quality
   * hash functions.
  int spread(int x) {
    x = ((x >>> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
    x = ((x >>> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
    return (x >>> 16) ^ x;

