ovs learn action

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本文主要记录下 learn action的操作,learn action用来动态添加openflow流表,包括匹配域,action和其他属性。


learn action

       The learn action adds or modifies a flow in an OpenFlow table,
       similar to ovs-ofctl --strict mod-flows. The arguments specify
       the match fields, actions, and other properties of the flow to be
       added or modified.

       Match fields for the new flow are specified as follows. At least
       one match field should ordinarily be specified:
       对于新添加的流表,匹配域按如下格式指定,field 是标准的字段,
       可参考 https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/ovs-fields.7.html
                field = value, value为任意值
                     Specifies that field, in the new flow, must match
                     the literal value, e.g. dl_type=0x800. Shorthand
                     match syntax, such as ip in place of dl_type=0x800,
                     is not supported.

                     Specifies that field in the new flow must match src
                     taken from the packet currently being processed.
                     For example, udp_dst=udp_src, applied to a UDP
                     packet with source port 53, creates a flow which
                     matches udp_dst=53. field and src must have the
                     same width.

                field 上面的格式,如果field和src相等,则可简写为field
              field  Shorthand for the previous form when field and src
                     are the same. For example, udp_dst, applied to a
                     UDP packet with destination port 53, creates a flow
                     which matches udp_dst=53.

       The field and src arguments above should be fields or subfields
       in the syntax described under ``Field Specifications’’ above.

       Match field specifications must honor prerequisites for both the
       flow with the learn and the new flow that it creates. Consider
       the following complete flow, in the syntax accepted by ovs-ofctl.
       If the flow’s match on udp were omitted, then the flow would not
       satisfy the prerequisites for the learn action’s use of udp_src.
       If dl_type=0x800 or nw_proto were omitted from learn, then the
       new flow would not satisfy the prerequisite for its match on
       udp_dst. For more information on prerequisites, please refer to

               udp, actions=learn(dl_type=0x800, nw_proto=17, udp_dst=udp_src)

        learn只支持给新流表添加两种action: load 和 output
       Actions for the new flow are specified as follows. At least one
       action should ordinarily be specified:

                     Adds a load action to the new flow that loads the
                     literal value into dst. The syntax is the same as
                     the load action explained in the ``Header
                     Modification’’ section.

                     Adds a load action to the new flow that loads src,
                     a field or subfield from the packet being
                     processed, into dst.
                     Adds an output action to the new flow’s actions
                     that outputs to the OpenFlow port taken from field,
                     which must be a field as described above.

                   Adds a fin_timeout action with the specified
                   arguments to the new flow. This feature was added in
                   Open vSwitch 1.5.90.

       The following additional arguments are optional:

                   These arguments have the same meaning as in the usual
                   flow syntax documented in ovs-ofctl(8).

                   The table in which the new flow should be inserted.
                   Specify a decimal number between 0 and 254 inclusive
                   or the name of a table. The default, if table is
                   unspecified, is table 1 (not 0).

                   When this flag is specified, deleting the flow that
                   contains the learn action will also delete the flows
                   created by learn. Specifically, when the last learn
                   action with this flag and particular table and cookie
                   values is removed, the switch deletes all of the
                   flows in the specified table with the specified

                   This flag was added in Open vSwitch 2.4.

                   If the number of flows in the new flow’s table with
                   the same cookie exceeds number, the action will not
                   add a new flow. By default, or with limit=0, there is
                   no limit.

                   This flag was added in Open vSwitch 2.8.

                   If learn fails (because the number of flows exceeds
                   limit), the action sets field[bit] to 0, otherwise it
                   will be set to 1. field[bit] must be a single bit.

                   This flag was added in Open vSwitch 2.8.

        learn只支持给新流表添加两种action: load 和 output
       By itself, the learn action can only put two kinds of actions
       into the flows that it creates: load and output actions. If learn
       is used in isolation, these are severe limits.

       However, learn is not meant to be used in isolation. It is a
       primitive meant to be used together with other Open vSwitch
       features to accomplish a task. Its existing features are enough
       to accomplish most tasks.

       Here is an outline of a typical pipeline structure that allows
       for versatile behavior using learn:

              •      Flows in table A contain a learn action, that
                     populates flows in table L, that use a load action
                     to populate register R with information about what
                     was learned.

              •      Flows in table B contain two sequential resubmit
                     actions: one to table L and another one to table

              •      Flows in table B+1 match on register R and act
                     differently depending on what the flows in table L
                     loaded into it.

       This approach can be used to implement many learn-based features.
       For example:

              •      Resubmit to a table selected based on learned
                     information, e.g. see ⟨https://
                     2016-June/021694.html⟩ .

              •      MAC learning in the middle of a pipeline, as
                     described in the ``Open vSwitch Advanced Features
                     Tutorial’’ in the OVS documentation.

              •      TCP state based firewalling, by learning outgoing
                     connections based on SYN packets and matching them
                     up with incoming packets. (This is usually better
                     implemented using the ct action.)

              •      At least some of the features described in T. A.
                     Hoff, ``Extending Open vSwitch to Facilitate
                     Creation of Stateful SDN Applications’’.


       The learn action is an Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow added
       in Open vSwitch 1.3. Some features of learn were added in later
       versions, as noted individually above.


#define NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD     (0 << 13) /* Copy from field. */           表示源值为 field
#define NX_LEARN_SRC_IMMEDIATE (1 << 13) /* Copy from immediate value. */ 表示源值为立即数

#define NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH     (0 << 11) /* Add match criterion. */       表示添加匹配域
#define NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD      (1 << 11) /* Add NXAST_REG_LOAD action. */ 表示添加load action
#define NX_LEARN_DST_OUTPUT    (2 << 11) /* Add OFPAT_OUTPUT action. */   表示添加 output action

/* Part of struct ofpact_learn, below. */
struct ofpact_learn_spec {
        struct mf_subfield src;    /* NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD only. */
        struct mf_subfield dst;    /* NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH,
                                    * NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD only. */
        uint16_t src_type;         /* One of NX_LEARN_SRC_*. */
        uint16_t dst_type;         /* One of NX_LEARN_DST_*. */
        uint8_t n_bits;            /* Number of bits in source and dest. */
    /* Followed by 'DIV_ROUND_UP(n_bits, 8)' bytes of immediate data for
     * match 'dst_type's NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH and NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD when
     * NX_LEARN_SRC_IMMEDIATE is set in 'src_type', followed by zeroes to align
     * to OFPACT_ALIGNTO. */

struct ofpact_learn {
        struct ofpact ofpact;

        uint16_t idle_timeout;     /* Idle time before discarding (seconds). */
        uint16_t hard_timeout;     /* Max time before discarding (seconds). */
        uint16_t priority;         /* Priority level of flow entry. */
        uint8_t table_id;          /* Table to insert flow entry. */
        enum nx_learn_flags flags; /* NX_LEARN_F_*. */
        ovs_be64 cookie;           /* Cookie for new flow. */
        uint16_t fin_idle_timeout; /* Idle timeout after FIN, if nonzero. */
        uint16_t fin_hard_timeout; /* Hard timeout after FIN, if nonzero. */
        /* If the number of flows on 'table_id' with 'cookie' exceeds this,
         * the action will not add a new flow. 0 indicates unlimited. */
        uint32_t limit;
        /* Used only if 'flags' has NX_LEARN_F_WRITE_RESULT.  If the execution
         * failed to install a new flow because 'limit' is exceeded,
         * result_dst will be set to 0, otherwise to 1. */
        struct mf_subfield result_dst;

    struct ofpact_learn_spec specs[];

parse_LEARN(char *arg, const struct ofputil_port_map *port_map,
            struct ofpbuf *ofpacts,
            enum ofputil_protocol *usable_protocols OVS_UNUSED)
    return learn_parse(arg, port_map, ofpacts);

learn_parse(char *arg, const struct ofputil_port_map *port_map,
            struct ofpbuf *ofpacts)
    char *orig = xstrdup(arg);
    char *error = learn_parse__(orig, arg, port_map, ofpacts);
    return error;

learn_parse__(char *orig, char *arg, const struct ofputil_port_map *port_map,
              struct ofpbuf *ofpacts)
    struct ofpact_learn *learn;
    struct match match;
    char *name, *value;

    learn = ofpact_put_LEARN(ofpacts);
    learn->idle_timeout = OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT;
    learn->hard_timeout = OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT;
    learn->priority = OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
    learn->table_id = 1;

    while (ofputil_parse_key_value(&arg, &name, &value)) {
        if (!strcmp(name, "table")) {
            learn->table_id = atoi(value);
            if (learn->table_id == 255) {
                return xasprintf("%s: table id 255 not valid for `learn' "
                                 "action", orig);
        } else 
        } else {
            struct ofpact_learn_spec *spec;
            char *error;

            spec = ofpbuf_put_zeros(ofpacts, sizeof *spec);
            error = learn_parse_spec(orig, name, value, port_map,
                                     spec, ofpacts, &match);
            if (error) {
                return error;
            learn = ofpacts->header;

learn_parse_spec(const char *orig, char *name, char *value,
                 const struct ofputil_port_map *port_map,
                 struct ofpact_learn_spec *spec,
                 struct ofpbuf *ofpacts, struct match *match)
    /* Parse destination and check prerequisites. */
    struct mf_subfield dst;

    char *error = mf_parse_subfield(&dst, name);
    bool parse_error = error != NULL;

    //只要parse_error为空,说明根据name查找到了field, 说明这是一个匹配域。action只会以 load 或者 output 开始
    if (!parse_error) {

    //load action
    } else if (!strcmp(name, "load")) {
    //output action
    } else if (!strcmp(name, "output")) {

ovs-vswitchd端通过 xlate_learn_action 来生成流表,并添加到指定table中。



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