
2016-06-23  本文已影响231人  大脸猫121




Use descriptive names with camel case for classes, methods, variables, etc. Class names and constants in module scope should be capitalized, while method names and variables should start with a lower case letter.

let MaximumWidgetCount = 100
class WidgetContainer {
   var widgetButton: UIButton  
let widgetHeightPercentage = 0.85
Not Preferred:
class app_widgetContainer {  
    var wBut: UIButton  
    let wHeightPct = 0.85

For functions and init methods, prefer named parameters for all arguments unless the context is very clear. Include external parameter names if it makes function calls more readable.

func dateFromString(dateString: NSString) -> NSDate
func convertPointAt(#column: Int, #row: Int) -> CGPoint
func timedAction(#delay: NSTimeInterval, perform action: SKAction) -> SKAction!
// would be called like this:
convertPointAt(column: 42, row: 13)
timedAction(delay: 1.0, perform: someOtherAction)

For methods, follow the standard Apple convention of referring to the first parameter in the method name:

class Guideline {  
    func combineWithString(incoming: String, options: Dictionary?) {
   func upvoteBy(amount: Int) { 

When referring to functions in prose (tutorials, books, comments) include the required parameter names from the caller's perspective. If the context is clear and the exact signature is not important, you can use just the method name.
Call convertPointAt(column:row:) from your own init implementation.
If you implement didSelectRowAtIndexPath, remember to deselect the row when you're done.
You shouldn't call the data source method tableView(_:cellForRowAtIndexPath:) directly.

2.类前缀(Class Prefixes)

Swift types are all automatically namespaced by the module that contains them. As a result, prefixes are not required in order to minimize naming collisions. If two names from different modules collide you can disambiguate by prefixing the type name with the module name:

import MyModulevar myClass = MyModule.MyClass()


You should not add prefixes to your Swift types.


@objc (RWTChicken) class Chicken {   


• 使用缩进2个空格,而不是制表符,以节省空间,并有助于防止换行。请务必在Xcode中设置此偏好。
Indent using 2 spaces rather than tabs to conserve space and help prevent line wrapping. Be sure to set this preference in Xcode.
• 方法括号和大括号等(if/else/switch/while等)总是在同一行语句打开在新行关闭。

Method braces and other braces (if/else/switch/while etc.) always open on the same line as the statement but close on a new line.
if user.isHappy {
  //Do something
} else {
 //Do something else
Not Preferred:
if user.isHappy
    //Do something
else {
    //Do something else

• 为了阅读方便应该在方法之间保持一个空行以更好的组织代码。在方法中空行应该分割功能块,但如果一个方法有太多的功能块,那么通常意味着你应该重构到多个方法中。

    There should be exactly one blank line between methods to aid in visual clarity and organization. Whitespace within methods should separate functionality, but having too many sections in a method often means you should refactor into several methods.


When they are needed, use comments to explain why a particular piece of code does something. Comments must be kept up-to-date or deleted.
Avoid block comments inline with code, as the code should be as self-documenting as possible. Exception: This does not apply to those comments used to generate documentation.

5.类和结构(Classes and Structures)

Here's an example of a well-styled class definition:

class Circle: Shape {
  var x: Int, y: Int
  var radius: Double
  var diameter: Double {
    get {
      return radius * 2
    set {
      radius = newValue / 2
  init(x: Int, y: Int, radius: Double) {
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.radius = radius
  convenience init(x: Int, y: Int, diameter: Double) {
    self.init(x: x, y: y, radius: diameter / 2)
  func describe() -> String {
    return "I am a circle at \(centerString()) with an area of \(computeArea())"
  override func computeArea() -> Double {
    return M_PI * radius * radius
  private func centerString() -> String {
    return "(\(x),\(y))"

The example above demonstrates the following style guidelines:
• 属性,变量,常量,参数的类型和分号之间保持一个空格,如:x: Int 和 Circle: Shape

types for properties, variables, constants, argument declarations and other statements with a space after the colon but not before, e.g. x: Int, and Circle: Shape.
• 如果多个变量和结构拥有相同的目的或上下文,那么在一行里定义他们

    Define multiple variables and structures on a single line if they share a common purpose / context.

• 缩进getter、setter方法和属性观察器

        Indent getter and setter definitions and property observers.

• 不需要增加默认修饰比如internal。同样,覆盖的方法时,不要重复添加访问修饰符。

    Don't add modifiers such as internal when they're already the default. Similarly, don't repeat the access modifier when overriding a method.

6.使用self(Use of Self)

For conciseness, avoid using self since Swift does not require it to access an object's properties or invoke its methods.
Use self when required to differentiate between property names and arguments in initializers, and when referencing properties in closures to make capture semantics explicit:

class BoardLocation {
  let row: Int, column: Int

  init(row: Int,column: Int) {
    self.row = row
    self.column = column
    let closure = { () -> () in

7.定义函数(Function Declarations)

Keep short function declarations on one line including the opening brace:

 func reticulateSplines(spline: [Double]) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here

For functions with long signatures, add line breaks at appropriate points and add an extra indent on subsequent lines:

func reticulateSplines(spline: [Double], adjustmentFactor: Double,
    translateConstant: Int, comment: String) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here


Use trailing closure syntax wherever possible. In all cases, give the closure parameters descriptive names:

return SKAction.customActionWithDuration(effect.duration) { node, elapsedTime in 
// more code goes here

For single-expression closures where the context is clear, use implicit returns:

attendeeList.sort { a, b in
  a > b


Always use Swift's native types when available. Swift offers bridging to Objective-C so you can still use the full set of methods as needed.

let width = 120.0                                    //Double
let widthString = (width as NSNumber).stringValue    //String
Not Preferred:
let width: NSNumber = 120.0                                 //NSNumber
let widthString: NSString = width.stringValue               //NSString

在Sprite Kit代码中,使用CGFloat,如果它使代码更简洁,避免过多的转换。
In Sprite Kit code, use CGFloat if it makes the code more succinct by avoiding too many conversions.


Constants are defined using the let keyword, and variables with the var keyword. Any value that is a constant must be defined appropriately, using the let keyword. As a result, you will likely find yourself using let far more than var.
Tip: One technique that might help meet this standard is to define everything as a constant and only change it to a variable when the compiler complains!


Declare variables and function return types as optional with ? where a nil value is acceptable.
只有在确定实例变量会在初始化之后才被使用的情况下,通过 ! 将其定义为隐式解包类型(Implicitly Unwrapped Types),比如说会在viewDidLoad中被创建的子视图。
Use implicitly unwrapped types declared with ! only for instance variables that you know will be initialized later before use, such as subviews that will be set up in viewDidLoad.
When accessing an optional value, use optional chaining if the value is only accessed once or if there are many optionals in the chain:


Use optional binding when it's more convenient to unwrap once and perform multiple operations:

if let view = self.optionalView {
  // do many things with view

10.初始化结构体(Struct Initializers)

Use the native Swift struct initializers rather than the legacy CGGeometry constructors.

let bounds = CGRect(x: 40, y: 20, width: 120, height: 80)
var centerPoint = CGPoint(x: 96, y: 42)
Not Preferred:
let bounds = CGRectMake(40, 20, 120, 80)
var centerPoint = CGPointMake(96, 42)

11.类型推断(Type Inference)

The Swift compiler is able to infer the type of variables and constants. You can provide an explicit type via a type alias (which is indicated by the type after the colon), but in the majority of cases this is not necessary.
Prefer compact code and let the compiler infer the type for a constant or variable.

let message = "Click the button"
var currentBounds = computeViewBounds()
Not Preferred:
let message: String = "Click the button"
var currentBounds: CGRect = computeViewBounds()

NOTE: Following this guideline means picking descriptive names is even more important than before.

12.语法糖(Syntactic Sugar)

Prefer the shortcut versions of type declarations over the full generics syntax.

var deviceModels: [String]
var employees: [Int: String]
var faxNumber: Int?
Not Preferred:
var deviceModels: Array<String>
var employees: Dictionary<Int, String>
var faxNumber: Optional<Int>
13.控制流(Control Flow)

Prefer the for-in style of for loop over the for-condition-increment style.

for _ in 0..<3 {
  println("Hello three times")
for person in attendeeList {
  // do something
Not Preferred:
for var i = 0; i < 3; i++ {
   println("Hello three times")
for var i = 0; i < attendeeList.count; i++ {
   let person = attendeeList[i]
  // do something


Swift does not require a semicolon after each statement in your code. They are only required if you wish to combine multiple statements on a single line.
Do not write multiple statements on a single line separated with semicolons.
这个规则的唯一例外是for语句,它需要分号。然而,在可能的情况下尽量使用可选的 for-in 语句
The only exception to this rule is the for-conditional-increment construct, which requires semicolons. However, alternative for-in constructs should be used where possible.

var swift = "not a scripting language"
Not Preferred:
var swift = "not a scripting language";

NOTE: Swift is very different to JavaScript, where omitting semicolons is generally considered unsafe


与Apple API一样使用US English 拼写,尽量使用英语的拼写方式。
Use US English spelling to match Apple's API.

var color = "red"
Not Preferred:
var colour = "red"
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