

2017-08-08  本文已影响68人  code_w


英语脚本:Zhang Hui




Topic: The Pelvic Cavity. Coversion of matter from GANS to solid state



Welcome, everybody, to the 16thKeshe Foundation HealthTeaching Workshop, this workshop is called‘The pelvic

cavity and reproduction, conversion of matter from gans to solid state’. And, today we’ll hear from doctor Eliya

Kostova of the Spaceship Institute, and after that we’ll

have a commentary from Mr. Keshe of the Keshe Foundation and he’ll give his input on Eliya who will give the, more the professional’s, doctor’s point of view but she’ll also tie in with the Keshe teaching. OK, Eliya, are you ready togo there?


Yes, hello everybody, it’s me, Eliya, it’s nice to be with you at the16thHealth teaching workshop of Keshe Foundation. Today thesubject will be the pelvic cavity and reproduction in the same way of thatplace we have transforming the gans state to the matter state, so today we willsee the vice versa trans-version of matter, opposite of the digestive systemwhere we convert the matter state from matter to the gans. So, on the firstslide I just want to remember you the different parts of the body cavitations,so we have the cranial cavity where, this is the place of the core reactor ofour body, then we go to the chest section of our body and this is the place forthe 2ndstar formation built from 2 lungs, heart, and thymus,then we go to the abdomen cavity where, we said the previous workshop that wehave 2 star formations formed from liver, pancreas, spleen, muscle system andbladder, and one more formed from kidney, renal gland and bladder,


and today we’ll speak about the pelvic cavity, this isour 5thstar formation, and then we go to the next slide. Onthe next slide I mentioned you, is like O shape, the name of different starformations, just to keep in mind and not forget, on the first you see the 2star formations in the cranial cavity and in the chest cavity and the directionof the busy arch, on the cranial cavity the busy is facing down and thethoracic area is facing up.


On the next side we will see the reason why ithappens like that in our body. Then the next slide it is again representationof the star formation in our abdomen cavity and pelvic cavity. Actuallydifferent star formation they are separate to each other from diaphragm, westart with diaphragm with mouth, then diaphragm in thoracic area and finishwith the third one diaphragm in pelvic area.


Actually, abdomen cavity and pelvic cavity, they are positioned so close toeach other, next to each other, actually in one common cavity, but they areseparated between them, and in the abdomen cavity we have 2 star formations, wespoke the previous workshop, and the pelvic cavity we have only 1 starformation, it is regarding, this is for the female body or the male body, havedifferent components inside.


So if we speak about the female body, the

components will be womb, left ovary, right ovary and the G-spot, which is

actually the gland, near, in between the bones and the, in front of wall of the

vagina, and if it’s for the male body will beprostate gland, testicles right and left, and again the G-spot. And the busywill be face down;


in that sense our body forms 2 poles, south and north, and the south pole willbe open up after our 5thstar formation, after the pelviccavity, and the north pole will open up above the 1ststarformation, this is the cranial cavity. OK, then the next slide.


So, how, you noticed the direction of the busy of each one star formation, nowis understandable for you that our body forms the magnet and the magneticfields between the north and south pole. Actually, we form 2 inner torsostructures, and one will be covering the top reactor, cranial cavity and thechest reactor,


if you remember the previous workshop I told youthat both star formations, in cranial cavity and thoracic cavity, they arecompletely sustainable, they are able to work without other 3 star formations,and the next one dorsal will be after the diaphragm and will cover the abdomencavity and pelvic cavity.


So actually we have two inner-torus because we are magnets, and all these 2torus, both 2 torus will be covered from one common outer part of the toruswill be our energy egg if you remember how, I explained to you the previousworkshop. Actually we are the magnets with two parts of inner torus separate,because of separation of our star formations, and the vector of star formation,where the faces the busy line up or down, and 2 inner torus, they are inside ofthe outer torus. This is our aura, how we call, in energy anatomy of the humanbody.


OK, so the next slide, please.


Can I interrupt, one second?




Doctor Eliya, you’ve got to explain, it’s BZ, not busy, because it doesn’t show whatit is.


Yeah, BZ.


BZ is the horizontal line of the magnetic field flow from the plasma.


Yes.OK, sorry about that.


No, no problem.


So, with that flow, I want to remember for you how we separate the human bodyin different plains, so, we have the frontal plain and separate the body fromfront and back, we have sagittal plain that separates the body left and right,and we have the horizontal plain that separates the body from top and tobottom; also we have additional plain but these are the main 3 plans of thebody.


And on the right side of the slide you see howthey form specific shape, and inside of that specific shape is placed our body;actually because of that place we have different cavities inside our body whereis the place of specific organs, and those specific organs have that placebecause they have specific function.


Then we go to the next slide. Because of that separation of our body, of ourarchitecture of our body, actually we’ve got the shape

of cup of hexahedron, if you see on the left side. And the cup of hexahedron is

combined structure of many other small geometric structures inside. Actually,

our body, it is completely built and it’s related withgolden ratio and fractal geometry; even, if you notice it, in consequence ofFibonacci, we start with 1, 2, 3, 5.


If you notice we have the top reactor 1 and thenwe separate with the thoracic area once more, in the abdomen are we have 2,with pelvic area we have 3, and all is 5. It means we follow, even in theseparation of our inner reactors, again the Fibonacci consequence. On the rightside of the slide you see how this hexahedron, it is actually the base ofbuilding of our energy system, and the torus which covers our material body,actually. And we may say that the first, this is the energy matrix of our body,and then the energy is compressed to the matter level state. Actually if youlook ourselves like light banks, we will look like that.


OK, then we go to the next slide. In the next slide on the left side is visiblefor you how, 2 octahedrons, where they split together, for inside is the humanbody. This is actually all the geometric point of you, of our architecture, ofour body, and because of that architecture we have specific spinning of thefields, how I told you the previous workshop, in the abdomen area because ofthe 4thstar, of the 3rdstar formation, whatis in the middle, on the base of liver, the BZ faces right to left becausecause the spinning of the vortex of the all energy inside it which is generatedfrom other star formations.


And why we have to have 2 in-abdomen areas,because in abdomen area, this is the place where we convert the solid matter tothe gans state. It means there the matter state is so heavy, so solid, andneeds a lot of energy to start and to proceed with conversion. So on the rightside of that slide it is again representation of torus system, and vector andgeometric vector, we actually have in the BZ line in the abdomen area and howbecause of that geometric structure our energy fields, they spin right to lefton the same way like our DNA.


So, on the next slide, I will show you, why, I explained everything to you, Ihave small structures in different geometric model inside of our cup ofhexahedron, and this is the tetrahedron and octahedron, and in the platonicsolids this is the representation of fire and air like a matter state, so thenext state, this is the earth, and everything what is on the earth and it’s originally from the earth, the main geometric structure inside ishexahedron.


So, with our architecture of our body and of ourfields we will represent the earth; this is one of the points how to considerwhich one being from where come from and what is the base of that being.Actually on the Earth, the base of hexahedron, this is the carbon structure,and because we are beings from the Earth, we have carbon structure of our body.How you see the next geometric structure, they are completely different forwater and ether.


OK, then we go to the next slide. The next slide with everything what I toldyou and representation of cosmic genesis, it is more geometrical point of viewhow, because of organization of fields, finally we will reach the matter state.So, we have come from the space like fields, and those fields reaching theEarth and because of the construction of the Earth, like architecture of thefields and then the matter state, we finally get specific shape andarchitecture of our body.


Then we go to the next slide. Next slide isagain the representation and repetitive model of the torrid system of theEarth, of the galaxy, of the erythrocyte of our human body and how that torusstarts to divide when give birth from the new being. Just keep in mind thatpicture, how the common torus is divided to 2 parts and where it is the vectorgeometrical, vector between 2 torus in the middle. In the same way divides thegalaxies and the same way divides the cells in our body in the same way how yousaw divides the energy system in our body. This is the repetitive model.


OK, then we go to the next slide. Interestinginformation was the doctor Romero and doctor Giovanni and their team, theymanaged to slow down the light inside of the vacuum for the first time. So whatthis means? We, like fields, like light, finally in our century, scientistsmanaged to discover that they are able to slow down the light in vacuum system.


Our body is completely vacuum system; what thismeans is that we receive the plasma fields, the gans fields, different state ofmatter, and like our body, this is the vacuum system, we have managed to slowdown them to different state of matter regarding which part of our body is ableto convert that state of matter to the structure of the body.


Then we go to the next slide. Next slide is again information for that weekwhat is really so interesting because this is the controversial information;different kinds of scientists, they managed to unboil the boiled egg. Theyboiled the eggs nearly 45 minutes to the solid state; then used the urea, thisis so aggressive chemical from our urine which actually separates the part ofthe proteins, and then they used the vortex fluid device to convert the processof solid state of the egg to the liquid state of the egg.


What, actually this is the controversy of theprevious side, so, in our planet we are able to convert the solid state ofmatter to the previous state of matter, what actually in our architecture ofthe body we represent the same process in our pelvic cavity.


OK, then we go to the next slide. Next slide, this is the next explanation witheverything what I told to you till the moment, like we receive the fields anddifferent state of matter in the vortex, they come in us from the north poleand go out of us through the south pole. And because we have separation betweenthe star formation inside of our body, we make actually 2 vortexes, which comein and one goes out, and the vortex which comes in will receive and slow downthe light or more the soft state of matter and convert them to the gans state,and everything which is going out from us has to be converted in opposite wayfrom the gans state which is the base of our body to the matter state to beable to go out; and, on the right side you see how is architecture of our body,it is completely fit to the flower of life which is the main geometricstructure on our planet.


Then the next slide; the next slide, it’s visible for you how actually our body looks like, if you thinkabout our star formations inside. You see on the top this is the cranial cavityand the fields that are around, inside the main point of the star formationwhat on that light is more plight, you see like brightening in the middle ofthe picture, then you go to thoracic area, then you see you have 2 coins, one,in one like matroshka is your abdomen, and then on the bottom is your pelvicarea. Actually, if we picture it ourselves in some way, to represent our energysystem and fields, we will be looking exactly like that picture.


Then we go to the next slide. Next slide is the18thand this is the video from SSI, please Rick, could youplease...


Away from physicality, there is no physical boundary; it’s the field which is on the egg, on the membrane which is holding.

So, you have everything what you want to see; you want to study plasma, this

side is more, that side is less. Together from the inside, just turn it. I

spent hours and hours doing things like this. This now has a point to become

matter; here, you don’t have so much space.


Put them together and see how they interact.

Then turn it and see how they interact. Huh? If you turn this in this way,

look; do you see that? Close to the way inside. This is what the plasma is, it

doesn’t have a container. You understand? The shell, this isfrom...this has no meaning; there is no meaning to the shell. That shell is...Hm, you understand?


When you come in, you move at the condition, not at the container. Because,when you had this egg in your hand, this plasma still had the same rotationinside. OK? Thanks. So, it’s irrelevant if it’s a small egg or big egg, the interaction is still the same. This iswhat you need to do, to move away from physicality.


Shall I move to the next one, Eliya?


Yeah, please the next one.


...push to be able to go. If you get the galaxy, you have the center point andyou have the arms, if it’s the magnetic field arms,yeah? So, this is turning in as it turns it pushes in, the space where theinteraction of the 2 solar systems is tuned now. But the strange thing is thatif you are here in the wing, as you are going closer in, another system of lighthas already started from this wing behind it. Because here, the plasma has thespace enough to create matter to create fields.


That’s why inthe paper, he said life is not exclusively small. And this environment is thesize of this plasma. You change one plasma, you change matter. So, creationfollows. As you go closer, you get not light in the physical matter, but youget the light in the transition highly intelligent, because then thephysicality is in the principle, in the transition, in the matter state. So,the life is destroyed but in the new life structure on the residue of thefields of this planet.


What about the soul?The souls have everything to do, the souls have nodimension. Try to feel, go look for motion. You don’tsee the yoke running inside the egg, it creates invisible fields. That, withthe spin of another field creates...


OK, thank you. So, now you listened to the video from the SSI and theexplanation of Mr. Keshe.


There are several so important things which you

are supposed to understand, that everything which is in state of matter can be

plasma, can be gans, can be something more deep or more solid, and everything

is positioning. It’s regarding how you positiontwo plasma to each other that state of matter, you will create in the gapbetween them.


This is the same of the positioning between the planet Earth and the Sun. Thisis the two plasmas and because of their positioning to each other we have theplanet Earth in the habitat area of our solar system and because of thatpositioning to the Sun we have that kind of beings in our planet, because theyinteract in the specific way that allows to have the carbon based beings in ourplanet.


So, we go to the next slide. In the next slide is the representation of yourbody. So, how Mr. Keshe said how much you’re close tothe source, it means the Sun, that much you have a transitional and moreintelligent matter state. This is not solid matter, this is transitional matteror the matter above. So, what that means?


We, like a structure, we are supposed to convertdifferent state of matter. We saw in the previous workshop that we are able toconvert the solid state of matter to the gans through our digestive system andthrough our thoracic area with our lungs and heart, but we are supposed toreproduce our self. So, what does it mean? We are supposed to be creatoritself.


And, regarding that, Mr. Keshe said if you want to receive the matter state,the solid matter of the matter state, you are supposed to have enough spacebetween two plasmas and to be little far away from the source. In our case, inour body, our Sun, our source, will be the first core reactor, because for eachstar formation this is our top reactor, our cavity, cranial cavity.


So, which is completely opposite point of our body? This is the pelvic area,this is the last one enough far away of the source place, where we are able toproduce, to create the matter state of matter. And, because of that, on thatplace we have our reproductive system.


OK, then we go to the next slide. The next slide, from the left side, this isthe reproductive system of the male and the right is from the female. From themale the star formation, how I told you, this is the prostate gland, this isheart in that star formation, two testicles and it’s

liver-, it’s a representation of a feeding system,lungs, and the G-spot, this is on our thymus on that star formation. From thefemale, it will be the womb, two ovaries and the G-spot again. How you see, theshape of the womb and the organization of the reproductive system of the male,they have again representation model of the reactors.


OK, then we go to the next slide. Next slide,

this is the upper point of view in the pelvic area for the male being. You see

on the top, it’s in the shape of apple, this is the prostate gland,and then through the prostate gland come the channels from testicles. Actually,the core of that star formation are your pelvic bones, then the muscles, thisis the pelvic diaphragm on the bottom, and inside of that cavity it is theplace for the 5thstar formation from the male being.


Then we go to the next slide. Next slide is arepresentation of the testicles. On the left side you see the testicle has 2parts. One part is like a mesh full of ducts where the producing place ofspermatozoids is. On the top of the testicle is the epididymis, this is againthe channeling structure and all the spermatozoids go through the epididymisand above to the other channels in the formation of the full components of thesperm. Actually, if you look at the full structure of testicles it is againrepetitive model of the generator and it is so similar to an embryo in thewomb. If you, if you look like testicles, this is like the bottom part of theembryo feeding system and the embryo on top, where is the epididymis.


And, the small one picture, red one on the left

corner, you see the testicles inside of scrotum; this is exactly like a reactor

with core. In the middle, this is the cross section of the spermatozoid. See

inside of the spermatozoid, it looks like it is like a spoon, actually, it’s like a shape, has a nucleus and many organs which support themovement of the spermatozoid. On the right side, this is a more preciseanatomical picture to see the different parts of the spermatozoid, and for youmore interesting will be the tail and the middle piece, which is actually thereactor, the generator of kinetic energy for that cell to be able to move.


OK, then we go to the next slide. Next slide represents to you the modelof engine inside of the tail of the spermatozoid. The engine contains differentkind of microtubules and proteins, so similar to the architecture of muscles,if you remember when we spoke about the actin and myosin, how they move andslide to each other, and because of that we have a relaxation of contraction ofmyofibrils. On the same principle is the architecture of the microtubulesinside of the tail, and actually because of their movement you have differentpositioning of the microtubules to each other.


What is interesting to know, because, again,this is the question of positioning. How they will position to each other, onthat way they will move. And, how you see on the right side of the slide, theyare able to make different kind and shape of movements, and every part of thatmovement is related to positioning to each other of those microtubules,microtubules. This is completely natural engine and it generates a huge amountof kinetic energy.


OK, then we go to the next slide. Next slide is deeper explanation of thestructure of the tail and how actually it’s working,where, this is, where is the engine of the tail, this is the mitochondria, howyou see the head of the spermatozoid, after that you have an engine,mitochondria, which uses the ATF, ATP and transforms to ADP, actually uses thehydrogen, and then you have because of that conversion different positioningbetween the microtubules and thy organize different positioning of the tail.


It is amazing how nature is able to organize soprecisely everything. On the right side you see how actually inside of the taildifferent positions of the microtubules. This is really amazing. OK. So, thatis the natural engine of each spermatozoid cell.


Then we go to the next slide. OK, so because of kinetic energy producing insideof the tail, spermatozoid cell is able to move. And, one other so importantpoint is the head of that cell. The head of that cell actually goes inside ofthe O-cell and to be able to go inside it needs different kind of mechanism tobe able to open the wall of O-cell. And, if you see, I will not keep you busyall the process, but interesting is to see that the wall of the head of thespermatozoid is full of calcium channels.


And, if you remember from the previous workshop,

the main part for conversion of calcium, this is the pelvic bones, where the

calcium converts in different strand of gans. And, actually, on that slide it’s visible for you, even in the head of the spermatozoid, the mainion is the calcium again, and because ever calcium is related with movement.


OK, then we go to the next slide. Next slide is the reproductive systemof the female, this is the point of view above of the pelvic area. And, how yousee again this is like a core, the pelvic bones, the muscles, womb and on the,behind of the womb, this is the bladder. Actually, you have 2 hearts of 2 starformations just sitting one above another, which is really interesting. And,then on the two corners you have ovaries, and the blue wires, these are thefallopian tubes.


Then we go to the next slide. From the womb it’s interesting the organization of muscles. They have different

directions, because the main function of the womb is to position itself with

contraction of or relaxation of the muscles. Also, positioning of each reactor

in our body happens because every organ in our body is positioning with

connective tissue, it’s nothing stable, everything isin dynamic state, to be able to position itself because of others.


And, because of that, in womb, which is the mainreactor in that area, we have again the muscle organ with different directionof the muscles and connected to the bones part with connective tissue to beable to position itself. And, the orientation of the muscles regards the functionof the womb to be able to grow during the pregnancy and then to be able tocontract and to push out the fetus. Each organ in pelvic area contains thesmooth muscles, so less the striated muscles, and how you know, the smoothmuscles, they belong to the emotional part of our brain.


Then we go to the next slide. The next slide is the representation ofovary and how is the development of the O-cells inside. I will not keep youbusy with all the parts, just, see, ovary is again in the shape of the reactor,it’s completely the same shape. We have the layering ofthe walls. On the right side, you see, how the ovary just pushes out theO-cells. This is like a Sun, Sun flaring. And, the O-cells go out and throughthe Eustachian tube go inside of the womb.


OK, the next slide. The next slide is the

O-cell. This is the biggest cell in the human body. It’s completely like an egg. Inside you have a feeding system to beable to feed the beginning of the fetus, where we have the cell state, how Iexplained it to you in the previous workshop, and different kind of layering ofthe wall to protect all that system. Even the name of the protective area, howyou see, is written corona radiata, it is the same way like a Sun.


OK, the next slide. The next slide, on the left

side, it is the representation of the spermatozoid and O-cell, and, how you

see, the O-cell is like a Sun and the spermatozoid is like a planet reaching

the Sun. So, again, in fertilization, this is the question of positioning. Even

you have different kind of explanations from different authors that to be able,

oocyt to include one spermatozoid inside, it’simpossible to happen only with one, you have to have minimum 13 spermatozoid,reaching the O-cell in different corners, on different parts of the cell, andthen because of that positioning one is able to go in.


So, even in the cells area we speak again aboutthe positioning, because this is the same manner interaction with 2 plasmas.Because of the positioning we get a different being in between.


Then we go to the next slide. The next slide is a video. Could you, please,Rick, just put it? Thank you.


Yeah, yeah, this is the representation of thefertilization of the O-cell. And, you see, we need the amount of thespermatozoids to be able one to go in. And, one, actually, it happens. If weaccept the oocyt like the Sun or the proton and spermatozoid like an electron,because of their positioning we get different kind of reaction. So,fertilization happens when we have specific positioning of the head ofspermatozoid to zona pellucida.


This is the membrane which is covering theO-cell and this is the penetration membrane with different kinds of defensesystem in it. You see on the left side different stage of penetration of thespermatozoid, and when the field on the zona pellucida, this is like anelectric state, starts to be similar to the electric state of the head of thespermatozoid, he is able to go in through the channels, and only the head ofthe spermatozoid goes inside of the cytoplasm of the O-cell. You see on theright side of that slide, this is more schematical point of view, but actuallyit happens exactly that you have to have similarity, how you remember-, Ishowed you on the head of the spermatozoid, it has the calcium channels, theyorganize the electric field on the head of the spermatozoid, in the same way wehave in the zona pellucida.


Because of positioning of the number of the spermatozoid around the O-cells wehave change of that field of the zona pellucida and one of the spermatozoid isable to go in. And, only head of that spermatozoid goes in. Then, the structureof the head of the spermatozoid dissolves inside and starts to be a coupling oftwo nucleus of O-cell and spermatozoid.


Then we go to the next slide. The next slide is video. Rick, could you, please?…Yeah, and then the 36 is again video.


Yeah, yeah, next slide. So, actually, the firstone is supposed-, you see the last one but this is the first one when thespermatozoid goes inside of the O-cell, and, how you see, this is the same wayhow Mr. Keshe explained with the eggs. This is the two plasmas, two nucleus,from the spermatozoid and the O-cells, they start to position themselves, theystart to be one cell,


and because of that, how you see now on theslide, from one cell, they start to convert to two parts. And, this is the sameorganization, if you are familiar with drum volume mesospheric and explanationof lave, of life from the geometric point of view and the genesis geometric,everything in the reproduction is the representation of that. So, first we getdivision to two cells and then two cells for the four and so on.


And, actually, this is the repetitive model, not only when we in our bodyproduce the matter state, this is everything what exists in our planet. But, it’s interesting when you see the videos, how the plasmas interact toeach other. They are, you see them on the plain form, but they, actually theyare like a sphere, they are 3D formations.


And, from one cell, this is the one sustainable reactor, then you go 2, 3, thisis the same way, actually, when you make the star formation, how much you putmore bigger reactors around that much different kind of fields you will reachinside. And, finally from the one cell through the egg of life and to theflower, to the seed of life and to the flower of life we start to form ourbody.


Next slide. So, the next slide I want to show the similarity of representationand formation the hexagonal packaging of the fields, how they form actually theecho-life, what they call the echo-life and then the flower of life, and on theright side, this is the carbon 60, molecule of the carbon 60. See how they aresimilar, in when we make our matter, how we start from one plasma and then fromthe state of morula then gastrula we reach the shape of the carbon 60. So, thisis one more point that sustainable life in our planet, this is because ofcarbon and because of the positioning of the fields to each other and in thehexagonal structure.


OK, then we go to the next slide. The next

slide, it is again a representation of carbon 60. This is the same structure of

our morula, the state when the fetus reaches the womb and goes inside of the

wall of the womb, because the reproduction and coupling starts in the ovaries

tube, it’s in, it’s not in the womb,and then travels to the womb and goes inside of the wall. But, everything inour planet is a repetitive model and everything happens because of positioning insideof the fields.


OK, then we go to the next slide. And, finally,

when the gastrula reaches the womb, it goes inside of the wall and starts the

formation of new one reactor. The wall, this is the womb, what outside has the

connective tissue, inside this is the transitional matter of muscles of the

womb and the placenta, the feeding system of the baby, and inside it’s growing a new one being. This is again repetitive model.


And, how, in the previous workshop, Mr. Keshe

said, everything which is based on carbon attracts the fields of nitrogen and,

because of that attraction of the fields of nitrogen, comes around with oxygen

and starts to make the amino acid, which is the carbon-based material state of

our planet. So, is that, that is from my side. It’s, I hope you understand how with digestive systembecause of the vortex which comes in from the north pole to the south we acceptthe state of matter what we are supposed to convert to the gans state to beable our body to feed itself. And we, to be able to reproduce ourselves, we aresupposed to convert the gans state to the matter state. OK, thank you, if youhave questions please ask me. Thank you very much.


Thank you Eliya; that was a great presentation.


Thank you.


Do we have any questions on the Skype or the go-to meeting, I’ll check the other questions as well?


I have a question, Eliya, and that is, is it the first sperm that gets to theegg or it only accepts a certain one out of the bunch that get there?


Could you repeat please, I cannot understand you?


Is it the first sperm that reaches the egg that inseminates the egg, or is it acertain sperm on the side?


No, there are millions, there are huge amount of spermatozoids, this is likemillions, and only thousands reach finally the ovoid, it is regarding of themfields which is the electric fields around the head of the spermatozoid, andthen positioning. It is so important that positioning, actually. And which oneis positioned in the correct way that one goes inside. But it cannot be one,there is supposed to be amount of them positioning around and touching coronaradiata of the ovoid cells, and because of the common work, one goes inside. Doyou understand? This is like multi positioning of different, you have one bigplasma, O-cell, Sun, and you position the planets around, and because of thecorrect positioning to each other and regarding the O-cell, one goes close. Doyou understand? This is a complex solution. Yeah.


So, you can also say that each individual sperm has its own individual magravwhich is positioned around the ovary.


Yes, yes. How much close your magrav to the magrav of the O-cell that much youare positioning on the correct way. It’s the same asMr. Keshe explained with eggs; you may turn or that side turn on the other sideto find out which one is the best positioning between 2 plasmas. When theyachieve that positioning, then interaction starts. Do you understand?


Can I throw in just a short question?




Eliya thank you very much for those explanations, awesome, I just have onequestion, I mean, you know, when people have, when a woman has twins or 3babies, I mean, what is the positioning dependent upon, I mean, when 2 or 3sperms, you know, go, reach inside...


This is completely the same, it is the same like you have Sun, Earth and Moon,or you have the Saturn with several moons.


M-hm; OK.


Do you understand? This is the same positioning.


OK, OK. Thank you.


Yeah, is this completely... Sorry?


When the twins...


If you have 2 eggs you have the 2 Suns so, we will reach soon that point, Ithink.


You could have different, like is this were like the Siamese twins coming intothe fact that it was 1 egg but 2 sperms or 2 eggs within 1 egg, is thatpossible, to create the side...?


Everything is possible, everything is regarding how you are positioning toplasmas.


But this was also due to the way it was created in the woman’s body or the man’s body in the first place.


Yes, and also have so many cause of infertility regarding the magrav state ofthe father and mother when they are not match to each other, even have energystate between the cells; what they discovered is one to ears, and now in somecountries this is the cause of divorce, you are able to apply for a divorcewith that investigation. Do you understand? They are thinking beings, doesn’t matter, they are just cells, they think, they are living beings so

they have feuds, they have likes and dislikes. It’slike above that below.


Yes, great, thank you.


OK, perhaps we should move along to Mr. Keshe and have him respond to some ofthe things you’ve talked about, Eliya.


Yeah, thank you very much.


Thank you very much doctor Eliya.


You are welcome, sir.


第二部分 凯史先生论生命起源和生命再造

We never respond, wejust extend the knowledge, we try to expand and extend the knowledge. First ofall, as we have seen, doctor Eliya goes in detail about the physicality andthe, how situations are set and how conditions are created in the matter stateas gans matter of the state. In the way we look at the space technology and ifyou go back in the Chinese session which we had just before the medicalsection, I explained that there is no need for physicality to be there, likethe egg and the sperm to lead to the creation of life, creation of tangiblephysical life.


And to creation of a condition to be able to create, what do you call, thechild or an offspring. The whole process goes back into the teaching of lastFriday. The coming, the interaction, the gathering of 2 or 3 eggs and sperms inany shape or form is to manifest physicality for the essence of the life whichis the soul and the emotional part of the entity. In the case of the humanbeing, in detail we heard from doctor Eliya, this tube leads to creation andthe condition around the environment which the first cells create, which thenallows the feeding and the manifestation of the soul in the physical, tangibleway.


I do not look at creation in the form and the shape which physicality hasbrought in the essence of man or physicality of the man. In fact, the ovary andthe womb could be in other creatures placed literally next to the mouth or onthe neck if you want to position it. In some development of the creatures wesee different positions for the ovary, different positions for the womb,different positions for the testicles, and in different shapes and forms.


So, positioning of reproduction unit is very much irrelevant. What is relevantis how the total information carried in what you call sperm or egg, in comingtogether can share a common denominator, and then in that common denominatordecide who has better surviving chance for the offspring. What condition, whichenvironment, there can the sperm seize itself, and seize a better, strongerposition to survive. Then this becomes why the parents have brown eyes and thechild turns up with the blue eyes, or different color of the skin or the sameskin and different combination and patterns.


The whole essence of all this, what I call caboodle, all this package oftesticles and ovaries and the womb is in fact to create an environment withinan environment that can support life and support the existence of the soul, andthe emotional part. It’s very simple, look at thestructure of the head, the skull, and look at the position of the brain andthalamus. Then, again, look at the position of the womb as the bone structureand the position of the womb, and then the seed becomes the thalamus, this iswhere the emotion comes together and takes shape.


It’s exactly the same shape and color with some, if you

go mass ratio of the hip and the skull, you’ll find it’s about the same. But because of the different thicknesses andshapes to allow the attachment of the leg bones and everything else, it hastaken sub-cavities but the total gravitational magnetic field of the bone, hipbone and the brain, what we call the skull, is about the same, not very farfrom each other.


All this is to guarantee to create an environment where, when and RNA cometogether, in their interaction and it’s like mixing 2

software together can lead to the hardware that can exist and stand to carry

the features of the physicality. In fact what, all the things we’ve heard from doctor Eliya today, leads to one thing: physicality.

And the physicality in the world of creation has no meaning, it’s just how you want to present yourself, it doesn’t matter if you are wearing a clown suit or you are wearing a bowtie

suit, or if you are wearing mini skirt or wearing your trousers, it doesn’t change the reality


there is a man inside this cupboard, there is an entity with emotion. And so, thebody of the man, the body of other creatures in the universe, the physicalshape has no relevance to the existence of the soul. What the soul gets on theemotional part receives from the physical parts behavior that it has tointeract with and decide on, this is important in the world of universalcreation, this is all explaining how physical body exists, why the eggs are inthis shape, all these have been positioned in the specific position to createthe right, what I call soft memory bank in the shape of the form, of an egg ora sperm.


In so many ways, if you could take the digestion system out, and asdoctor Eliya explained that, as we always say, 80% of the energy we need comesfrom the environment and 20% from the food which we digest. If you look at thestructure of the womb and the structure of the brain, if you look at the waythe whole physicality operates to guarantee the survival of the brain and theheart operation that receives energy for its physical side is no different thana womb.


Brain and the whole physicality work to keep the brain going, and then thewhole physicality works to make sure that it can leave a replication behindwhat we call a child. But it doesn’t worth to leave thereplication as a child; the whole structure works to leave what we call theemotional part, the effect of the creation of non-dimensional entity what wecall the soul of the man. Because, we have seen in the past, a decade, we cantake an egg of a man, sorry, of a woman and the sperm of a man, ship themacross the world and mix them together and it still leads to the same creation,a human being.


Do we need to do this, did we need a man or did we need a woman to be able toplace the womb and then incubate a child in it, or was the whole purpose as wedo in what we call test-tube babies? Fertilization plans and programs now areheavily used, we know cases that the pair who can’t

have a child, or strong sperm or not enough sperm, they ship sperms half way

around the world, they choose the color of the eye and the physicality and

everything else and they put them together in a test-tube; when it’s good they put it in the womb of the mother.


But by the time it reaches the womb, it already has created its essence oflife. So, the physicality of the man as a womb and as a sperm or as an egg istotally irrelevant nowadays. This fits into the understanding and justificationof the existence for man up to now. But now we don’tneed to. And further on, with what I explained in the Chinese program, today,which was a prelude to the teaching of this afternoon on the health side, wehave shown there is no need for physicality of the man.


We can, and in the coming times scientists will show that we can createentities which have logic, sense, and even soul because they carry the soul ofthe Creator. They carry the soul of the man who put the reactor together, thesame as universe and the materials and the reactors of the universe in creatingan entity being reproduction, reproducing energy system as man, carry the soulof the Creator. This is why we always say to all the knowledge seekers‘pray for your reactors before you start’.

That praying we could not explain because you put it together, and carries your

soul, it’s part of you.


And that’s how we emotionally control each other, howemotionally we, through the souls, we interact with each other. Up to now youwere used to test-tube babies carrying and creating from one parent, from onerace or one nation to another; now what we see, especially in the reactorSSI-1, and the follow up reactors which will be developed, these are thetest-tubes of space technology. This is where we will decide how to replicate,how to keep your soul, and because we create out of the pure energy, pureplasmatic gravitational magnetic fields, the children of the future of the manwill be pure and perfect.


A lot of people, a lot of, especially like doctor Eliya, have beenputting a lot of pressure on me in past days, the human race cannot die, wehave children; we carry the soul of the man. And now you’ve seen how it can be replicated. A mother who gives an egg and a

man across the world who gives the sperm, they don’tknow where they will come together and how they are going to come together. Andwhen they come together, in physicality put together, they only thing theyshare is not their RNA but they share a mixture of which is the best of theRNAs, and the other one submits and allows.


And what is released, which is not to be used becomes the energy of thedivision in the cell. And then the environment feeds itself off it. So, do weneed all these elaborate systems, do we need all these wombs and testicles andprostates and all everything else which goes to the reproduction of the man,


not anymore as of now, as of what we understand and what we have developed innext steps. I’ve seen on some chat rooms‘I can produce gans without salt’. Of course;but in the condition of the Earth in what it is to lead to one, you needanother, that you create the condition that the physicality can divide in differentstrength that it become different organs. Physical body of the man is fragile,but the information which leaves as what we call non-dimensional software whichwe call the soul or the emotional part, will exist forever, because it leavesand it survives out of the balance fields.


This is the way we look at life and essence you can create the soul of thebeing, be the man use his soul to balance fields in the environment of othersouls that the being’s balanced to them, without the

physicality ever manifests itself in the matter level. In the very much way as

you’ve seen the air bubbles in your reactor cores, you

know the fields are in there till you understand the position of the soul. I

explained something to you that it might be very, very interesting for a lot of

you and a few of you who don’t have this.


I will show this when I’m back in the Sen Sano if

I remember, we’ll take a video for you to see. Take a

ring magnet and move it on either side, one side shows north, one side shows

south. But if you place it in the right position, within the north you see the

south, and within the south fields you find the north. And then this is the

point where there is no fields, it shows blank because it can’t be north and the south. And this is where the interaction of thefields shows a balance correct fields or what we call the soul of the man.


In so many ways, scientists have not understood the truth about creation. Youcan reproduce entities which have correct behavior and through it will create aperfect physicality. A large number of these exist in the universe and it’s not the first time that it’s done. But,you have to understand when the non-dimensional becomes physical is the timewhen physicality needs to be fed and that process is when everything changesand becomes for it what we call energy consuming package machine.


As we explained in the Chinese program today how you used like CH3, to use thehydrogen as fit because of his gravitational pull of the amino-acid. So, life,the way we’ve seen it, as I explained it in the Fridaysession, is all to create the condition for existence of the soul, wherethrough it the balance can come into the physicality, emotional and then thephysicality itself. And in a way if you look at the structure of the man,carries the wish of the soul in so many ways. A right hand with the left hand,right part of the brain with left part of the brain, where inner emotionalityfor its existence has a say, has replicated effort and its copies of its soul.


Right leg, left leg, that there is a balance. And in being in balance, you don’t limp, you walk correctly. And the same thing happens with the

soul; when it’s in balance with the emotion, thou shallnot steal and thou shall not do wrong. This is the way life and reproduction islooked at in the universe, and not in physicality of the man, that you needwhat we call physical interaction to lead to creation of life. In the universe,reproduction is done even without physicality, there is no need.


It’s the interaction of the energies and the best ofthe energies to leave essence, part of that energy for it to grow which we callthe soul, and then through the interaction of the soul we create thephysicality. What does this mean? It means part of the energy, what you callRNA of one, and part of the energy of the RNA of the other in interacting witheach other like very much the magnetic field of the Sun and the magneticgravitational field of the Earth leaves a residual package through theirfriction, what we call the light.


And in another word, the same thing, the interaction between the gravitationalmagnetic field of the RNA of the mother or the man, of the sperm, and thewoman, what we call the egg, leaves a residue, which that residue becomes thelight, or what we call the soul of the child. And then how that soul createsphysicality for itself to show itself, then, that depends on the environmentand the conditions that doctor Eliya explained. How many, how much, the numberof eggs, the number of sperms can get in, can get out is all to create acondition that 2 can interact to create a soul.


Then it goes back again, what happens in the condition that there is 1physicality, but a number of souls within that physicality. Does thephysicality pay for the punishment of the all3

inconditions of what we call schizophrenic? One is good, oneis bad, one is loveable, one is angry, one does wrong and one does the goodthings. Then, does the physicality of one entity, which one does wrong and theother one does good, does the soul of each individual way in that soul standthe punishment because the other one has done wrong with the physicality? No.It’s very much like twins, separately.


Each soul stands for its own term and the realm of creation does not depend onthe physicality what it does and how it shows itself. The whole process ofcreation by man has, as I always say, it’s taken the

wrong way, it’s taken in the shape of physicality and

that’s where the essence of creation has been lost. And

that’s why we see all these gatherings of wealth and

crimes, because it’s all to support the status of whatI call the feeble physicality.


If a man comes to realize that there is no need for reproduction or leaving theessence of life through physical interaction, like sperms and eggs or what youcall sexual intercourse, man will find means to creation of the most beautifulcreatures in the universe. And, that’s why we say the

maturity of the man comes in understanding his position and that’s why in the universe we do not see the physical interaction the waythe man is used to regenerate.


That’s why there is no need for physical interaction.In giving the soul and in interaction of the equal balance souls lead to thecreation of what we call offsprings, in a different dimension. And, because youcreate such an entity, that entity, like, as it does not have the fields to bemanifest in a given strength, stays as a perfect soul and a perfect entity.


But, in cases and in dimensions you cannot see, it represents itself asnon-physical, but in other dimension or conditions, because of its strength, it’s visible or tangible, and that’s why the

souls are tangible, physical, and detectable by each other and within each

other and the information they interact and they carry and they give. Just

because the man cannot see his own soul in physicality does not mean the soul

doesn’t exist, but the soul exists, through the

interaction of the souls it’s created and because itsgiven strength is only, what do you call, detectable by the souls of the samestrength.


So, even soul has the physicality but only in respect to its own strength andthe environment of the soul which it is in. Very much like a man cannot existin the environment of the water on his own, as a fish cannot exist on landwithout the water. It has to be in the right environment to exist and it’s visible and it contacts and it understands and it finds of its ownstrength and its own tangibility, or not the tangibility but interaction.


Then it goes back again, do we need the physical body of an entity? Very much,not so. And, as the races mature, the physical, and physical interaction toreproduce or release or make available entities to guarantee the survival andreproduction of the further souls, all can be seen in that realm, not with theeye of the physical man and the way he expects everything to see. So, in somany ways, the reproduction system which we heard how they are and how they dois just a way the body of the man in the environment of itself in trying tomake the package available that it can be done, has chosen this elaborate wayon this planet.


But, this goes back to something very interesting which I explained and in somany ways now many people understood in the past workshops in recent past,where in the process of the amino acid, the way we explained in the Chineselesson, just now, how amino acid comes to create, to be created on the waterlevels and the presence of the salt becomes an entity, a living entity, and wehave seen in so many occasions that when there is a water and when there is acondition leads to creation of fish out of nowhere in these pools, where therehas never been water; two possibilities.


Over millions of years there were fish which were left in that water which eggscan recycle and through the condition created create the condition for RNA tobe released for the fish to be replicated in an entity as a DNA, or, does thisgo back to a very fundamental question to ask for the human race? Hasn’t been the RNA that we say we have a common mother or we go back to

the same position, a fallacy, where due to the same condition as we had in

Africa or in Asia or in America the rain, the salt created the condition for

physicality which is a condition of this planet, the way dr. Eliya showed, in

magnetic gravitational field of the Earth, leads to replication of the same

entity, and that’s why we all show a common mother RNA?The common mother RNA or what we call the DNA or the amino acid or mother genecomes from the atmosphere of this planet, which with the interaction of thematter side has led to the physicality.


Does this mean that the RNA of man exists within the atmosphere of this planetand not within this soil and the physicality of the entity, of tangibleentities of it? And, then it brings another question, the dimension ofcreation. As we cannot see the gases and we see it in contact with the salt andthe water, they become physical entity, tangible entity, does this mean thatthe air of this planet and within the environment of the fields of the plasmaof this solar system carries its own creation which is a fingerprint of it willbe in the man?


Then, it comes to a question, does different environment and gravitationalmagnetic fields lead to the creation of replication of the same entity inrespect to the environment? Man never travelled from Africa toAsia, but Asians were made due to the condition of theenvironment in the same process. Because if you can replicate, create thecondition in one place, the same can be created in different condition indifferent places in the same environment, which means the South Americans areof their own origin, the Chinese are of their own origin, and the blacks, andthe whites, but the environments have created this condition.


This is very much what we say, one race in a certain past killed the other raceand now became the superior race and this is where we are. But, where did theother race come from that this race killed? How come we don’t see it on the other side? These two races, did they come inAfricaand then one became superior over the other oneand then the other one spread across this planet? Or, the environment of thisplanet allows the creation of twins and triplicates in a natural process,because now we understand the amino acid, what we call the basis of thecreation of the entity, has been replicated in Canada, has been replicated byour Chinese friends, has been replicated by Australians and South Americans andpeople in Nigeria and Africa, and we all see amino acid on top of the CO2 ox-,when we extract the CO2. Are we all the fruits of the same tree, as is in thewriting?


This brings with the new technology, a new understanding, a huge question markin the whole structure of the humanity, the way he thought he is or was.Because in time, in a very short time, as we are developing new situations todevelop this technology further, we’ll come to create

another race of the man on this planet without the mother and father by

recreating the condition of the energy within the reactors. And, then we can

create the perfect man, without hate, without animosity, without thinking about

the war, because he’s created out of the pure energywithout the physicality, then he carries the same ethos.


Or, can we carry this energy into the brain of the man which comes from thesame DNA or, what do you call it, energy of amino acid, that he accepts the newcondition? Personally, I don’t think man came from onemother from the knowledge which sits in front of me. We all have created, wehave mixed, in time, but as we see, all of us have managed to create the sameamino acid around the world, fromChinato South America toNorth America; this puts ahuge question mark on the origin of man. All as one or the condition we havecreated in what we put as RNA? The same goes for the fish, the same goes forthe other animals.


And, the thing is, we say we are 95% rat, or 95%, 99% mouse or 90.9something % monkey, because they all came to be developed from the same mixtureof the gases, what we call, in the combination and became the amino acids. Eachone has taken his own turn of development. And, so the race of the man hasnothing to do with the monkey or with the rat, it’sjust that the condition has been that the physicality has changed to that, andjust as we see the same process we call them we have carry the same thing, thesame genes, the same 95% or 99%.


With the new knowledge the whole development of life on this planet, the way ithas been accepted, adopted, becomes a fallacy, because the truth is on thetable. The truth is on the table because you have seen, you create the aminoacid in China or in Canada and you allow that the iron to rust near it in thecontact point of your tin, the way we did here, you led to the creation of theblood, then what information you want to put into it to replicate itself. Thesame goes for the creation of life in the universe.


What this means, as the life in the universe goes through the same process ofplasmatic condition, all entities in the universe are connected and are one.So, as we say you cannot eat your brother, in the space, you cannot eat othercreatures. You won’t eat your own child. Why should you

eat another thing which is not yours but it’s stillyour child because or you are his child because you came from his fields?


So, this is what we push through technology as new understanding of science forworld peace, that the peace comes through the understanding of the truescience, not what has been fabricated to suit some. Energy, light converts tophysicality, tangibility at the point of the environmental condition and viceversa. So, there is no mystery in being able to reduce to create matter fromlight or change the matter to light. This has up to now, has been in short forthe understanding of the man in this process. Any questions?


Hello, Mr. Keshe, this is Keyvan fromVienna.


Hello, Keyvan.


It’s about…Hello, Mr. Keshe.

It’s a lot of knowledge to absorb and digest. You

mentioned many times, even from the beginning, that the difference between the

RNA and the DNA, the RNA is a, I think it was your words, information carrier,

is it possible that the information carrier, I mean, you’ve been talking, I know it might be a little bit farfetched aboutcreation, but can the RNA, since it is connected to the emotional part of thebrain to the soul, be transformed and perhaps that have effect on thephysicality, beginning with the DNA?


That’s how it works. RNA is the software, DNA is thehardware.


But, can it be changed, can be influenced by other, since it’s information carrier, through whatever sort of…?


The past of…Let me, I explained this before. In thepast, in the past there had to be done adjustments to the environment of thisplanet for certain things to be correct for the human structure. So,information and energies in the given strength can add to the RNA structure asa totality, and when you add that to a totality, that creates a new conditionfor the fields which create which leads to the creation of tangibility ofphysicality which is the DNA. In so many ways, RNA, as much as it gives to DNAfor it to exist, it receives from the environment of physicality energy foritself to sustain life too.


It’s a two-way traffic. But, in so many ways, because

it only accepts energy the mistakes of the physicality cannot be transferred to

it, it receives only energy as it needs. So, the RNA, in so many ways, to the

emotional part to the soul of the man stays perfect. What you see, problems in

the physical, DNA, part of the entities is to do how the fields from the RNA,

by the time they get to DNA to manifest themselves, on their interaction, lead

to this, what you call deformities, but they are actually in a perfect order,

but we don’t like to see what is there.


We see birth defects, and they say it’s genetic, but is

it a defect, or don’t we have to admire it because of

its soul and not for what it shows itself? Maybe he is a perfect creation

because he cannot do no harm. Maybe the physical souls which are perfect appear

in a shape of man, disabled man, in the form that they are pure and they don’t want to carry, to do anything wrong, to change the position of

their soul. And, us as physicality, we are looking overall physicality, we call

them disabled. And, it goes back again. It’s very much

homosexuality in different shape and form, it’s wrong.

And, would it hurt the soul or change the soul? Maybe it’s for us to understand the soul has nothing to do in so many ways todo with physicality.


It receives from physicality energy, but as it receives energy, energy does notcarry animosity or whatever, it’s just a field. It’s a school of thoughts which we have enforced ourselves to come to

understand, to believe, that justifies our existence. And, it’s very much, it’s on the condition of the

environment we live in and what we have accepted and the conditions we have

accepted. In so many ways, I was explaining this to the knowledge seekers in

the past few days, in a part of Nepal a woman can have 4 men, 5 men, because

they go in the fields for months and years, they don’tcome back, and there is a need for a survival of the children, so they do thatway.


And, then you go in another part of the world, a man can have 4 wives. It’s all what we have accepted to be right, because it suits us. But,does it suit the soul of the man who has to share the woman with the soul or aman who has to, a woman who shares his soul with another 3 or 4? We have madethings to justify ourselves, our physicality, but in fact when it comes to thesoul, the soul does not receive the mesh of what we call energies which iswrong or whatever. But, if it is strong enough it will carry itself to the RNAand becomes a condition, a new condition of RNA, different energy level. Thenit becomes the change.


Thanks, I understand. Thank you very much. Bye, bye.


Thank you very much. Any other question? We have no questions. I see a lot ofquestions on the live stream, but these, I think I will leave you to search andfind out yourself.

凯史先生:非常感谢。还有别的问题吗?我们没有问题,我看到了很多在live stream上提出的问题,但这些,我想我该离开了,你去搜索,自己寻找答案。

I’m just reading those questions on the live streamthere and of that.

瑞克:我刚在读那些在live stream上提出的问题。

Yeah, I see them, because there are a lot of riddles for man to find an answerto it. We have made a lot of mistakes in our path and we have accepted a lot ofthings to soothe ourselves and become a different school of thoughts. When weall understand the school of thoughts, it’s not acommunistic, but basis on the work of to be correct and we understand howcorrect we are. What we react to situations does not make us to be what it is.


We could be very calm internally, we are calm with everybody else, except whenwe come to one person, because the behavior of that person provokes a conditionof reaction, because it’s not acceptable to us, becausethere is something wrong with the behavior, in the physicality of it or doesnot apply to what it goes between emotion and physicality. Does that personchange the soul of one person in respect to the other souls and other things?No.


So, there is a lot of deep questions for us to ask about our people around uswho provoke conditions and then we see them in that way, even if it’s because of their own short flaws. We’ve

seen this with the world leaders, we’ve seen this with

the militaries, we’ve seen this with all sorts of

conditions. For just-, to justify their power, they provoke wars for them to be

strong and to show they are leaders. Most of the wars around the world are

incited by one man to show his power, that‘I am power’.


And, so, if we understand this does not affect the man itself, his soul, in away that the soul wants to exist in respect to the other souls’position, then we understand in so many ways physicality in

totality has not much relevance to the emotion and the soul of the man. We

change behavior because of what we need, but we don’t

change the soul. And, that’s why the soul stands the

way it is. Shall we call it a day? We’ve been going fornearly 2 hours.


…you. Thank you, Mr. Keshe. Definitely.


Yeah. Thank you very much. There are a couple of announcements I would like tomake in respect to the health section. The, we partially announce this, and inthe coming days we’ll announce it in a very profound

and direct way. The Keshe Foundation health section will come to exist as a

total, independent organization, and we have been allowed and we’ve been given the, what do you call it, authorization to see thetechnology and the development of the tools, which is the reactor systems, formedical system to be used across the hospitals across major government, what doyou call it, countries.


We received this confirmation in the past few days and in the coming days we’ll announce the first hospital in Europe which will accept full

patients on the behalf of the Keshe Foundations technologies. Agreement has

been reached with one of the most, as I explained in the past, eminent

organization, actually, independent governments, that you can buy the, all the

reactor technologies freely within this, what do they call, government, which

means you can go and ask, for example, for a system for your all sorts of

problems, be it psychological, be it Alzheimer’s,

cancer or whatever, and you can buy it off the shelf in the coming months,

because it’s been allowed to be developed and to bemarketed in that way.


This is a major breakthrough for us and hopefully doctor Eliya will head thisorganization in the coming weeks and days. We have and we will announce thename of the hospital and the organizations around the world who carry thistechnology as on the health section. This is a major breakthrough for us and atthe same time in the coming days and weeks we’ll accept

the health, the first health students in the Master’sor what you call first degree students, that they join in the main group andthen they divide into health sections in the coming days. Thank you very much.


Thank you, Mr. Keshe. I think everybody enjoyed the show today. It’s outstanding.


Thank you very much, indeed.



We’ll speak later on. Thank you, indeed.

Thank you.

Bye, bye.

OK, thank you, Mr. Keshe.

Bye, bye. Thank you.

Bye, bye.

And, thanks to, and a big thanks to Eliya for a great presentation today, aswell. And, so ends the 16thHealth Workshop. Thanks you, onceagain, everybody, for attending.


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