词为我用 - salubrious

2021-03-08  本文已影响0人  b5438e0615f9


salubrious  TEM8  GRE

UK  /səˈluː.bri.əs/ US  /səˈluː.bri.əs/

1. adj, A place that is salubrious is pleasant and healthy.有益健康的,环境宜人的

2. adj, Something that is described as salubrious is respectable or socially desirable.受尊敬的,得体的


1. But a Briton doing business in London might well have to make do with something less salubrious.(The Economist)

2. The case has ramifications for house-building throughout England Scotlandd and Wales have separate regimes), which is currently at its lowest peacetime rate since 1924 creating unmet demand in much less salubrious areas too. The previous Labour government set regional house-building quotas in an attempt to stimulate construction.(The Economist)

3. Plenty of less salubrious establishments can snare the business traveller with the offer of wireless access, but that's all part of the fun.Such adventures in Wi-Fi may be coming to an end.(The Economist)

4. Other employers have resorted to less salubrious solutions.(The Economist)

5. The sort of person a salubrious father shepherding his flock on a hiking holiday would keep out of his offsprings' sight.How things have changed.(The Economist)

6. Raised in a grand country house, she lived for decades in Primrose Hill, a salubrious bit of London, in a house belonging to a cousin (a journalist at The Economist, it so happens), with weekends in the cousin's Norfolk cottage and lots of trips to places like Venice and the Caribbean.(The Economist)

7. By the time children start school proper (generally at four), the effects of class are already apparent: those who were a bit dim at the age of two but raised in prosperous homes overtake initially brighter ones brought up in less salubrious surroundings.(The Economist)

8. Nutritionally, this translates into fewer calories, a healthy dose of the ever popular antioxidants, some salubrious micronutrients, as well as oodles of dietary fibre which makes these easier for the body to absorb.Crucially, cookies still taste like cookies and not, as some may fret, sushi at least to Babbage's tastebuds.(The Economist)

9. If people are making sub-optimal decisions because they can't be bothered to deal with the paperwork, or they're confused about the best approach, that may be a place for policymakers to intervene with salubrious "nudges" as advocated by behavioural experts like Cass Sunstein, now Barack Obama's regulatory czar.(The Economist)

10. In more salubrious climes, therefore, wimps are in with a chance.Now, though, researchers led by Robert Brooks, of the University of New South Wales, have taken another look at Dr DeBruine's data and arrived at a different conclusion.(The Economist)

11. That represents barely 30 in prison per 100,000 people, a far lower incarceration rate than in China (170), let alone America (730).Most Indian prisons are far less salubrious than Tihar, with inmates typically enduring overcrowding, poor hygiene and high rates of tuberculosis and HIV.(The Economist)

12. No role model is more salubrious than Bournemouth, of course.(The Economist)

13. On April 16th the Golden State's most notorious tent city was at last closed, and its inhabitants moved to rather more salubrious shelters.The camp shot to national and international fame earlier in the year, when a camera team from the Oprah Winfrey Show arrived.(The Economist)


salubrious place, area, surrounding, solution, clime


1540s, from Latin salubris "promoting health, healthful," from salus (genitive salutis) "welfare, health" (from PIE root *sol- "whole, well-kept"). Related: Salubriously; salubriousness.


good, healthful, healthy, medicinal, restorative, salutary, salutiferous, sanative, tonic, wholesome


insalubrious, noxious, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesome

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