cutting edge (某事物发展的)尖端,最前沿,领先阶段
2019-01-24 本文已影响11人
与state-of-the-art|最先进的 #每日一词# - 简书意思相近,反义词就是conventional、traditional、routine。
title: cutting edge
date: 2019-01-24 09:04:16
NO_sents: 49
NO_references: 37
cutting edge
cutting edges
- The equipment is not expensive; however, measurement requires insertion and removal of an increment borer, which causes significant damage to trees and introduces an extra source of error related to the condition of the cutting edge. 【这里是实义,非引申义】(Gao et al., 2017)
- The cutting edge of nucleotide level annotation is in defining regulatory regions: transcription start sites (TSSs), transcription factor-binding sites and promoter modules (Werner, 2001). (Valentin et al., 2007)
- It presents one of the first attempts to implement the cutting edge of statistical models to a GWAS setting to address the fundamental biological question of how genes regulate growth and development in a quantitative manner, which cannot be answered by conventional GWAS approaches. (Jiang et al., 2015)
- The techniques that allow these modifications are generally described as new breeding techniques (Lusser et al, 2012; Lusser and Davies, 2013); they aim to improve the efficiency of traditional breeding, even though most of them are at the cutting edge between traditional and GM breeding. 【实义】(Sadras, Calderni, 2014)
- This paper is exemplary in that it applies cutting edge technology to unravel the biology of a poorly understood tissue typical for perennial plants. (Boerjan, 2005)
- These technologies have been joined by other cutting edge methods that again enrich the landscape of resources available to today's biologist. (Varshney, Tuberosa, 2007)
- Neither breeding methods nor cutting edge technology will be useful if populations chosen are not well chosen. (Hallauer, Carena, Filho, 2010)
- Why were some researchers using cutting edge technologies? (Galla et al., 2016)
- The growing power of next-generation sequencing technologies also makes the genotyping platforms that underpin【支持】 GWA studies seem less cutting edge. (Donnelly, 2008)
- However, breeders are well advised to analyze efficiency and efficacy of various options, whether cutting edge or more conventional technologies. (Ceballos et al., 2015)
- The availability of high-throughput genotyping (or genotyping-bysequencing) tools at low cost alongside a marketing argument of using cutting edge technology different from genetic modification (GM) will be sufficient for their application even though such approaches may not reduce the generation interval in commercial breeding schemes, but they should improve phenotypic information. (Jonas, De Koning, 2013)
- By integrating the rich history of biogeography, field experimentation and long-term life history studies with cutting edge genomics tools evolutionary biologists and geneticists can test, challenge and develop new theory and greatly advance our understanding of adaptation. (Stapley et al., 2010)
- The unconventional approach to breeding entails the use of cutting edge technologies for creating new variability that it is sometimes impossible to achieve with conventional methods. (Acquaah, 2012)
- The most powerful direct evidence for DNA being the hereditary material is currently provided by the cutting edge technology of recombinant DNA (rDNA). (Acquaah, 2012)
- Inferring divergences from millions of years ago is at the cutting edge of modern science and as long as we all learn, the subject will continue to progress. (Balding, Bishop, Cannings, 2007)
- Pursuing this worthwhile goal will lead to topics ranging from basic statistics, to the cutting edge of modern statistics, to the nuts and bolts of computer programming, to the philosophy of science. (Bolker, 2008)