
2021-10-17  本文已影响0人  柏树维度

            It was found out that(这件事情被发现)-引述句型

    It was found out that  some employees who were not entitled to newspapers

took them from the reception(接待处、前推).

There were spare copies when some employees are absent or away on business trips/

spare time/money/key/parts  多余的时间、闲钱、备用钥匙,备用配件;

the receptionist(接待员) should keep a record of those entitied to newspapers and ask them to sign when collecting the newspapers.

keep a record of 做记录,    would\could 表建议中常使用

during office hours 工作时间,

those who :

Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died.


quite big/good/cold/warm/interesting

相当大 / 好 / 冷 / 暖和 / 有趣

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