童话·寓言少儿英语 原创儿童文学

英文童话系列:Fox and Rabbit狐狸与兔子

2018-05-25  本文已影响42人  LilySakura
英文童话系列:Fox and Rabbit狐狸与兔子

  A fox and a rabbit are good friends.The fox always lies to others,but the rabbit has never told a lie.

  One day,the fox has stolen some candies.He found these candies in a traveler’s bag.That poor traveler had walked for long time.He was too exhausted and thirsty to go on his way,so he stopped by a river to have a rest.The fox just came by,he found that a big  bag behind the traveler who was concentrated on drinking water.The fox sneaked up on the bag.He delved into the traveler’s bag and pulled out some candies.The he ran away.

  In the afternoon,when he met his friend rabbit,he shared some candies to her.

  How yummy! the rabbit said,I have never eaten this kind of honey candies.So,my friend,where did you get these candies?

  Hmm...the fox paused before answering,I found them across the river.

  How lucky you are! the rabbit said with envy.

  Yeah. the fox added,Under a very very old apple tree.If you come across the river,you will see it.But actually,no one can cross the river except,because I swim so well.

  Oh,you are right.the rabbit said.

  They said goodbye to each other.

  Then the rabbit went home.She couldn’t  stop thinking about the candies.They were so delicious that she wanted more.She decided to get some by herself.

  When she arrived at the riverside,she found it difficult for her to cross the river because she couldn’t swim.A tortoise came up.

  The rabbit had a brain.She asked the tortoise to carry he across the river.Fortunately,the tortoise agreed.Then she jumped onto the back of the tortoise.The tortoise carried her across the river slowly carefully.In the midstream,however,the rabbit suddenly gave a loud sneeze.

  DANGER! the tortoise shouted out.But is was too late.The rabbit lost her balance and fell into the river.The tortoise tried to save her,but someone had taken action before he did!

    It was FOX!

    What a coincidence!The fox happened to pass by,and he wanted to drink some water.The fox saved the rabbit.As he said,he was so good at swimming.

  You really scared me! the fox yelled,why did you fall into the river?

  Sorry to worry you. the rabbit said embarrassed,it’s all because of the candies you gave me.I missed the flavour of them so much that I wanted to get some under the apple tree that you have told me.

    How could you be so silly!There is no apple tree at all! the fox said gloomily,I lied to you.I’m sorry,my best friend,everything is my fault.I told you the lie.I feel SO guilty!Please,please forgive me.I swear that I will never lie again!

  The rabbit was surprised.But she had no words of blame or accusation for him,not only because he had just saved her,but also because she was a nice and simple rabbit.

  It’s all right,my friend.she said calmly,I forgive you.But I’m still puzzled.Can you tell me where on earth did you get the candies?This time you should me the truth.

  The fox hesitated.There were two choices for him.If he told the truth to rabbit,he would become a liar and a thief in her eyes.But if he didn’t tell the truth,he would break the promise he just made.

  So,if you were the fox,what would you do?


