49、May 3,1953
2022-02-17 本文已影响0人
14 East 95th St.
May 3, 1953
Frankie, you’ll DIE when I tell you—
First, enclosed find $3, P-and-P arrived
looking exactly as Jane ought to look, soft
leather, slim and impeccable.
Now then. Ellery went off the air and I
was shuffling around piling up dentist bills
and feeling pale when I was invited to write
an outline for a TV show which dramatizes
incidents from the lives of famous people.
So I rushed home and did an outline of an
incident from-the-life-of-a-famous-person
and sent it in and they bought it and I
wrote the script and they liked it and
they’er gonna give me more work in the fall.
And whaddaya think I dramatized? JOHN
of Walton’s Lives. Nobody who watches
television has the slightest idea who John
Donne was, but thanks to Hemingway everybody
know No Man Is An Island, all I had to do
was work that in and it was sold.
So that’s how John Donne made the
“Hallmark Hall of Fame” and paid for all the
books you ever sent me and five teeth.
I plan to crawl out of bed before dawn
on Coronation Day to attend the ceremony by
radio. Will be thinking of you all.
looking exactly as Jane ought to look 看起来确实有简该有的样子(这句语法结构不太懂)
went off the air 停播
pile up 堆积
dramatize 改编成剧本; 把…戏剧化
whaddaya [口语] 经常作为“What do you .... ?”的缩写
No Man Is An Island 没有人是一座孤岛,海明威在其小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》引用的多恩(John Donne)的一句名言。
Hallmark Hall of Fame 不朽名人堂;标志名人堂
Will be thinking of you all.