SSD5实验2-Europe by Rail-含详细注释

2017-06-16  本文已影响0人  Jozhn

Prerequisites, Goals, and Outcomes

Prerequisites: Students should have mastered the following prerequisite skills.

Goals: This assignment is designed to reinforce the student's understanding of the implementation of a fundamental graph algorithm

Outcomes: Students successfully completing this assignment would master the following outcomes.

#include "RailSystem.h"

void RailSystem::reset( void )
    /* 遍历cities,初始化城市信息 */
    map<string, City*>::iterator it;
    for ( it = cities.begin(); it != cities.end(); ++it )
        it->second->visited     = false;        /* 初始未被访问 */
        it->second->total_fee       = INT_MAX;      /* 初始值为最大 */
        it->second->total_distance  = INT_MAX;      /* 初始值为最大 */
        it->second->from_city       = "";

RailSystem::RailSystem( string const &filename )
    /* 调用load_services读取 */
    load_services( filename );

void RailSystem::load_services( string const &filename )
    /* 读取数据建立两个map */
    ifstream    inf( filename.c_str() );
    string      from, to;
    int     fee, distance;

    while ( inf.good() )
        /* 文件正常则读入出发地,目的地,费用,距离 */
        inf >> from >> to >> fee >> distance;

        if ( inf.good() )
            Service* s = new Service( to, fee, distance );
            /* 若列表中没有出发城市就加入 */
            if ( cities.count( from ) == 0 )
                cities[from]        = new City( from );
                outgoing_services[from] = list<Service*>();
            /* 若列表中没有目的城市就加入 */
            if ( cities.count( to ) == 0 )
                cities[to]      = new City( to );
                outgoing_services[to]   = list<Service*>();
            outgoing_services[from].push_back( s ); /* 在出发城市直连城市链表的尾部加入数据 */

RailSystem::~RailSystem( void )
    /* 析构函数,释放City map和Service map中的指针 */
    map<string, City*>::iterator city_it = cities.begin();
    for (; city_it != cities.end(); city_it++ )
        delete city_it->second;
    map<string, list<Service*> >::iterator services_it =
    for (; services_it != outgoing_services.end(); services_it++ )
        list<Service*>::iterator service_it = services_it->second.begin();
        for (; service_it != services_it->second.end(); service_it++ )
            delete *service_it;

void RailSystem::output_cheapest_route( const string & from,
                    const string & to, ostream & out )
    /* 输出最短路径,调用calc_route计算最短路径 */
    pair<int, int> totals = calc_route( from, to );

    if ( totals.first == INT_MAX ) /* 费用依然为最大说明无法到达 */
        out << "There is no route from " << from << " to " << to << "\n";
    } else {
        out << "The cheapest route from " << from << " to " << to << "\n";
        out << "costs " << totals.first << " euros and spans " << totals.second
            << " kilometers\n";
        cout << recover_route( to ) << "\n\n";

bool RailSystem::is_valid_city( const string & name )
    /* 判断是否存在城市的bool函数 */
    return(cities.count( name ) == 1);

pair<int, int> RailSystem::calc_route( string from, string to )
    /* 优先权队列获得下一个城市的最小花费 */
    priority_queue<City*, vector<City*>, Cheapest> candidates;

    /* Dijkstra最短路径算法: */

    /* 将起点初始化加入队列 */
    City* start_city = cities[from];
    start_city->total_fee       = 0;
    start_city->total_distance  = 0;
    candidates.push( start_city ); /* 队列尾部加入出发城市 */
    /* 优先权队列不为空时 */
    while ( !candidates.empty() )
        /* 要访问的城市 */
        City* visiting_city;
        /* 将头部城市设为要访问的城市 */
        visiting_city =;
        candidates.pop();                       /* 顶部城市出队 */
        /* 若未访问过此城市 */
        if ( !visiting_city->visited )
            visiting_city->visited = true;  /* 设为已访问 */
            /* 遍历这个城市的直连城市 */
            list<Service*>::iterator it;
            for ( it = outgoing_services[visiting_city->name].begin(); it != outgoing_services[visiting_city->name].end(); ++it )
                /* 将目的地设为下一个城市 */
                City    * next_city = cities[(*it)->destination];
                int next_fee    = (*it)->fee + visiting_city->total_fee;
                /* 新的费用值小于旧的时替换 */
                if ( (next_fee < next_city->total_fee) && next_city->name != from )
                    next_city->total_fee        = next_fee;
                    next_city->total_distance   =
                        (*it)->distance + visiting_city->total_distance;
                    next_city->from_city = visiting_city->name;
                    candidates.push( next_city );
    /* 返回总费用和总路程,否则返回最大值 */
    if ( cities[to]->visited )
        return(pair<int, int>( cities[to]->total_fee, cities[to]->total_distance ) );
    } else {
        return(pair<int, int>( INT_MAX, INT_MAX ) );

string RailSystem::recover_route( const string & city )
    /* 利用栈保存最小费用路线中的城市名,以此返回正序排列的城市字符串 */
    string  route;
    string  current = city;
    while ( current != "" )
        route = current + route;
        string prev = cities[current]->from_city;
        if ( prev != "" )
            route = " to " + route;
        current = prev;

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