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You Drive Your Own Life 20200507

2020-05-07  本文已影响0人  JackyHCXP


To live is to risk at all.

It's Thursday and sunny today, i woke up about 5:10 this morning, but i still feel very tired now, i don't know why? i need more exercise in the future.

i called my wife this morning, she sadi that she still felt headache. i told her to drink more water and had some medicines.

It is more important to do exercise and keep healthy.

From Abhay:

He required the function testing data of M107, i will send these datas to him this morning, but we only have a little of data, because we produced not too much part number with this formula.

Morning Meeting:

To Rain:

1 He should update the board of T3 meeting right now.

2 He should finish the monthly meeting report, and add the new content for the standard devaition of the function testing datas of all the formluas that we produced in the last month.

To Neal:

He should change the new break disc to run the Krauss testing and to validate whether the disc have some problems?

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