
保证比Bitcoin更好的五种投资(Five Investmen

2018-01-07  本文已影响145人  荆凯_EOS42


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译者:区块链中文字幕组 荆凯



One of my friends went to church recently, and the priest talked about Bitcoin during the Sermon. It can’t get any more mainstream than that, right? The incredible popularity of Bitcoin in 2017 is of course, directly tied to its rapid increase in price and its success as the asset, currency, or investment to beat. With gains at almost 2000% in 2017, no other investment comes close. What more the gains of the last 2 or 3 years? Heck, if you bought $100 worth of Bitcoin in 2010, it would be close to $100 million today. So what are these better investments I am talking about?

我的一个朋友最近去了教堂,牧师在布道时谈起了比特币。这主流得不能更主流了,对吧? 当然,比特币在2017年难以置信的受欢迎度,与它快速增长的价格以及它作为资产、货币或投资标的的成功直接相关。在2017年的收益几乎达到2000%,没有其它任何投资能够与它相提并论。在过去的两三年里,还有什么能比它收益更高呢? 见鬼,如果你在2010年买了价值100美元的比特币,今天就接近1亿美元了。那么,我所说的这些更好的投资会是什么呢?

There are better investments, if you know where to look. An investment, by the way, is not just a “money” thing. It isn’t just about profits or gains. An investment is a commitment to something you believe in, something you want to support not just financially but also in spirit. It can be money, effort, work, time, and other intangible resources.

确实有更好的投资,如果你知道去哪儿找的话。顺便说一下,投资不只关乎“金钱”。不仅仅关乎利润或收益。投资是对你所信仰的东西的承诺,是你想要支持的东西,不仅是经济上的,也是精神上的。它可以是金钱, 努力, 工作, 时间和其他无形的资源。

So here are the five investments you should prioritize over Bitcoin:


Investing In Your Physical Health 投资你的身体健康

(Image copyright 2003 by Randy Glasbergen. www.glasbergen.com)

How many of you haven’t slept for a full 8 hours in the past month? If you are deep into the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency space, I would say about 99% think sleeping is overrated and would rather watch the markets. Yet people who sleep less than the recommended 7 to 8 hours per night are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression, diabetes and even dementia, experts say. Research found that people who averaged 4 hours of sleep were 4 times more likely to catch colds. What is the point of accumulating wealth if you will end up suffering disease and illnesses in the future, or even today?

你们当中有多少人在过去的一个月里睡足了整整8个小时? 如果你深入到比特币和加密货币领域,我想说大约99%的人认为睡眠被高估了,宁愿去关注市场。然而专家表示,每晚睡眠时间少于7 - 8小时的人更容易患上心血管疾病、肥胖、抑郁、糖尿病甚至痴呆等慢性疾病。研究发现,平均睡4个小时的人有四倍的概率更容易感冒。如果你将来甚至今天就会(因此)患上疾病,那么,积累财富的意义又何在?

A lot of Crypto traders and Bitcoin startup people also end up neglecting their physical well-being. Exercise takes a back seat, more time sitting in an office in front of a computer, and unhealthy diets of coffee and fast food are common. Again, you might have a lot of coins, but what’s the point if you will end up spending that for medical bills?


A crashing market is not a real problem in the grand scheme of things. You can always earn lost money back. But when your health deteriorates from neglect, it will take a lot more to get back to health.


Take a few hours per day to invest in some exercise, even just taking short walks will do wonders for your health. Invest in a class like yoga or boxing to release some of the stresses that come with this industry. Make sure you get enough sleep so that you can attack the next day sharper and in better mental condition.


Investing In Your Mental Health 投资你的精神健康

(Image from www.cartoonstock.com)

Are you the type of person who checks on the price of Bitcoin and your altcoin portfolio every few minutes? Are you constantly checking reddit and other often toxic social media sites that gets you riled up and angry at others? Are you working in a Blockchain startup and are constantly on the edge due to uncertainty about your company’s future? Did you put a lot of money in an ICO that isn’t doing so well? All of these things are highly stressful, and stress is deadly.

你是那种人么,每隔几分钟就会检查比特币的价格和你的代币投资组合? 你是否经常查看reddit和其他经常让你愤怒的社交媒体网站? 你是否在区块链的创业公司工作,由于公司前途的不确定性,你是否经常处于紧张状态? 你在一个表现不佳的ICO里放了很多钱吗? 所有这些都会带来很大压力,而压力是致命的。

More important than your physical well-being is taking care of your mental health. Stress is the biggest killer out there, and people in peak physical form can break down from mental strain in the blink of an eye. The world of Bitcoin and Cryptos is a highly stressful world. Step back. Take breaks. Disconnect once in a while. Be grateful for what you have, don’t stress too much about what you want.


This is a marathon, not a sprint. Bitcoin and Crypto will still be around even if you take a week-long vacation. Do it now, if you havent had one in years. The investment will be worth it.


Investing In Learning Something New 为学习新东西而投资


When learning something new, the brain releases endorphins, making you feel good! Always invest in learning something new. Bitcoin technology is a lot to process for any person, and there is always something new to learn every day. Take the time to invest in some books about Bitcoin or any of the related technologies like cryptography, blockchains, and even economics and monetary policy.

学习新事物时,大脑会释放内啡肽,让你感觉良好! 总是为学些新东西而投资。对任何人来说, 比特币技术都有大量的内容要处理,每天都有新的东西要学习。花点时间去读一些书,关于比特币,或者一些相关的技术的书,比如密码学、区块链,甚至经济学和货币政策。

But also, don’t get stuck with trading or learning about Bitcoins or other cryptos 24/7. By investing in a new skill set, your brain gets a great workout and will stay sharp and excited to work. Learn to code if you haven’t yet, learn public speaking and explain Bitcoin to groups of people, learn Jiu Jitsu or even a musical instrument — literally anything new to learn will be a great benefit to you as a person both physically and mentally. You will stay sharp and be able to face the day to day stuff with a better state of mind.

但也不要因为交易或学习比特币或其他加密货币而陷入 24/7的状态中。通过投资新的技能,你的大脑会得到很好的锻炼,并且会保持敏锐和兴奋的状态来工作。如果你还没学过编程,那就去学吧,学习公共演讲,向人群解释比特币,学习九段Jitsu,甚至是一种乐器 —— 实际上任何新的东西都会有益于你的身心健康。你将保持敏锐,并能以更好的心态面对每天的事情。

Investing In Meaningful Relationships 投资在有意义的亲密关系上


No, your “relationship” with Blockfolio and Coinmarketcap doesn’t count.

不,你和 Blockfolio 以及 Coinmarketcap (区块链领域两个常用网站,译者注)的"亲密关系"不算数。

Are you always on twitter getting on flame wars about which version of Bitcoin is better? Are you arguing with haters all the time trying to defend Bitcoin? Are you constantly trying to get validation from your peers by constantly being on feedback-loop places like Reddit? Take a step back and realize that these are unhealthy habits and relationships. Yes, that thing with that altcoiner you hate and always argue with online is a relationship, albeit a hateful, angry, and stressful one.

你总是在推特上谈论哪种版本的比特币更好吗? 你是不是一直在和那些讨厌比特币的人争论? 你是否经常通过像Reddit这样的存在反馈回路的地方来获得同侪的认可呢? 退后一步,你要意识到, 这些都是不健康的习惯和关系。是的, 你憎恶那些代币的那些东西,并且经常在网上与之争辩,这也是一种关系,但是却是一种仇恨,愤怒和让人有压力的关系。

Invest in meaningful relationships, and if you already have one, don’t let Bitcoin or any kind of work get in the way of it. I have personally seen relationships break down because of Bitcoin obsession. Bitcoin and crypto are technologies that are exciting and people get passionate about it, but if it is at the expense of hindering new and meaningful relationships from developing, or worse, breaks down existing meaningful relationships, then I guarantee it won’t be worth it.


Meet new people. Connect with old friends (and stop talking about Bitcoin! Unless they ask!). Make sure to visit your parents if they are still around, because they wont be around forever. I spent way less time with my family when I started SCI in 2014, and when my father passed away last year, it was tough. You can earn back lost money, but you can never get back precious time spent with your loved ones. Invest more in that. You will never regret it.

结识新的朋友。与老朋友联系(停止谈论比特币! 除非他们问起!)。一定要去看望你的父母,如果他们还在,因为他们不会永远在你身边。2014年我因为创办SCI 和家人在一起的时间很少,当我的父亲去年去世的时候,那种感觉非常难受。你可以赚回损失的钱,但和你所爱的人在一起的宝贵时间,你永远也没法追回。投入更多时间吧。你绝对不会后悔。

Investing In Your Character 投资于你的性格


Usain Bolt ran around a grand total of 2 minutes in his finals appearances to win his major medals, earning millions of dollars in the process, and if you calculate his earnings per second, it is in the millions of dollars. Is he lucky? No. To get there, he invested twenty years of hard work and thankless training. This is the true meaning of investing.

尤塞恩·博尔特在他的决赛中总共跑了2分钟,赢得了他的主要奖牌,在这个过程中赚了数百万美元,如果你计算他的每秒钟收入,就是数百万美元。是他运气好么? 不。为了达到这个目的,他花费了二十年的时间艰苦工作,进行费力不讨好的训练。这就是投资的真正意义。

Invest in making yourself a better version of who you were yesterday. Be more courageous. Try new things. Stay humble. Take time for fun! Make new friends. Always be curious. Surround yourself with people who are smarter and more successful, people who can teach you something. Appreciate the present and let go of your toxic relationships. Find work that gives you fulfillment.

投资于让今天的你比昨天更好。更勇敢。尝试新事物。保持谦逊。花时间娱乐! 结交新朋友。总是保持好奇心。和那些更聪明更成功的人在一起,他们会教你一些东西。感激现在,放开你的不良关系。找一份能给你成就感的工作。

Bitcoin is important, yes, but a lot of people have developed an unhealthy obsession about it — just check twitter and see for yourself. It is important that we focus on developing this new technology and the infrastructure that will allow future generations to enjoy its benefits, but if the cost is the deterioration of our physical, mental, and social well-being, then maybe it isn’t worth it.


These are just some of the things in which, if you just invest the right amount of time and effort, will pay off much more than Bitcoin or any financial investment, guaranteed.


Happy holidays everyone :)

节日快乐 :)






荆凯(shuke0327) 区块链技术爱好者,程序员,坚信区块链将会改变潮水的方向,欢迎关注我的公众号: 增长之道




