
2018-09-07  本文已影响9人  0e77ccc94dff



Slaughtered_gates(利物浦球迷):你永远不会独自得心脏病。(You will never have heart attack alone.)

Cody667(利物浦球迷):其实自从阿利松来了我就对他玩火丢球抱有殷切的期待,我是不是没救了…(I've honestly been waiting for that to happen to Alisson since he came. I'm just so weird.)

Teleman_Frank(阿森纳球迷):阿利松这么快就成为真正的利物浦门将了!(Didn't take long for alisson to become a true Liverpool keeper.)

AndesiteSkies(利物浦球迷):罗马,你骗我!(Roma lied to me.)

IwishIwasGoku(阿根廷球迷):卡里乌斯不是一个球员,而是一种心境。(Karius is not a player, Karius is a state of mind.)

Chrisixx(巴塞尔球迷):我仿佛听到了遥远的伊斯坦布尔传来的笑声…(I can hear the laughter all the way from Istanbul.)


ThefrozenOstrich(切尔西球迷):要是你的球队踢阿森纳的时候总不能进球,那就把球传给扎卡吧,他肯定会给你们创造机会的!(If teams are struggling to score vs Arsenal just pass the ball to xhaka and he’ll create you a chance.)

xepa105(桑普多利亚球迷):要是扎卡下场比赛还能首发,我真想找人把埃梅里的脑袋拧下来…(If xhaka is starting next match someone needs to smack Unay Emery upside the head.)

Psycho_Sexy(利物浦球迷):扎卡怎么总能逃脱埃梅里的轮换名单,难道他在训练里就成哈维-阿隆索了?(and yet, somehow, Xhaka manages to escape emery's rotation, he must Xabi Alonso during training.)

trollerballer(未知主队球迷):好想成为扎卡这样的人,工作干得这么烂,但依旧是百万富翁…(I wish I could be as bad as Xhaka at my job and still be a millionaire.)


Lacabameyang(阿森纳球迷):这场比赛的评论区里,还没看到一条不是在吐槽裁判的…(I haven’t seen a comment that isn’t about the ref in this thread.)

MOoley8(曼联球迷):裁判还不如搬个沙发躺在球场中圈吹比赛呢,反正也没啥区别…(He might as well have sat down on a sofa in the center circle and tried to make calls from there. Completely no difference.)

ottawaZed(渥太华球迷):现在曼联的比赛简直就像一场戏,只不过伯恩利扮演了个悲剧的角色…(The drama from Man U games are always interesting now. Burnley just show up unfortunately to be a figure of tragic.)

Ghost51(曼联球迷):这场比赛其实是EA推动的一种新玩法,在FIFA19里将会出现“无犯规”模式!(This game is actually a promotion by EA for the new "No Rules" mode they've added in FIFA 19.)


Ultimatum(切尔西球迷):虽然萨里每天抽80根烟,但最终杀死他的肯定是莫拉塔…(Sarri smokes 80 cigarettes a day but it will be Morata that kills him.)

Echo361(未知主队球迷):根据切尔西的新教练综合征,这赛季联赛冠军稳了吧!(New coach Chelsea syndrome. They’ll prolly win the league.)

Tr_Omer(贝西克塔斯球迷):坎特就像是绿巨人,不过绿巨人是越生气身体越强大,坎特是跑得越多体能越充沛!(Kante is like the Hulk (angrier he gets the more powerful he becomes) but instead he just gets less tired the more he runs.)

IrelandWhyra(爱尔兰球迷):看到吉鲁帅帅的新发型,我已经开始怀疑自己的性取向了…(Giroud got a haircut and is gonna make me question my sexuality now.)


rthunderbird1997(纽卡斯尔球迷):啊…曼城…别这样…不要…(oh no City yamete kudasai...)

Vengaa(凯尔特人球迷):这可比看曼联的比赛有意思多了!(Better than watching United.)

Scribble2thefloor(曼城球迷):瓜瓜要不去学学巫术吧,看能不能尽快把丁丁治好…(Pep needs to study necromancy to resurrect De Bruyne ASAP.)

ViewsBot(未知主队球迷):每次费尔南迪尼奥拿球的时候,都感觉他下一秒就会把球传给对方了…(Every time Fernandinho gets the ball he looks like he's about to give it away.)


Zeta-Omega(利物浦球迷):歪,妖妖灵吗?我要举报一场虐杀!(Hello Police? I'd like to report a horrible murder.)

st_huck(皇马球迷):梅西用脚传出的球,都赶上NBA传球的水平了…(that's an NBA level crossover done with Messi feet.)

RuralHuman(巴萨球迷):我们总能依赖最好的球员,比如梅西和乌龙迪尼奥!(We can always count on our best players, Messi and Owngoalinho.)

Royce_Melborn(巴萨球迷):见鬼,虽然咱签下了乌龙迪尼奥,但对方球队都买了柱冯!(Wtf. We sign Owngoalinho. Other team signs barffon!)


Ishdalar(巴萨球迷):自从C罗离开了皇马,皇马的每个球员都变成C罗了…(Everyone in Ronaldo form for Real Madrid this season since Ronaldo leaves.)

Touchd93(皇马球迷):除了C罗自己…(Except Ronaldo.)


Jackalop(热刺球迷):把孙兴慜的金牌放在我们热刺的荣誉柜里吧,我确定里边的空间还很大呢!(Put Son's medal in the trophy case, we’ve definitely got the space for it.)

BigSmokeIsGod(未知主队球迷):想象一下日本的热刺球迷这球看得是多矛盾…(Imagine how conflicted a Japanese spurs fan is.)


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