L4-1 Topic discussion: a perfect
Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future. You should say:
What it is/How you will get it/what kind of work it would involve/and explain why you would like to do this job.
self-employment 自己创业
flexible hours 灵活的时间
homeworking opportunities在家工作的机会
work experience and a range of valuable skills picked up in the workplace and from parenting experiences在工作和照顾孩子的过程中获得的经验和技能
both sweet rewards and tough challenges await 收获幸福&迎接挑战(parenting)
Actually, I am thinking about what is the perfect job for months. I think the job I want to do is to start my own business and become my own boss in the future. But yet I haven't decided what kind of business it will be. What I care most is the flexible working hours, which will allow me to make a good balance between work and family life.
I think I can get this job if I invest enough time and energy into it. It takes time to become a professional/qualified/successful boss. At moment, I am a stay-at-home mom. And before that, I had been working in trade dept. of a very big company for many years. The work experience and a range of valuable skills picked up in the workplace and from parenting give me a strong background and also a possibility to accumulate funds for my own career [kə'rɪr]. In order to have a good beginning, I think I should study carefully on the performances of business competitors. As it said that the fewer mistake you make the more success you will get.
Being a boss has a multitude of advantages, and plus it has been my dream work for years. First of all, you can enjoy a flexible working hours. This is on top of my list because you have to consider about dealing with some emergency or school holidays when you have to stay with your child. Secondly, being a boss allows you to take time on other personal interests and hobbies and this will also bring much fun to our life.
perfect [ˈpɜ:rfɪkt] adj
pedagogy /pedəgɒdʒi/教育学