流利说-L7-U2-P2 Learning

2021-02-19  本文已影响0人  sindy00

The boiling River 1(15‘31)

As a boy in Lima(利马,秘鲁首都),My grandfather told me a legend about Spanish conquest of Peru. 

在利马, 我小的时候,爷爷曾给我讲了一个关于西班牙政府秘鲁的传奇果实。

Atahualpa(阿塔瓦尔帕 印加第十三代皇帝), the emperor of Inca, had been captured and killed.


Pizarro (美[pɪˈzɑroʊ]法兰西斯克 皮泽洛) and his conquistadors(英[kɒnˈkwɪstədɔːz]16世纪侵占西班牙和秘鲁的西班牙征服者) had grown rich,


and tales of their conquest of glory had reached Spain and were bringing new waves of Spaniards(英[ˈspænjədz]西班牙人), hungry for gold and glory.


They would go into towns and ask the Inca," where's another civilization we can conquer? Where's more gold?


And the Inca, out of the Vengeance(报仇 复仇), told them, " Go to the Amazon."


You'll find all the gold you want there. In fact, there is a city called Paititi(帕伊提提)- El Dorado(黄金国) in Spanish made entirely of gold.

那有一座叫做帕伊提提的城市,西班牙语叫EL Dorado,一个全部用黄金做的城市,你将在那找到所有你想要的黄金。

The Spanish set off into the jungle, but the few that return come back with stories, stories  of powerful shamans, of warriors with poisoned arrows.

西班牙人动身进入那片丛林,但是只有少数人带着故事归来了, 关于强大的萨满巫师,拿着毒箭的武士的故事。

of trees so tall they blotted out the sun, spiders that ate birds, snakes that swallowed men whole and a river that boiled.


All this became a childhood memory.


And years passed. I'm working on my PhD at SMU, trying to understand Peru's geothermal energy potential,


When I remember this legend, and I begin asking that question. Could the boiling river exist?


I asked college from universities, the government, oil, gas and mining companies, and the answer was an unanimous(一致的 一致同意的) no.


And this makes sense. You see, boiling rivers do exist in the world, but they're generally associated with volcanos.


You need a powerful heat source to produce such a large geothermal manifestation(表现 示威运动).


And as you can see from the red dots here, which are volcanos,


we don't have volcanos in the Amazon, nor in most of Peru. So it follows: we should not expect to see a boiling river.


1. Why did the  Inca tell the Spanish to go the Amazon?

...They wanted revenge.

2. what did the Spanish expect to find in the Amazon?

...a city of gold.

3. To bolt out something means too...cover or hide it.

4. 选词填空

 The Spanish set off into the jungle, but the few that return come back with stories, stories of powerful shamans, of warriors with poisoned arrows, of trees so tall that they blotted out the sun, spiders that ate birds, snakes that swallowed men whole and a river that boiled.

5. 句子排序

1).Boiling rivers do exist in the world, but they're generally associated with volcanos.

2).You need a powerful heat source to produce such a large geothermal manifestation(表现 示威运动).

3).And as you can see from the red dots here, which are volcanos,we don't have volcanos in the Amazon, nor in most of Peru. 

4).So it follows: we should not expect to see a boiling river.

5. 听 复述

Geothermal energy is produced by heat from inside the Earth.

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