2019-02-22 本文已影响2人
1. 嘿,天哪【用于回复某人,表示强烈的情感,如愤怒、惊讶等】
- But that's marvelous news! [回顾:书面语中but不用于句首]
2. 可是【用来提出异议】
- "It was a good idea." "But it didn't work."
3. 【用来加强词语或陈述的语气】
- They're rich, but I mean rich. (他们很有钱,非常非常有钱。)
4. 无论如何,反正,好【用于改变话题】
- But now to the main question.(好,现在谈主要问题。)
- But tell me, are you really planning to retire?(那你告诉我,你真的打算退休吗?)
5. 【用于excuse me和I'm sorry等后面】
- Excuse me, but I'm afraid this is a no-smoking area.(对不起,这里是无烟区)
6. 词组but then (again)有两种意思:
a) 不过,但另一方面【用于补充与之前所说内容几乎相反的陈述】
- John might be ready to help us, but then again, he might not.
b) 不过【用于补充,使之前说的话不那么令人震惊】
- Dinah missed the last rehearsal, but then she always was unreliable, wasn't she?