Android Weekly Notes #412
2020-05-06 本文已影响0人
Android Weekly Issue #412
Writing Unit Tests efficiently in Android with Spek
一个写单元测试的框架: Spek
Refactoring Android Themes with Style
Debugging Android app launch by setting debug app
Navigate to Settings -> System -> Developer options and then scroll to the Debugging section.
Click on “Select debug app”
Select the application you want to debug from the list.
Check the "Wait for debugger" option - this is what activates the behaviour we want where the debugged application waits for the debugger to attach before launching.
adb shell am set-debug-app -w --persistent <your app package goes here>
-w flag is what sets the “wait for debugger” option (like we did with the UI)
--persistent flag is what tells the system to save this, and not treat as a one-off action
adb shell am clear-debug-app
How to list 3rd Party Dependencies Licenses in your Android app
Google的一个插件OSS Licenses plugin
, 显示第三方库的licenses.
Dagger Party Tricks: Extension Functions
Functional Programming in Kotlin - f(1)
Series pit stops
f(1) — Basics, Understanding Functions (you are here)
f(2) — Functions in Kotlin, Pure functions
f(3) — Function composition, Currying function
🤖Automate Publishing Android Library to Bintray using GitHub Actions 🚀
利用github action把库自动发布到jcenter.
Minimalist Dagger
Android Logging on Steroids: Clickable Logs With Location Info
基于Timber的优化, 让log可点击.