
2019-01-18 1月晨读周期笔记

2019-01-19  本文已影响0人  AllisonMH


vowel 元音的特点:无阻挡,声音较大,不会touch到舌头。

consonant 辅音的发音特点:有阻挡,发音不那么流畅,不大,不重(一般会touch到舌头)。

our 的发音听起来像/ar/


You stand me up.

You didn't show up.

card 的表达


play your card=use your advantage

If Rachel plays her cards right, she will be a great heiress and you will benefit too.

play the xx card

put/lay cards on the table


You are playing the "I don't have time card" again.

feel like 愿意

I didn't feel like making a big dinner. 我不愿意,我不想。。。

gonna =going to

I am going to = I'm gonna


1. 音准无硬伤

2. 语调和节奏自然 (弱读连读的细节)

3. 声音塑造(口音,情感演绎,发音位置)

sail through 考试顺利通过

bath in the sun, sit in the sun 沐浴在阳光中


Be sensible, Sweetie. It's too expensive.

Wise up. 

Try to be rational.

It's gross/disgusting.

Ew...(il) 表示恶心的象声词


Smell funny! 怎么有股怪味啊=Smells fishy 怎么有股腥味啊

I got sacked =I got fired.

There are bees!  (these are 听起来就像zi ze

compound words 复合名词的重音

post office (post); delivery man (delivery)

superman (super)


tipsy 微醺 She wasn't tipsy, just a little high.

buzzed 喝得有点飘了,脑袋嗡嗡作响  I  got buzzed.

hammered 喝醉了,喝了就像被锤子伦了脑袋一样

drunk醉了 drunk as a fish 喝得烂醉如泥

wasted 断片了

stay tuned; tune in 看电视插广告时,表达广告之后继续回来的意思。

no wonder, little wonder 怪不得

no wonder Eric is so handsome, his dad is super handsome.

leisure 美音/li/ 英音/lei/

Malaysia, Indonesia 注意发音

seven o'clock  (no,l连读成“哪“)

find out about an unusual collision (den)

head-on; rear-end collision (逆行,头和头碰上)

If you have trouble finding space in your garage.

keep real! 不要逃避,决定了就好好做,好好学,要有态度。

hit him from behind (连读成 dim)


My English is broken/not good. 

He speaks very limited Chinese. 

不要说 My English is poor.


She's exhausted.

She is wiped out.

She is worn out.


He was safe and sound.

He was intact.

He was unharmed.

lousy 很差劲

What lousy weather!
The food was lousy!

a lousy teacher; a lousy film; I‘m lousy at tennis. Brenda is lousy with kids.

Can you sit on the sofa? 

I can't fit. (坐不下) Frankie’s taking up the whole sofa! 占据

How long have you lived here? 当have 是助动词时, have 可以弱读成 /饿v/ or /饿/



