一、语法观 【用自己的话解释清楚】
Eric推荐:张满胜 《语法新思维》
语法 ≠ 死规则, 要理解其背后的规则
Neil Gaiman: Don't obsess over grammar. If you have to obsess, obsess clarity.
不要纠结术语; 抓大放小,先一般,后特殊。
特殊的例子: That's some radio you've bought. some: 表示很好的。
This isn't just any cake. 这不是一般的蛋糕(这蛋糕非常好)
I don't know nothing about it. 【表示否定】
I've been coming to Beijing for fourteen years. 在过去的十四年中,我常常来北京。
I slept funny. 落枕了。
1)如何用语法更好地阅读 2)如何用语法帮助写作
1. 找主干,拆分长难句 【获取信息的读法】
2. 写出一个正确的句子
分词的本质:多样表达+ 简化
Ten cypresses stand proudly along its banks, their leaves red like fire.
The grasses are turning yellow beneath the trees and the setting sun is breaking through their branches, casting long, bleak shadows.
The man is around fifty, a pinched figure in robes once black, now faded a blue-grey.
3. 学了语法还看不懂句子
4. Eric 如何学语法
a. 不懂语法 b. 读语法书 (掌握基本框架和必要知识;用一张纸罗列出来)c 大量阅读 (别扭的地方,去查;在阅读中观察更多语法现象)4. 不“学”语法--> 直接背下来 5. 日常学语法
Is it just me, or ...
It's not so much that...
There was a time when...
I spent a good part of my life being in poor. 很长时间
比如: find, imagine, suggest
天下没有免费午餐 There is no such thing as a free lunch.