Real-World Performance - 14 - La

2021-09-05  本文已影响0人  AlphaHinex

description: "It's quite dramatic. The only thing I have changed is ..."
date: 2021.09.05 10:34
- Database
tags: [Connection Pools]
keywords: dynamic connction pools, static connection pools, fixed connection pools

Okay, so now having rendered the system
completely unstable

and unproductive, we got to rescue the
situation. At this point in time is


a lot of corporate blame-game playing

usually the users are complaining.

And the application team are blaming the
database, and the database are blaming the

operating system.

And when in fact, really, this is a

one of architecture. So

at this point in time usually people
saying either "I want more connections to

the database,"

or the database team saying, "I want less
connections to the database." So at this

point in time, what I'm gonna do

is reduce the number of connections down
to a third

what we had, which was just six thousand. Let's do that and actually see what actually

happens. At this point in time, we

we've totally lost the system, so at this
point in time, we're going to rebuild the

connection pool.

And it's going to take a little while, and this is a lesson to be learned.

The fact it takes a while to rebuild a
large connection pool and tear it down.

This is what happens when we have to do
a failover. So

if you were to be designing a system
architecture would you design an

architecture with lots of moving parts,

that need to be reestablished and failed over? That's something we need to consider

when we design architecture for

as well as high architecture. Does it
have the capability

to failover quickly? Okay, so you can see
that we've

recovered the system and actually cut down the connection pool.

And as a result, we can see that the
transaction rate has come back up again.

The CP utilization's come up, but the transit, the actual response time, is again

still fairly poor. It's up near to 14,
nearly a 100

milliseconds in itself. And so we still

actually solved the stability of the system.
There still

is wait events and contention going on
inside the database here at this point.

in time. It's---

it's on a latch and although the
throughput is back on the system but we

can see that the response time is still

bouncing around quite a little bit, although the CPU

is up in the ninety percent utilization.
Now the fact

that we reduce the number of connections,

what I like to think about is what
happens if we have those connection set to

2000 in the pool

and we jumped it to 6,000. At this point
in time, the system is still not ideal,

but there would have been a faction

people saying, "we need more connections." Now we show showed what happens when we

went with a high number of

connections, we just reduced it but it's
still not perfect by any stretch of the

imagination in terms of the performance.

So what we're going to start doing is
taking a little bit of computer science.

Remember when we were at school, we
learned about

time slicing and trying to schedule
multiple processes onto a CPU.

We learned very quickly that there will be a point

where if you over schedule the CPU, you would actually get a lower throughput

on the system altogether. And this is
being played out on a bigger and bigger


Now, I know I have 24 cores or

processors on this machine that I'm
working on.

So if I was to reduce this connection,
or the number active processes

more in phase with computer science and
get it down closer to 24

or a small multiple of 24, let's

see what actually happened to the
performance and the stability of the


To this point, I'm going to drop. Instead of
having over 2,000 connections in

the pool,

I'm gonna take it to 144. And let's just
apply that change.

And let's just see what actually happens
to both the throughput,

the user response time, and actually the
CPU on the system.

Well you can see we are now doing the
transition and you'll notice that

very quickly that transition and
reestablishing the connection pool

took next to no time at all. Remember how
long it took when we tried to come down from

6 thousand

to 2 thousand. It took a long time to transition across.

That drop in that connection pool down

144 was extremely quick. Imagine your
failover being that quick.

And now let's see what actually
has happened to the system.

It's quite dramatic. The only thing I
have changed

is the size of the connection pool. The
workload is coming at me at the same


But if we actually look and see what's
happening to the system, you'll notice


one, the response time now is under 10

time spent both in the application
server and on the database. We've got


huge drop down in response time.

It's much more consistent. We see
slightly more

throughput on the system, but what's more
interesting is

look at the drop in the amount of CPU

being utilized on the system. Now this is
where it becomes extremely difficult to

argue in a highly-charged escalation

To explain to somebody you want to
reduce the number of connections

so you can reduce the amount of CPU so you can get faster response time,

and get more work through the system. At
some point in what I've just said, I

contradicted myself.

But the reality is, is we are
actually using less CPU.

We are getting higher throughput. And the
response time is less.

And half the clue is twofold---is one,

you'll notice with we're not doing any
contention events now

inside the database. So all that CPU that
we were wasting spending on latches

and arbitrating contention, is now being

redirected to actually processed
database transactions.

And the other aspect of the thing is
because we're running fewer and fewer

connections to the database,

those connections are staying on the CPU,
they are staying scheduled on the CPU for longer,

and as a result all memory pages
associated with those processes

are staying resident on the CPU cache.

And as a result, they become more and
more efficient

at scheduling and they're stalling less on
memory and as a result

we just raise the performance gain. So

just to summarize, dynamic connection

are extremely dangerous because they can destabilize the system

really quickly. We showed that in slow

as we incremented the workload. And
then connection pools that are massively

oversubscribing the system by

a hundred a thousand times number of
cores on the system,

are inherently inefficient and again

can destabilize the system very quickly.

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