Lord of the Flies Chapter 2 Anal
Warp: to become, or make sth become, twisted or bent out of its natural shape, for example because it has become too hot, too damp; to influence sb so that they begin to behave in an unacceptable or shocking way.
Conch: the shell of a sea creature which is also called a conch.
Scornfully: showing a feeling that you think sb/sth is stupid and you do not respect them or it.
Officious: too ready to tell people what to do or to use the power you have to give orders.
Indignant: feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly.
Tumult : a confused situation in which there is usually a lot of noise and excitement, often involving large numbers of people.
Irresistible: so strong that it cannot be stopped or resisted.
Nimble : able to move quickly and easily.
Who starts the fearful rumor of the “beastie”?
What had given him a nightmare?
-Stumbling among the creepers.
What happened to the “hands up like school” rule?
- It was ignored by Jack in the end ( by saying “the conch doesn’t count on top of the mountain).
Jack is clever. Why did he not insist on proving there was no beastie?
-Because he disdained to argue with little kids. Also he was a fan of adventure, so he wanted to find out the answer by himself while hunting.
What did Ralph, as leader, suggest the most important thing to do was?
- To keep a at the top of the mountain as a signal for rescue.
Why do they start a fire?
- They wanted to use the smoke of fire as a signal for rescue.
How do they start a fire?
-They started a fire by focusing sunlight through the lenses of Piggy’s glasses.
Who is responsible for keeping the fire going?
-Jack and his followers ( Sam and Eric are responsible for keeping the fire going at night)
When the fire gave only a flame and no smoke, who made the only practical suggestion and what was it?
-Maurice suggested that they should put on green branches to the fire.
Why did Piggy not help with the fire?
1. He had been mocked by the boys several times, and Jack was acting rudely to him. 2. He didn’t think lighting up fire was the most important thing to do. They should firstly make shelters by the beach instead. 3. He was more focusing on finding out if all boys were there.
The runaway fire burned up their nearest available wood, but that was not the greatest disaster. What was it?
- The little boy with a mark on face disappeared. He had been probably burnt to death.
Find two similes to describe the flames.
-1. One patch touched a tree trunk and scrambled up like a bright squirrel. 2. The flames, as though they were a kind of wild fire, crept as a jaguar creeps on its belly toward a line of rich-like saplings that fledged an outcrop of the pink rock.
Jack says, “After all, we’re not savages. We’re English…” What one word describes this kind of statement, knowing what we do? What has Jack already done in this chapter to disprove what he has said?
-Irony. He disproved his words by rudely asking Piggy to shut up, ignoring the fact that Piggy was holding the conch.
What additional purpose do they find for the conch?
- The people who could be speaking during the group meeting were the ones who held the conch in their hands.
What is the boys’ major concern at the end of this chapter?
- Where is the little boy with a mark on face?