
坚持英语学习打卡 之 翻译篇(29)

2017-05-17  本文已影响96人  HF的平方



鸦片战争    The Opium War

甲午战争     The First Sino-Japanese War

日本侵华战争  The Japanese War of Aggression against China

惨遭屠戮    be subject to the butchering

列强     strong powers

野蛮的经济掠夺    barbarian economic depredation

生灵涂炭     the horrendous suffering of the people

连年内乱     years of successive civil strife and chaos

艰辛探索    make arduous/strenuous explorations

开启新的征程    embark on a new journey

实践充分证明     Practice has amply demonstrated that...

符合      conform to

中国国情        China’s reality

坚定不移地     unswervingly


优质译法Parting with her weighed overwhelmingly heavy on my mind, as her days were literally numbered but there were no family around her.

技巧点拨:注意中文句子中的因果逻辑关系,可以适当调整句式。Weigh heavy on表示“给...带来很大压力或重大影响”,注意“时日无多”的翻译her days were numbered


优质译法:Back then mother lost all her sight and had to turn to ghostwriters. As such, letters from her were invariably cut and dried, but were stamped by mother herself. Blind as she was, she groped for the right corner to put a stamp on.

技巧点拨:ghostwrite作动词,指“代笔,代写”,ghostwriter表示“代笔者”,turn to ghostwriters指“请人代笔”。“摸索”可以用grope。


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