

2016-05-04  本文已影响99人  谢行知


The father and mother dolls, who sprawled very stiff as though they had fainted in the drawing-room, and their too little children asleep upstairs, were really too big for the doll’s house. They didn’t look as though they belonged. But the lamp was perfect. It seemed to smile at Kezia, to say, ‘I live here.’ The lamp was real.

[The Burnell children could hardly walk to school fast enough the next morning. They burned to tell everybody, to describle, too---well---to boast about their doll’s house before the school-bell rang.]

‘I’m to tell,’ said Isabel, ‘because I’m the eldest. And you two can join in after. But I’m to tell first.’

There was nothing to answer. Isable was bossy, but she was always right, and Lottie and Kezia knew too well the powers that went with being eldest. They brushed through the thick buttercups at the road edge said nothing

‘And I;m not choose who’s to come and see it first. Mother said I might.’

For it had been arranged ask the girls at school, two at at time, to come and look. Not to stay to tea, of course, or to come traipsing through the house. But just to stand quietly in the courtyard while Isabel pointed out the beauties, and Lottie and Kezia looked pleased……

But hurry as they might, by the time they had reached the tarred paintings of the boys’ playground the bell had begun to jangle. They only just had time to whip off their hats and fall into line before the roll was called. Never mind. Isabel tried to make up for it by looking very important and mysterious and by whispering behind her hand to the girls near her, ‘Got something to tell you at playing.’
Playtime came and Isabel was surrounded. The girls of her class nearly fought to put their arms round her, to walk away with her, to beam flatteringly, to be her special friend. She held quite a court under the huge pine trees at the side of the playground. Nudging, giggling together, the little girls pressed up close.]

And the only two who stayed outside the ring were the two who were always outside, the lillte Kelveys. They knew better than to come anywhere near the Burnells.

For the fact was, the school the Burnell children went to was not at all the kind of place their parents would have chosen for miles. And the consequence was all the children in the neighbourhood, the Judge’s little girls, the doctor’s daughters, the storekeeper’s children, the milkman’s, were forced to mix together. Not to speak of there being an equal number of rude, rough little boys as well. But the line had to be drawn somewhere. It was drawn at the Kelveys.Many of the children, including the Burnells, were not allowed even to speak to them. They walked past the Kelveys with their beads in the air, and as they set the fashion in all matters of behaviour, the Kelveys were shuned by everybody. Even the teacher had a special voice for them, and a special smile for the other children when Lil Kelveys came up to her desk with a bunch of dreadfully common- looking flowers.

They were the daughters of a spry, hard-working little washerwomen, who went ahout form house to house by the day. This was awful enough. But where was Mr.Kelvey ? Nobody knew for certain. But everybody said he was in prison……

















没有什么好说的,Isable性格蛮横,但她总是对的。Lottie 和 Kezia知道跟着她总没错。他们自顾拉着薄薄的毛茛,在路边一句话也没说。

早些时候,玩具屋还矗立在庭院里,他们计划,可能让Lottie 和 Kezia一同过来观看。不会让她们留下喝茶,当然啦,也不会在院子里散步。仅仅是,Isabel在庭院里给Lottie and Kezia介绍玩具屋的动人之处,让其静静欣赏,玩味。




事实上,如果Burnells爸妈有别的选择,他们不会让Burnells去这所学校。可惜没有,这是方圆几公里仅有的学校。结果呢,Judge家的小女儿,医生家的女儿,保管员家的孩子,送奶员的孩子,这些邻居家的孩子都聚集在一块儿。还有不少粗鲁,野蛮的男孩儿。但必须得有个区分,Kelvey家的孩子就是这条线。许多孩子,包括Burnell家的孩子,都不许跟他们讲话。他们走路遇见小Kelvey,都是视而不见。有什么流行的行为,液都将其排除在外。当Kelvey 抱着一束其貌不扬的花走到老师桌子前,老师的笑容液异样起来,甚至讲话的强调都变了。








