
[FFmpeg Cmd]AudioSpeed调节音频流播放速度

2022-12-02  本文已影响0人  _小老虎_


How to speed up / slow down an audio stream with ffmpeg

Sat, 2015.04.25 - 23:59 — müzso
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20speed%20up%20/%20slow%20down%20a%20videoUse the "atempo" filter:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:a "atempo=0.5" -vn output.aac
The above example will extract the audio stream from the input video, slow it down by 2 and reencode it into an AAC audio file.
The parameter for atempo must be between 0.5 and 2.0. If you want to slow it down even more, you can use the atempo filter more than once.
Eg. to slow it down by 4:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:a "atempo=0.5,atempo=0.5" -vn output.aac

音频用asetpts=PTS/2.0 是没用的

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