1、rival v
eg:Their economic heftrivals whole countries'.
2.nowhere near 远远没有,相差很远
My paper is nowhere near finished.
She is nowhere near as slim as you are.
Real AI is nowhere near as advanced asits usual portrayal in fiction.真正的AI远不如虚构作品中惯常描写的那般先进
3. pale in comparison 相形见绌
The share of teenagers who receive secondary education in Sub-Sahara Africa pales in comparison with that in Europe.撒哈拉以南非洲的接受过中等教育的青少年的比例和欧洲相比相形见绌
5.offer/open a window into…
A conversation couldoffer a window deep into someone’s soul.从谈吐就能看出一个人的灵魂
Books offer a window into a bigger world.读书使人开阔眼界
Traveling offers a window into various lifestyles.
his paper / book offers a window into / on…(
书的主要内容)该论文阐述了…/ 这本书讲述了
6、At first glance…; Take a closer look, though, …
①At first glance, food delivery is a huge boon. ②With just a few clicks on the smartphone screen, one can order whatever cuisine their heart desires. ③Take a closer look, though, and the business is the bane of the environment. ④Restaurants often bundle unnecessary cutlery, napkins and chopsticks (which are usually discarded after the meal) with orders. ⑤By one estimate, each day about 65m meal-containers are thrown away.乍一看,外卖给生活带来了巨大便利。在智能手机屏幕上点几下,就可以下单任何想吃的食物。但仔细一琢磨,这个行业也给环境带来了危害。餐馆经常把餐具、餐巾纸和外卖订单绑定在一起,用户吃完后就会随手把这些东西扔掉。根据一项估计,每天有6500万餐盒被丢掉。
sth that makes life better or easier for someone有用之物,好处,益处
sth that causes trouble or makes people unhappy有害之物,坏处,弊端
be the bane of sth
At first glance,Meidea's economic heft rivals with GREE.Both of them offer a window into the power of mading in China.Take a closer look,though,Meidea is pale in comparison with GREE in air conditioning.